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Astral Remedies,"Kavach Information", Free

The professional matters are one of the important and pivotal facets of life. The success of life in other fields such as relationships, social recognition, self-actualization, mental peace, sense of achievement, etc. etc. is dependent upon the professional success of the person.
The delay professional settlement and setbacks in a profession causes serious setbacks to the mental and physical health of the person. The delays and setbacks are caused by:
a) When the prime and secondary determinants are weak.
b) When the prime determinants are badly placed.
c) When the Sun or Sun-like planets are weak and severely afflicted.
d) When the most effective points of the houses governing professional matters are under the close influence of the functional malefic planets or the most malefic planet.
We shall now take up case studies to demonstrate the impact of weakness and afflictions to the professional determinants and the most effective points of the houses ruling the professional matters. The weakness of the professional determinants result in ordinary or routine careers with delayed settlement while the afflictions result into professional setbacks. The case studies include the charts where problems arose due to natal afflictions and charts where problems arose due to the transit influences, but were short lived. The case studies further include the charts where the professional setbacks were averted with the help of the performance of astrological remedial measures. The case studies also include charts where for lack of trust in the power of the astrological remedial measures, the individuals did not perform the suggested astral remedies and suffered professional reversals. These individuals were the so-called believers in destiny. When they believe in destiny, it is not understood why they cannot treat the performance of the astral remedies as part of the destiny. To derive the full benefits of the astral remedies, it is important that Jupiter or the lord of the ninth house or the fourth house is well placed or strong in the nativity.

The sign Scorpio rises in the ascendant. The Sun and Jupiter are the prime determinants of professional matters in this case. Cancer rises in the dasamsa ascendant. The Moon becomes the additional prime determinant of professional matters. Mars, Venus, Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets. The Moon and Jupiter act as Sun-like planets.
The Sun is placed in the fifth house and is weak. Jupiter, the lord of the house of status, is in infancy and placed in the ninth house. It is weak but closely influences the ascendant. The Moon acts like a Sun but is weak as it is placed in the house of conflicts. Mars closely influences the most effective point of the houses occupied and aspected and the planets, the Moon and Venus. Both Mars and Venus are weak due to infancy. The most malefic planet, Venus, exerts its close malefic influence on the ascendant.
The group of planets the Sun, Jupiter, Mars, Venus and the Moon give a predominant interest in the profession of general administration and engineering. The lord of the house of gains, Mercury, is debilitated and in utter infancy. The lord of the fourth house, Saturn, is strong and placed in the house of professional education. The native is an engineer due to the significant impact of Saturn. But the weakness of the prime determinants, additional prime determinant and secondary determinants resulted into prolonged unemployment for the person in spite of his being an engineer signified by the lords of the fourth and tenth houses in the fifth house. He was prescribed thewearing of a Kavach for strengthening the weak functional benefic planets, which could bless him with a job in the beginning of the year 1995.

The sign Gemini rises in the ascendant. The prime determinant of professional matters, the Moon, is placed in the twelfth house and is weak. No mooltrikona sign rises in dasamsa. The Sun becomes a secondary determinant of professional matters. Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets. The Moon and Saturn act as Sun-like planets.
The Sun, Mercury and Venus have a weak dispositor. Venus, the lord of the fifth house ruling intelligence, is additionally weak due to infancy and its mooltrikona house being under the exact affliction of Ketu and Rahu. The Sun, the lord of the third house ruling entrepreneurship, is additionally weak due to its mooltrikona house being under the exact affliction of Rahu. Mars is placed in the ascendant in close conjunction with Jupiter. Both Mars and Jupiter are weak due to old age but closely influence the most effective point of the ascendant and houses aspected. The impact of the close influence of Mars and Jupiter is somehow lost as these planets and the most effective point of the ascendant are under the close malefic influence of Ketu. Saturn is weak as the most effective point of its mooltrikona house is under the exact afflicting aspect of the most malefic planet, Ketu.
Due to the utter weakness of Venus and exact affliction of the fifth house, the native could not attain success in education and due to the operation of the main period of afflicted Mars in the career building years, the native could turned out to be an average student. The following main period of Rahu, which afflicts the most effective points of the houses occupied and aspected, resulted into a poor professional career for the native. The native sought astral remedies in the sub-period of the functional benefic planet, Venus, which is well placed but weak. The performance of the astral remedies concurrent to the sub-period of well-placed but weak Sun blessed the native with retaining his job as well as some additional financial gains. Whenever the lord of the second house containing a mooltrikona sign goes to the twelfth house ruling losses and distant places, the native has to move for acquisition of status to a distant land or foreign place. In other words, the rise of the person is not seen at his/her native place.
FEMALE BORN 29TH DECEMBER 1967, 0346 HRS. 81E36 25N23, INDIA.

The sign Scorpio rises in the ascendant. The Sun and Jupiter are the prime determinants of professional matters in this case. Cancer rises in the dasamsa ascendant. The Moon becomes the additional prime determinant of professional matters. Mars, Venus, Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets. The Moon and Jupiter act as Sun-like planets.
The Sun and Jupiter are placed in the second and tenth houses, respectively, but are weak as the most effective points of their mooltrikona houses and their houses of placement are both under the exact affliction of Rahu, from the sixth house. The Moon acts like a Sun but is also weak as the most effective point of its house of placement is under the exact affliction of the most malefic planet, Venus, and it is debilitated in rasi and dasamsa. Besides Rahu, Mars also closely influences the most effective point of the tenth house unfavorably. Venus, being in infancy, is very weak as the most effective points of its mooltrikona house and its house of placement are both exactly afflicted. Mercury, ruling income and gains, is well placed but very weak due to exact combustion, exact affliction to the most effective point of its house of placement and weakness of its dispositor. The most malefic planet, Venus, exerts its exact malefic influence on the ascendant and the seventh house. The group of planets the Sun, Jupiter, Mercury, Mars and the Moon, in general, give a predominant interest in the profession of general administration and engineering. The lord of the fourth house is weak but well placed in the fifth house of professional education. The weakness of the prime determinants, additional prime determinant, and secondary determinants failed to give good results due to the exact afflicting influence of Rahu, Ketu and Venus to the most effective points of various houses in the chart. The impact of malefic aspects becomes further grave if the aspecting planets are placed in malefic houses, as in this case. The placement of the exalted lord of the sixth house in the third house provides coverage to the bad influence of Venus so far as the matters of health are concerned.
Despite her good qualifications indicated by the placement of Saturn in the fifth house and Jupiter in the tenth house, the native could only get a routine job. The good placement of the lord of the house of fortune in its sign of debilitation also failed to promote the matters in life. Persistent performance of astral remedies is necessary for marital happiness and professional rise. The afflictions in the chart were coupled with bad operating planetary periods at a time when both the professional and marital affairs were to be settled.
MALE BORN 8TH MAY 1970, 0725 HOURS, 78E22 20N40, INDIA.

The sign Taurus rises in the ascendant. The lord of the tenth house, Saturn, becomes the prime determinant of professional matters. The sign Cancer rises in dasamsa and the Moon becomes the additional prime determinant of professional matters. Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets. The Moon acts as a Sun-like planet.
Saturn, Sun and Mercury are placed in the twelfth house ruling loss of status and going to distant places in search of status. All three planets are weak due to bad placement and the utter weakness of their dispositor. Saturn is in its sign of debilitation. Both Mars and Venus are in exact conjunction and mutually afflict each other besides exactly afflicting the most effective points of the ascendant and houses aspected. Ketu aspects and afflicts weak Saturn. Jupiter is weak, as it is badly placed, and due to the weakness of its dispositor.
Mars is placed in its sign of debilitation in dasamsa. Saturn is placed in its sign of exaltation in dasamsa but this exaltation could not be of much help as Saturn is weak, badly placed and afflicted in the natal chart.
The close affliction to the most effective point of the fourth house by Mars, Ketu and Rahu resulted in poor school education and he had to leave his studies in twelfth standard. The exalted and well associated lord of the fourth house, however, shows good position of the parents.
Born in a family of medicos and availability of good opportunities in life, the native could not get a good education for a stable status in life through education due to the weakness and affliction to both the lord of the tenth house and the most effective point of the tenth house. Since birth and up to February 2011, the native ran the main periods of afflicting/badly placed planets. The Rahu-Ketu axis is close to the most effective points of the houses occupied and aspected, including the most effective point of the house of status.
The astral remedies were sought in the beginning of the sub-period of Jupiter, the performance of which helped in establishing a small communication facility for the public.

The sign Sagittarius rises in the ascendant. Mercury becomes the prime determinant of professional matters. The ascendant of the dasamsa is Virgo and its lord becomes an additional primary determinant of professional matters. The Moon, Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets. Saturn acts as a Sun-like planet in this case.
Mercury is badly placed and under the exact affliction of Ketu and Rahu. The most malefic planet, the Moon, closely influences the tenth house, becoming a secondary determinant. The lord of the third house, Saturn, is strong and placed in its own mooltrikona house. Saturn blesses the native with a lot of initiative. The well-placed Sun is weak due to infancy. The Sun and Jupiter closely aspect each other, which is good despite the weakness of these planets.
The placement of strong Venus in the house of status gave the native education in the field of architecture. As the lord of the fifth house is in the state of infancy, the level was kept to a low standard and the native could acquire only a diploma qualification. The good placement of the weak Sun blessed him with a job with the state. The strong Saturn was impelling him for venturing into business but the hurdles due to the badly placed and afflicted lord of the tenth house, which is lord of the ascendant of dasamsa, as well, impelled the native to seek astrological remedial measures in the sub-period of Mercury in the main period of Jupiter. As Mercury is placed in the twelfth house and its sub-period was going to be followed by the sub-period of afflicting Ketu, the enthusiasm of the native in performance of the suggested remedies was not up to the mark. When planets are indicating tragic happenings then people usually do not perform remedies to protect themselves against the expected losses and the weakness of Jupiter and the lord of the ninth house is always a contributing factor in this regard.
MALE BORN 7TH OCTOBER 1964, 0619 HRS. 76E00 29N20, INDIA.

The sign Virgo rises in the ascendant. The lord of the second house, Venus, becomes the prime determinant of professional matters as there is no mooltrikona sign in the tenth house. No mooltrikona sign rises in the ascendant of the dasamsa. Saturn, Mars, the Sun, Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets. Venus acts as a Sun-like planet in this case.
The prime determinant of profession, Venus, is badly placed in the chart and is weak. Venus is closely afflicted by the aspect of Saturn. The functional malefic Sun closely influences the most effective point of the ascendant and the seventh house. Due to close affliction of the ascendant even the exaltation of Mercury could not show significant results as Mercury becomes weak. The most malefic planet, Mars, closely afflicts the houses occupied and aspected including the second and fifth houses relating to professional matters. The lord of the house of gains, the Moon, is very weak as the most effective points of its mooltrikona house and its house of placement are under the exact affliction of the most malefic planet, Mars, and it is weakly disposed, and debilitated in navamsa. Besides, it is closely afflicted by the functional malefic planet, Rahu. Jupiter is well placed but weak due to infancy and debilitation in navamsa. Jupiter is also debilitated in dasamsa. Saturn is weak as its MT house and house of placement is exactly afflicted by the MMP.
The various afflictions and the operation of the main periods of Rahu, weak Jupiter and placement of the lord of the second house in the twelfth house could not bless the native with a good job in spite of the exalted lord of the ascendant which occupies an exalted dasamsa, as well. The native is in a meagre job with a small-time private company. His marriage was inordinately delayed due to the weakness of the second lord and the close affliction to the most effective points of the seventh and second houses.

The sign Cancer rises in the ascendant. Mars and the Sun become the prime determinants of professional matters and both of these planets are closely afflicted by the most malefic planet. No mooltrikona sign rises in the ascendant of dasamsa. Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets. Mercury acts as a Sun-like planet.
The Moon is strong and placed in the ninth house and closely influences the most effective point of the third house. Jupiter, the lord of the sixth house, is closely afflicting the combust planets Venus and Mercury besides afflicting the Sun. The Sun is placed in its sign of debilitation in dasamsa. Jupiter is also weak due to combustion. The most malefic planet, Saturn, closely afflicts Jupiter, the Sun, Mercury and Mars placed in the ascendant. Mars, the lord of the tenth house, is additionally weak due to debilitation. Taken together the chart does not auger well for professional success and indicates participation in a business due to the close influence of the Moon on the most effective point of the third house. None of the functional malefic planets closely influences the most effective point of the houses occupied.
The native belongs to a well-established family but lacked professional satisfaction. He incurred continuous business losses and had changes in the business line one after the other, but because of the affliction of the most malefic planet to the lord of the house of the status and wealth and to the lord of the house of profession debilitated Mars, the native could not find any success. Astral remedies advised for stability and prosperity in future business ventures helped to some extent.
MALE BORN 8TH SEPTEMBER 1949, 1535 HRS. 81E50 25N26.

The sign Capricorn rises in the ascendant. Venus and Saturn become the prime determinants of professional matters. The ascendant of the dasamsa is Libra and its lord Venus is also the additional primary determinant of professional matters. The Sun, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets. Mercury and Saturn act as Sun-like planets in this case.
Venus is very weak as it is in its sign of debilitation and is in extreme old age. Saturn is combust and badly placed. The lord of the fourth house, though weak due to debilitation, closely aspects and promotes the ascendant, tenth and second houses to some extent. Jupiter is in extreme old age and weak. The Sun is weak due to debilitation in navamsa. The Moon is well placed but weak due to infancy. The Moon closely influences the most effective point of the third and ninth houses. Exalted Mercury is strong in the ninth house.
He has a routine job and even that job was threatened because of the bad placement and combustion of the lord of the second house in the sub-periods of the most malefic planet, the Sun, during the main period of Venus, the weak tenth lord. The astral remedies were sought when the native was expecting an arrest. As a result of the performance of propitiatory remedies for the functional malefic planets and wearing of a Kavach, the native could come out of the troubles.

The sign Cancer rises in the ascendant. Mars and the Sun become the prime determinants of professional matters. The sign Sagittarius rises in the ascendant of dasamsa and its lord, Jupiter, becomes the additional prime determinant of professional matters. Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets. Mercury acts as a Sun-like planet.
The Moon is well placed in the ninth house but is exactly conjunct with the most malefic planet. Jupiter is weak due to the weakness and affliction of its dispositor. Mars, the lord of the tenth house, is weak due to old age. The Sun is weak due to bad placement. Mercury and Venus are weak due to old age. The Sun and Mercury are placed in their signs of debilitation in dasamsa.
The placement of the lord of the ascendant in the house of fortune indicates that the native will have to play a major role in making her own life and career. The influence of Mars on the tenth house makes her quite dynamic. The bad placement of Mercury and its weakness does not show greater success in this case. Jupiter in ascendant, being the lord of the sixth house, makes her self-willed and fully resolved to make her way to success despite all odds. The influence of Saturn on the Moon gave the native male companionship, which was not liked by the parents. The native sought astrological help in the sub-period of Rahu in the main period of Venus for a stable career and harmonious relationship.
MALE BORN 1ST JULY 1970, 0520 HRS. 77E47 23N31, INDIA.

The sign Gemini rises in the ascendant. The lord of the second house, the Moon, becomes the prime determinant of professional matters as there is no mooltrikona sign in the tenth house. Virgo rises in the ascendant of dasamsa and Mercury becomes the additional prime determinant of professional matters. The Moon is exalted in dasamsa and no planet is in debilitation in dasamsa. Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets. Saturn and the Moon act as Sun-like planets in this case.
The prime determinant Moon is placed in the twelfth house of the natal chart in its sign of exaltation. This position of the Moon indicates that the person goes to foreign lands or distant places in search of status. Venus ruling the fifth house is placed in the second house. Venus becomes weak due to the weakness of its dispositor. The Rahu-Ketu axis is exactly over the most effective points of the ninth and third houses afflicting the houses occupied and aspected. This makes the planets Sun, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and Mars weak as the axis exactly afflicts the mooltrikona signs of these planets. The exact affliction of Rahu to the most effective point of the ascendant makes combust Mercury, the Sun and combust Mars further weak. The education of the native was average with obstructions in the main period of Rahu causing strong afflictions to the most effective points of the ascendant, third, fifth and ninth houses and the lord of the fourth house. The said affliction of Rahu turned the native into a loafer and he did not even pay any attention to his family business. The parents and elder brothers sent the native to a distant place for venturing into a new business so that his undesirable company at the native place was dislocated. Astrological consultation and remedies were sought for success in the new business venture.

The sign Aries rises in the ascendant. The ascendant lord, Mars, becomes the prime determinant of professional matters as there is no mooltrikona sign in the tenth and second houses. The ascendant of the dasamsa is Cancer and the Moon becomes the additional prime determinant of professional matters. Mars and Saturn are in their signs of exaltation in dasamsa. Mercury, Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets. Jupiter acts as a Sun-like planet.
Mars is placed in the twelfth house and weak. The Moon and Saturn are strong in the chart. Saturn closely influences the most effective point of the third house. The Sun is in its sign of exaltation but weak due to the weakness of dispositor and being debilitated in navamsa. The weak Sun is under the close afflicting aspect of Ketu. Venus is exalted but closely afflicted by the functional malefic Mercury. Mercury is in its sign of debilitation. Jupiter is weak due to the weakness of dispositor but aspects the Sun favorably. The placement of Venus and Mars besides indicating residences abroad indicates that the native would be a pleasure seeker and would have expensive hobbies.
The placement of the Sun, the Moon and Jupiter in this case became helpful and the native after learning flying became a commercial pilot. During the sub-period of Mercury in the main period of Saturn, the already inharmonious marital life of the native became intolerable and the native, who was earlier in the habit of consuming alcohol in a regular but controlled manner, became a drunkard. The atmosphere at his workplace also became hostile due to the influence of Mercury in the chart and his increased consumption of alcohol. The idle time of the native was being wrecked by alcoholism. Things severely persisted as the sub-period of functional malefic Mercury was to be followed by the sub-periods of Ketu and afflicted Venus.

The sign Libra rises in the ascendant. The Moon becomes the prime determinant of professional matters. The ascendant of the dasamsa is Sagittarius and its lord Jupiter becomes the additional primary determinant of professional matters. Venus and Mars are secondary determinants of professional matters. Mercury, Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets. Jupiter acts as a Sun-like planet in this case.
The Moon being the prime determinant for the professional matters is strong in the ascendant. Venus, the lord of the ascendant, is strong in the tenth house. Saturn, the lord of the fifth house, is strong in the second house and indicates that the native may acquire status in life through good academic and professional qualifications. The Sun ruling the house of income and the authority of the state is strong in the ninth house indicating income from foreign lands. Mars is weak due to debilitation. Jupiter is weak due to bad placement, debilitation in navamsa and infancy. Its dispositor, Mercury, is combust and under the close affliction of Rahu.
The native is an engineer by profession and is working with a government organization. Due to the good placement and strength of the prime and secondary determinants of profession and the Sun the native got a good job in a senior managerial capacity, but the affliction of the lord of the twelfth house resulted in a separation from the spouse and gave a lot of nervous pressure to the native which ultimately spoiled the relationships at his work place during the sub-periods of Rahu and Jupiter in the main period of Saturn and in the sub-period of Mercury in its own main period.

The sign Virgo rises in the ascendant. The lord of the second house, Venus, becomes the prime determinant of professional matters as there is no mooltrikona sign in the tenth house. Aquarius rises in the ascendant of the dasamsa and Saturn becomes the additional prime determinant of professional matters. Saturn, Mars, the Sun, Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets. Venus acts as a Sun-like planet in this case.
Venus, acting as the lord of the house of status and as Sun, closely influences the lord of the ascendant. Both of these planets are placed in the house of intellect and mutually benefit each other. Venus is combust and is closely afflicted/influenced by Rahu and the Sun. The impact of the Sun on Venus, however, can give employment with the state. The lord of the house of gains, the Moon, is weak due to infancy, bad placement and the weakness of dispositor. But the Moon closely influences the most effective point of the ascendant. Jupiter is well placed but weak due to old age. Jupiter closely influences the most effective points of the ascendant, ninth, third and fifth houses. Jupiter rules the knowledge of finance and law. Saturn is weak as it is debilitated in navamsa. Mercury being lord of the ascendant is weak due to combustion, exact afflicting aspect of Rahu and debilitation in navamsa.
The close influence of Jupiter and the Moon on the ascendant; of Venus on the lord of the ascendant; and of Saturn in its own mooltrikona sign in the sixth house blessed the native with the study of law and a position in judicial services. During the career building days, the native was running the main period of the planet Venus which is helpful in blessing him with such indications in his professional matters. The native is in judicial service. The afflictions of Rahu to Mercury and the Sun, however, caused sufferings to the native in the discharge of his duties and also caused setbacks.
MALE BORN 6TH SEPTEMBER 1937, 1615 HRS. 79E43 27N31, INDIA.

The sign Capricorn rises in the ascendant. Venus and Saturn become the prime determinants of professional matters. The ascendant of the dasamsa is Sagittarius and its lord, Jupiter, becomes the additional prime determinant of professional matters. No planet is placed in its sign of debilitation in dasamsa. The Sun, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets. Mercury and Saturn act as Sun-like planets in this case.
The lord of the second house ruling status is strong in the third house ruling communications and business ventures and indicates very good status in life coming there from. Venus, ruling the tenth house, is placed in the seventh house and indicates venturing into partnerships and at distant places. Venus gets aspected by a debilitated Rahu by a ninth aspect but is saved from special affliction as it is otherwise strong. In dasamsa Venus is weak due to placement in 8th house and is placed along with the Moon, the 8th lord of the D-10. The Sun is weak due to debilitation in navamsa and suffers from 25% affliction due to the close aspect of Jupiter. Though weak, the Sun in its own mooltrikona sign in eighth house is indicative of good financial gains to father. The fourth lord Mars and the ninth lord Mercury are strong in the chart indicating good family assets and prosperity. The lord of the twelfth house, Jupiter, is strong indicating good comforts available in life.
The native initiated a partnership business in the year 1995 in the sub-period of Ketu in the main period of Saturn. There was some misunderstanding among the partners from the very beginning. There were problems in both business and partnership, thus the native suffered losses in the sub-period of Ketu. The losses increased in the sub-period of Venus as the lord of 12th house Jupiter transited 12th house and afflicted the natal position of the Sun for a prolonged period. Simultaneously the nodal axis was stationary with transit Ketu aspecting on his natal Mars and thereafter Rahu and Ketu transited over their own natal positions. In the year 1997, that is within the sub-period of Venus, Jupiter transited its debilitation sign, remaining in old age for a prolonged period and thereafter being afflicted by natal Ketu of the nodal axis which further complicated the situation. Debilitated and weak transit Jupiter could not protect the financial interests of native and in fact, made them further prone to setbacks. The planetary configurations indicate losses in business and losses/problems in family assets and inheritance matters as well. To augment the power of weak planets to enable them to withstand the afflictions, the wearing of a Kavach was prescribed in an auspicious time. The propitiatory remedial measures were suggested for functional malefic planets, Jupiter, Rahu, Ketu and the Sun. As a result of the performance of propitiatory remedies for the functional malefic planets and the wearing of a Kavach, the native came out of the troubles within a short span of time, as the natal positions of his planets are quite strong and well configured.
MALE BORN 10TH AUGUST 1954, 2200 HRS. 77E37 29N28, INDIA.

The sign Pisces rises in the ascendant. Jupiter and Mars become the prime determinants of professional matters. The ascendant of the dasamsa is Cancer and its lord becomes the additional prime determinant of professional matters. The Sun, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets. Mars acts as a Sun-like planet in this case.
Jupiter is strong in the fourth house. Mars is weak due to infancy and is placed in the tenth house. The placement of Mars in the tenth house links status in life through the profession. The lord of the fifth house, the Moon, is strong in the chart. It rules the fifth house and its placement in the tenth house rules professional attainments for the person. The functional malefic Sun closely afflicts the most effective point of the eleventh house. Mercury becomes weak due to combustion and close affliction of Saturn. Venus is weak due to debilitation.
During the main period of Mars the native confronted problems in job due to the weakness of Mars in the main chart and the afflicting aspect of Rahu to the second house. The weakness of Venus shows loss of comforts in life. In September, 1995, during the sub-period of Saturn in the main period of Mars, when the native sought astrological help, it was suggested he wear a Kavach for strengthening the weak functional benefic planets. Propitiatory remedies were also recommended, the performance of which made life easier by eliminating problems in his job.

The sign Leo rises in the ascendant. Mercury becomes the prime determinant of professional matters. Libra ruled by Venus rises in the ascendant of dasamsa and Venus becomes the additional prime determinant of professional matters. Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are debilitated in dasamsa. The Sun is a secondary determinant of professional matters. The Moon, Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets. Mercury, Venus and Mars act as Sun-like planets.
The Sun is strong in degree in the tenth house near its most effective point. The tenth house is afflicted by a close aspect of MMP debilitated Moon to its MEP, which causes weakness and affliction for the Sun which is also closely aspected by MMP Moon. The lord of the third house, Venus, is strong in the eleventh house indicating good income through one's business ventures. The lord of the second house, Mercury, is combust and placed in the ninth house. It is additionally weak due to the weakness of dispositor. The lord of the fifth house, Jupiter, is weak due to infancy and due to exact affliction by the most malefic planet, the Moon. The Moon also afflicts the most effective point of the fourth house. The close afflictions caused by the Moon indicate losses due to speculative investments and loss of assets.
The native received good gains through his business ventures and invested them in speculation of stocks. During the year 1995 in the main and sub-period of badly placed Ketu, the native suffered huge losses through speculative investments in stocks. The planetary influences were explained to the native and he was advised to refrain from highly risky/speculative investments. He was also suggested the astral remedies.

The sign Cancer rises in the ascendant. Mars and the Sun become the prime determinants of professional matters. The sign Cancer rises in the ascendant of dasamsa and its lord, the Moon, also becomes the additional prime determinant for the professional matters. No planet is placed in its sign of debilitation in dasamsa.
Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets. Mercury acts as a Sun-like planet.
Mars, the lord of the tenth house, though weak due to the weakness of dispositor, is well placed in the house of status and indicates status in life through profession. The Moon is well placed in the third house connects personality with communication and PR skills making her and extrovert but becomes weak as it is exactly under the afflicting aspect of Jupiter and its dispositor is badly placed. Venus is strong in the eleventh house. Jupiter is weak due to debilitation. Jupiter closely afflicts the most effective points of the houses occupied and aspected. The Sun being lord of the house of status is in the ascendant but is weak due to infancy and due to exact affliction caused by the most malefic planet, Saturn, which becomes secondary determinant for professional matters. Mercury is weak due to bad placement.
The planetary influences are quite complex in this nativity. The interplay of Mars, Sun, Jupiter and the Moon brought the native into the state revenue service. The close afflictions caused problems both in job and in relationships. The affliction of Saturn to the Sun caused hurdles in the way of native's promotion. When the native was overlooked for promotion for a couple of years, she looked for astrological help. The propitiating measures for the afflicting planets Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu were suggested. The native was also advised to wear a Kavach in an auspiciously elected time. The native got her promotion within six months of her performing the astral remedies, as advised.
The strengthening measures are suggested for all the functional benefic planets even if they are not weak and afflicted in the natal chart. The strengthening measures provide a preventive cover to the planets against their transit weakness. Similarly, the propitiating remedial measures are advised for all the functional malefic planets even if they are not forming close afflictions in the natal chart. The propitiating remedial measures provide a preventive cover for transit and natal afflictions.

The sign Leo rises in the ascendant. Mercury becomes the prime determinant of professional matters. Libra ruled by Venus rises in the ascendant of dasamsa and Venus becomes the additional prime determinant of the professional matters. Jupiter is in its sign of debilitation in dasamsa. The Moon, Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets. Mercury, Venus and Mars act as Sun-like planets.
The Sun is placed in the eleventh house near the most effective point but becomes weak due to the exact affliction of Ketu. The lord of the third house, Venus, is well placed in the ninth house but becomes weak due to the weak dispositor. Mars is in infancy and afflicted by the Rahu/Ketu axis. The lord of the second house, Mercury, is combust and placed in the afflicted eleventh house. The lord of the fifth house, Jupiter, is weak due to debilitation and placement in the sixth house. Saturn becomes weak due to bad placement. The Moon closely afflicts the most effective points of the second and eighth houses. The close afflictions caused by the Moon indicate professional setbacks, expenses and loss of assets/wealth. Rahu-Ketu axis is on the most effective points of the houses and closely afflicts all the houses occupied and aspected.
The birth in the sign Leo and the good placement of Venus and Mars give indications of venturing into business, which the native did in this case. The weakness of the planet ruling intelligence and afflictions to various houses created numerous problems for the native in the main period of Rahu and the sub-periods of weak and afflicting planets.
Besides the business problems the native suffered from high blood pressure due to the severe affliction to the Sun. The native also had a weak liver due to the bad placement of the lord of the fifth house. Due to the weaknesses and afflictions enumerated above, the native had multiple and serious problems in life. The planetary influences were explained to the native and he was suggested the astral remedies. However, such natives are looking for some magical remedies. They do not practice patience for the steady improvements and are not inclined to perform the astral remedies in a religious manner. The net result is that sufferings continued unabated and the loss of wealth and health finally caused serious damages.

The sign Capricorn rises in the ascendant. Venus and Saturn become the prime determinants of professional matters. The ascendant of the dasamsa is Sagittarius and its lord Jupiter becomes the additional prime determinant of the professional matters. Mars is placed in its sign of debilitation in dasamsa. The Sun, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets. Mercury and Saturn act as Sun-like planets in this case.
Mercury and Mars are strong in the chart, and near the most effective points of the houses. Saturn, ruling the house of status, is well placed in the tenth house but becomes weak due to combustion. Though Saturn is exalted it gave no strength as its dispositor is debilitated and weak. Saturn closely influences the most effective points of the tenth, twelfth, fourth and seventh houses and becomes helpful to some extent. The Sun is debilitated and placed in the tenth house. Jupiter is weak due to infancy and bad placement. The Moon is weak due to bad placement.
Strong Mars and well-placed Saturn in the sign Libra brought the native into state medical services. The placement of the lord of the house ruling losses in the sixth house indicates losses through disputes. During the sub-period of Jupiter in its main period, the native confronted hostile behavior of the colleagues and superiors and had to resort to move to a court of law for getting her monthly salary. The native is a post graduate medico and because of the afflictions in the chart found grave problems in her professional career.
To augment the power of weak planets and enable them to withstand the afflictions, the wearing of a Kavach was prescribed in an auspicious time. The propitiatory remedial measures were suggested for functional malefic planets, Jupiter, Rahu, Ketu and the Sun. As a result of the performance of propitiatory remedies for the functional malefic planets and wearing a Kavach, the native could come out of her troubles and successfully managed the long period of the unfavorable planets.

The sign Aries rises in the ascendant. The ascendant lord, Mars, becomes the prime determinant of professional matters as there is no mooltrikona sign in the tenth and second houses. The ascendant of the dasamsa is Cancer and the Moon becomes the additional prime determinant of professional matters. Mercury, Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets. Jupiter acts as a Sun-like planet.
Mars is placed in the sign Leo but weak due to combustion, debilitation in navamsa, a weak dispositor and close conjunction with the functional malefic Mercury. Mercury also afflicts the most effective points of the fifth and eleventh houses. The positive part of the influence of Mercury on Mars and the fifth house is that Mercury blesses the native with analytical power while the negative part of this conjunction is that it involves the native in disputes and causes illness. The Moon is placed close to the most effective point of the ascendant. The Sun is weak due to old age, a close affliction to its mooltrikona house and a close affliction from Ketu. Venus is strong in the chart. Venus and the Moon mutually aspect each other and influence the ascendant. Jupiter is well placed in the house of gains but is weak due to infancy and weakness of dispositor. Saturn is weak as it is badly placed.
The combined influence of Mars, Mercury, Moon and Venus in this nativity connects the results of executive power with the state in the field of a technical and engineering department. The affliction of Mercury to the fifth house and Mars and the affliction of Ketu to the Sun are indicative of loss of status, involvement in disputes, punitive action by the state and loss of reputation. The native, who rose to the level of a Chief Engineer due to the influence of the Moon and Venus ruling the state powers had a chequered career because of the afflictions. On various occasions he was placed under suspension, with suspension periods running up to even two years and finally he was dismissed from service at the age of 57 years. The weakness of Jupiter does not allow the native to adhere to the moral values and perform the astral remedies for long-lived relief.

The sign Pisces rises in the ascendant. Jupiter and Mars become the prime determinants of professional matters. The ascendant of the dasamsa is Gemini. No planet is debilitated in dasamsa. The Moon and Venus are secondary determinants of professional matters. The Sun, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets. Mars acts as a Sun-like planet in this case.
Jupiter is well placed in the second house in close conjunction with the lord of the fifth house, the Moon. Exalted Mars is weak due to a close affliction to the most effective point of the house of its placement by the Rahu-Ketu axis. The Rahu-Ketu axis closely afflicts all the houses occupied and aspected. The placement of the most malefic planet, Venus, in the tenth house near the most effective point of the house afflicts the tenth and fourth houses, weakens Venus and indicates problems in professional matters and assets. The functional malefic Sun is weak due to its placement in an afflicted house. Mercury becomes weak due to combustion, close affliction by functional malefic Sun and close affliction to the most effective point of the house of its placement. Saturn is weak due to infancy and bad placement in the eighth house. The exaltation of Saturn under such circumstances is of no significance.
The native, who was running a factory, confronted numerous and persisting obstructions, closures and shortages of finance during the latter part of the main period of Mars and during the sub-period of Rahu in its own main period. All the efforts of the native were fruitless, and he could not generate any income nor get benefits from his friends due to the severe affliction of Rahu to the most effective point of the eleventh house. During the sub-period of Jupiter in the main period of Rahu things changed to some extent but the obstructions continued. Jupiter's close influence on the most effective point of the tenth house indicates that the person will take advantage of the divine science/astral remedies. It is the sub-period of Jupiter which brought him to seek help in the form of astral remedies. The performance of both the propitiating remedial measures and strengthening remedial measures improved the situation of the native considerably and the native is running the factory in a comfortable manner.

The sign Leo rises in the ascendant. Mercury becomes the prime determinant of professional matters. Aquarius rises in the ascendant of dasamsa and Saturn becomes the additional prime determinant of professional matters. No planet is in its sign of debilitation in dasamsa. The Moon, Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets. Mercury, Venus and Mars act as Sun-like planets.
The Moon, being closely afflicted by the Rahu-Ketu axis, becomes weak and afflicted and thus making all the planets placed in its mooltrikona sign in the twelfth house very weak. The lord of the third house, Venus, is well placed in the ascendant but becomes weak due to its weak dispositor, the Sun. Venus, however, beneficially influences the most effective points of the ascendant and the seventh house. The lord of the fifth house, Jupiter, is weak due to infancy and weak dispositor. Saturn is weak due to old age and weak dispositor.
The birth in the sign Leo and the good placement of Venus ruling initiatives/entrepreneurship gives indications of venturing into business, which the native did in this case. Jupiter ruling mental inclinations and intellect is placed in the house of initiatives. The weakness of the planet ruling intelligence plus afflictions in the chart created numerous problems for the native in the main period of Rahu and the sub-periods of weak planets. The planets ruling the ascendant, the house of status and the house of fortune are all placed in the house of losses.
During the sub-period of Mercury in the main period of Jupiter the native started incurring losses. The native sought astrological help. The planetary influences were explained to the native and he was suggested the astral remedies. The performance of both the propitiating remedial measures and strengthening remedial measures helped the native considerably in curtailing the losses and his business started showing profits with good improvement from the sub-period of Venus in the main period of Jupiter, onwards.
MALE BORN 3RD FEBRUARY 1942, 0900 HRS. 74E50 30N56, INDIA.

The sign Aquarius rises in the ascendant. Saturn becomes the prime determinant for the professional matters as there is no mooltrikona sign either in the tenth or the second house. In dasamsa Virgo rises and Mercury becomes the additional prime determinant for professional matters. The Moon and Mercury are in their signs of debilitation in dasamsa. Mars, Jupiter and Ketu are secondary determinants of professional matters. The Moon, Mercury, Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets. Mars and Venus act as Sun-like planets.
The lord of the house of income, Jupiter, is strong in the fourth house connected with the business of real estate, etc. The lord of the ascendant is placed in the third house ruling business ventures and is weak due to debilitation, old age and a close affliction to the most effective point of the first house. The lord of the third house is strong and placed in the third house itself. The Rahu-Ketu axis is close to the most effective point of the houses of its location and afflicts the houses occupied and the fifth and ninth houses. The Sun is weak due to bad placement. Venus is also weak due to bad placement and combustion. The Moon is weak due to weakness of dispositor. The weaknesses and afflictions enumerated above indicate that the native would find a lot of obstructions. The placement of Sun and Venus in the house of losses indicates that during their operating planetary periods the native may incur losses. The placement of the Moon in the seventh house and Mercury in the ascendant are indicative of obstructions in life and involvement in disputes and debts besides bad health.
During the main period of Mars and the sub-periods of Rahu, Saturn, Mercury, Ketu, Venus, Sun and the Moon the native incurred huge losses in business and incurred heavy debts. During the sub-period of Rahu in its own main period, the native took up the job of developing a farm house even then his financial position continued to be uncomfortable to the extent of finding it difficult to support the family. The performance of astral remedies, however, provided some relief and his unemployed sons got employment providing a good financial support to the native.

The sign Taurus rises in the ascendant. The lord of the tenth house, Saturn, becomes the prime determinant of professional matters. The sign Taurus rises in dasamsa. No planet is in debilitation in dasamsa. Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets. The Moon acts as a Sun-like planet.
Saturn is well placed in the chart closely influencing the ascendant and the houses aspected. Saturn is weak due to debilitation in navamsa. The functional malefic Venus afflicts the most effective points of the fifth and eleventh houses disturbing mental peace and involving the source of income into disputes.
During the main period of Rahu and the sub-period of Ketu problems started creeping in regarding matters connected with the job/income. During the sub-period of Venus, when transit Ketu/Rahu was exerting its influence over the Moon and the most effective points of the fifth and eleventh houses, and transit Jupiter was afflicting natal Mercury and the most effective point of the second house in July-August, 1996, the employer of the native threatened the native with removal from her job for some alleged false claims for reimbursement of expenses.
The astral remedies were sought. The performance of both the propitiating remedial measures and strengthening remedial measures through a Kavach improved the situation. The threat was averted. The employer closed the matter of enquiry and the native remained in her job.

The sign Virgo rises in the ascendant. The lord of the second house, Venus, becomes the prime determinant of professional matters as there is no mooltrikona sign in the tenth house. Scorpio rises in the ascendant of the dasamsa. No planet is in its sign of debilitation in dasamsa. Rahu, Ketu and Mars are secondary determinants of professional matters. Saturn, Mars, the Sun, Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets. Venus acts as a Sun-like planet in this case.
Both the lords of the ascendant and the lord of the house of status are in the twelfth house ruling losses and expenses along with the Sun and Ketu. Both Mercury and Venus become weak. Jupiter, ruling the fourth house, is strong in the seventh house. Jupiter is near the most effective point of the house and benefically influences all the houses occupied and aspected. Mars is weak due to debilitation. The Moon ruling the house of income is strong in the fifth house. The functional malefics Saturn and the Sun do not cause significant afflictions in the natal chart. Strong Jupiter and placement of Mars in the house of gains indicate good financial status of the parents and good inheritance for the native. The planet ruling industry is placed in the ascendant.
During the year 1981 when the native was running the sub-period of Venus placed in the house of losses in the main period of Rahu placed in the house of losses through disputes, the native made an investment of the family wealth and set up an industry. The industry continued to give losses throughout the balance period of Rahu. The sub-period of Jupiter in its own main period helped a lot but could not recover the earlier losses fully. Saturn's sub-period in the main period of Jupiter also continued to give losses as Saturn rules the sixth house. During the sub-period of Saturn, the native borrowed huge sums of money to revive his industry, yet he could not reverse the trends.
Debts and taxes mounted to significant amounts. Ultimately, the unit was closed and the Government auctioned the factory to recover its own dues. The placement of Mercury, Ketu and Venus in the house of losses, close affliction of Mars to the houses occupied and aspected and placement of Rahu in the house of losses through disputes and debts resulted in continued financial losses without any relief.
When natives with such planetary configurations seek astrological advice, the best suggestion is that they should never venture into a business enterprise and should protect their wealth/capital. They should go in for a job and earn whatever they can and try to lead their life comparatively in an easy manner. The short fall in earnings over expenditures can be met out of their inheritance.
MALE BORN 31ST MARCH 1968, 0615 HRS.

The sign Pisces rises in the ascendant. Jupiter and Mars become the prime determinants of professional matters. The ascendant of the dasamsa is Aries and Mars becomes the prime determinant of professional matters. No planet is debilitated in dasamsa. The Sun, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets. Mars acts as a Sun-like planet in this case.
Mars, ruling the professional matters, is strong in its own mooltrikona sign in the second house in close conjunction with the Moon, giving inclinations of speculative investments for gaining status in life. Jupiter, ruling the tenth house, is weak due to bad placement and infancy.
The functional malefic Sun exactly afflicts the ascendant and the seventh houses. The Sun and Saturn mutually afflict each other. Saturn is weak due to combustion, as well. Venus ruling the house of inheritance and obstructions is placed in the twelfth house ruling losses and exactly afflicts Mercury, the lord of the seventh house. The Rahu-Ketu axis closely afflicts combust and weak Saturn.
The planetary combinations of losses in this case over-powered the strength of the good conjunction of the Moon and Mars as the planet of analytical power is badly placed and is under the severe affliction of the most malefic planet. The weak dispositor of Mercury is under the close affliction of Rahu.
During the sub-period of the Moon in the main period of the Sun, the native indulged in speculation and it continued up to the sub-period of Mars which resulted in heavy losses in the following sub-period of Rahu. As this chart came up for analysis and astrological advice in the sub-period of Jupiter, nothing much could be done for the recovery of the losses. However, our vast experience shows that the preventive propitiatory remedies for the afflicting functional malefic planets are always helpful even in such cases where the native is advised not to indulge in speculative or highly risky investments.
MALE BORN 3RD NOVEMBER 1964, 2330 HRS. 75E30 29N54, INDIA.

The sign Cancer rises in the ascendant. Mars and the Sun become the prime determinants of professional matters. The sign Cancer rises in the ascendant of dasamsa and its lord, the Moon, also becomes the additional prime determinant for the professional matters. Jupiter is placed in its sign of debilitation in dasamsa. Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets. Mercury acts as a Sun-like planet.
Mars, the lord of the tenth house, though weak due to the weakness of its dispositor and close affliction by Saturn, is well placed in the house of status indicating status in life through a profession. The Moon is well placed in the fourth house but becomes weak due to combustion and weak dispositor. Venus is well placed in the third house but becomes weak due to the weakness of dispositor and debilitation. Jupiter is weak due to old age and weak/afflicted dispositor. The Sun, being lord of the house of status, is in its sign of debilitation and is weak. Mercury is weak due to combustion, exact affliction by Jupiter, old age and weak dispositor.
The placement of Mars indicates that the native may be an executive with the state exercising executive powers. The close influence of the functional malefic Jupiter on the lord of the third house indicates involvement in disputes due to communication problems. The most malefic planet, Saturn, exercises its influence on the lord of the house of profession. This is indicative of obstructions in the professional matters.
During the sub-period of Saturn in its own main period the native was suspended by his employer when transit Saturn was afflicting the most effective point of the second house. The native was advised propitiatory measures for the afflicting planets Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu. The native was also advised to wear a Kavach in an auspiciously elected time for his reinstatement and to ward off the future problems pertaining to setbacks in professional matters. The native got reinstated within a few months of his performing the astral remedies, as advised.
MALE BORN 13TH OCTOBER 1953, 1035 HRS. 76E57 30N42, INDIA.

The sign Scorpio rises in the ascendant. The Sun and Jupiter are the prime determinants of professional matters. Capricorn rises in the dasamsa ascendant. Rahu and Ketu occupy their signs of debilitation in dasamsa. Mars, Venus, Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets. The Moon and Jupiter act as Sun-like planets.
The Sun is well placed in the chart but is weak due to old age and weakness of dispositor. The placement of the Sun in the house of income indicates good income from a job with the state. Jupiter, being lord of the second house ruling status, is weak due to infancy and bad placement. The lord of the house of fortune, the Moon, is weak due to debilitation and exact affliction caused by the functional malefic Mars. Mars rules the house of diseases and disputes. Venus, ruling the twelfth house, is weak due to debilitation and extreme infancy. Saturn and Mercury are weak due to bad placement and weakness of dispositor. Rahu-Ketu do not cause close afflictions in the natal chart.
Due to some situations pertaining to the sub-period of Mars in the main period of the Moon, the native was worried and was expecting suspension and punitive action when he approached for astrological remedial measures. The religious performance of suggested astrological remedial measures averted the suspension and the native could get a sigh of relief.
MALE BORN 24TH SEPTEMBER 1966, 1000 HRS. 87E11 24N40, INDIA.

The sign Scorpio rises in the ascendant. The Sun and Jupiter are the prime determinants of professional matters. Virgo rises in the ascendant of the dasamsa and Mercury becomes an additional prime determinant for professional matters. The Moon is in its sign of debilitation in dasamsa. The Moon and Saturn are secondary determinants of professional matters. Mars, Venus, Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets. The Moon and Jupiter act as Sun-like planets.
The Sun is well placed in the chart near the most effective point of thew eleventh house but is weak due to weakness of its dispositor. Mercury, ruling the eleventh house, is exalted and placed in the eleventh house, itself, but weak due to combustion. Jupiter, being lord of the second house ruling status, is strong in the ninth house. The lord of the house of fortune, the Moon, is strongly placed in the third house ruling business ventures. Mars is weak due to debilitation. Venus, ruling the twelfth house, is weak due to weakness of dispositor and a close affliction of Rahu from the sixth house. This is indicative of losses during the sub-period of Rahu, which is afflicting the lord of the house of losses in the tenth house, and also during the sub-periods of Venus and Ketu. Saturn, ruling the fourth house, is weak due to infancy.
Whenever there are severe afflictions, they show their impact during their sub-periods. The native, belonging to a good family and being professionally qualified, was married to a lady of a well-connected and affluent family. However, during the sub-period of Ketu and the main period of Rahu the native left his job and ventured into a business without considering what the planet had in store for him. The sub-period of Ketu was to be followed by the sub-period of Venus stretching the unfavorable period for four years. The native incurred a business loss of over 15 million rupees and ran away from the scene when the things became unmanageable. That is why we always stress the preventive astrological remedial measures and the knowledge of planetary indications at the time of making an investment from the business point of view.
MALE BORN 13TH OCTOBER 1955, 0340 HRS. 76E14 32N02, INDIA.

The sign Leo rises in the ascendant. Mercury becomes the prime determinant of the professional matters. Aquarius rises in the ascendant of dasamsa and Saturn becomes the additional prime determinant of the professional matters. Mars is in its sign of debilitation in dasamsa. The Sun and Ketu become secondary determinants of professional matters. The Moon, Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets. Mercury, Venus and Mars act as Sun-like planets.
Mercury occupies the second house in its sign of exaltation in close conjunction with the functional benefic planet, the Sun. Both the Sun and Mercury are weak and closely afflicted by the functional malefic Ketu. Their close conjunction gives good results regarding status in life to some extent but with threatened disturbances due to natal and transit afflictions. Jupiter, ruling the house of intellect, is weak as it is in infancy and the most effective point of its house of placement is closely afflicted by the most malefic planet, the Moon. The Moon also closely afflicts the seventh house.
The birth in the sign Leo and the good placement of Venus ruling initiatives/entrepreneurship gives indications of venturing into business and developing good communicative faculties. Venus is strong in the third house. Saturn is placed in its sign of exaltation in the third house. Saturn is weak as its mooltrikona house is under the close affliction of the most malefic planet. During the sub-periods of Saturn, the Sun and the Moon the impact of the close affliction of the Moon will come into force. The weakness of the planet ruling intelligence and the afflictions to the ascendant, seventh house and the planets, the Sun and Mercury, created numerous problems for the native.
The strong placement of Venus acting as a Sun and the exalted Mercury blessed the native with good academic qualifications. He was awarded a gold medal in his post-graduation studies and was able to get a managerial job with a banking institution. The lord of the house of fortune, Mars, is also placed in the house of status.
During the sub-period of afflicted Mercury in the main period of Rahu, his job was threatened because of some alleged irregularities on his part during the course of discharge of his duties without any attributable motives on his part. The native sought astrological help. The planetary influences were explained to the native and the astral remedies were suggested to him. The performance of both the propitiating remedial measures and strengthening remedial measures helped the native in averting the threat to his job. His position was cleared by his employer without any penalty.

The sign Gemini rises in the ascendant. The lord of the second house, the Moon, becomes the prime determinant of professional matters as there is no mooltrikona sign in the tenth house. Aquarius rises in the ascendant of dasamsa and Saturn becomes the additional prime determinant of professional matters. No planet is in debilitation in dasamsa. Mars and Jupiter are secondary determinants of professional matters. Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets. Saturn and the Moon act as Sun-like planets in this case.
The prime determinant Moon is placed in the fifth house of the natal chart, but it is weak due to the weakness of its dispositor. The lords of the third, fourth and fifth houses are placed in the house of disputes. Mars and Saturn being placed in the second house are weak due to the weakness of their dispositor. Mars is additionally weak due to debilitation while Saturn is also weak due to infancy. Jupiter is weak due to old age and weakness of its dispositor, but it closely influences the most effective point of the tenth house. Rahu and Ketu do not cause close afflictions in the natal chart.
The planets are weak and badly placed and the native could not rise to a good position in life. The transit influences on the weak and badly placed planets are always grave and give many setbacks in life. The stationary influence of transit Rahu on the natal Moon, ruling the house of status caused removal from service. Due to the preventive astral remedies the native could save himself from the proposed criminal proceedings against him.

The sign Aries rises in the ascendant. The ascendant lord, Mars, becomes the prime determinant of professional matters as there is no mooltrikona sign in the tenth and second houses. The ascendant of the dasamsa is Gemini. No planet is in its sign of debilitation in dasamsa. Jupiter, Mercury, Rahu and Ketu are secondary determinants of professional matters. Mercury, Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets. Jupiter acts as a Sun-like planet.
Mars is placed in the twelfth house and is weak due to bad placement and close affliction to the most effective point of the house of its placement by Rahu. Mercury closely afflicts the most effective points of the tenth and fourth houses. The positive part of the influence of Mercury on the tenth house is that Mercury blesses the native with analytical power while the negative part of this conjunction is that it involves the native in disputes and causes illness. Mercury is very weak as it is in infancy, and itself and the most effective points of its mooltrikona house and its house of placement are exactly under the afflicting aspect of Ketu, which makes the native vulnerable to sufferings through disputes, diseases and lack of finances. The Moon is placed in the ninth house and is weak due to combustion and weakness of dispositor. The Sun is also weak due to weakness of its dispositor. Venus and Saturn are weak as they are badly placed in the house of obstacles and the most effective point of their house of placement is exactly afflicted by the Rahu/Ketu axis. Jupiter is weak as it is badly placed in the house of disputes, has a weak dispositor, and the most effective point of its house of placement is exactly afflicted by Ketu. Besides all this, it is closely afflicted by Ketu. Rahu and Ketu are closely afflicting the most effective points of the houses occupied and aspected.
The lords of the fourth and fifth houses are closely conjunct in the ninth house. Despite their weakness they generate some good influences because of this conjunction. The impact of Mercury, Ketu and Jupiter on the tenth house as well as that of Rahu on the second and fourth houses and of the Sun on the lord of the fourth house ruling education carried an overall influence for matters of health and application of medicine. The native is a doctor of medicine.
Due to the relationship of the tenth house with the sixth house the negative influence is that the native did not experience a harmonious environment at his work place and was unsatisfied with his job. Due to the weakness of the lord of the eleventh house, the native’s work is also not rewarding. The bad placement of the lord of the seventh house also caused the native to not enjoy a good relationship with his spouse. Due to these problems the native was confused and wanted to run away from the scene by seeking an overseas employment. Whenever the lord of the ascendant is placed in the twelfth house, the native has very strong inclinations of going to foreign lands. The astral remedies were sought. The performance of both the propitiating remedial measures and strengthening remedial measures through a Kavach improved the situation.
MALE BORN 12TH JULY 1964, 1000 HRS. 77E04 28N39, INDIA.

The sign Leo rises in the ascendant. Mercury becomes the prime determinant of professional matters. Pisces rises in the ascendant of dasamsa. No planet is in its sign of debilitation in dasamsa. Mars and Venus are secondary determinants of professional matters. The Moon, Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets. Mercury, Venus and Mars act as Sun-like planets.
The close impact of Mars and Venus on the tenth house and that of Jupiter on the ascendant ruling legal and financial matters brought the native in the profession of an advocate. The native could not acquire a notable status due to the weakness of the lords of the second, first and third houses and operation of the main periods of the weak Sun and the most malefic planet, the Moon, in the early years of his practice. Things have started changing with the onset of the main period of Mars. Whenever the lord of the house of status is placed in such a position, the native has to go to a foreign land/far off place for work and status. The strong placement of the seventh lord in the seventh house in this nativity indicates residence in a foreign country/distant place. The placement of the Sun in the house of the income could, however, ensure comfortable living through a self-earned income during the main period of the Sun. Things became difficult during the main period of the Moon. The native sought astrological help. He was suggested the astral remedies. The performance of both the propitiating remedial measures and strengthening remedial measures helped the native.
The close impact of Mars and Venus on the tenth house and that of Jupiter on the ascendant ruling legal and financial matters brought the native in the profession of an advocate. The native could not acquire notable status due to the weakness of the lords of the second, first and third houses and operation of the main periods of the weak Sun and the most malefic planet, the Moon, in early years of his practice. Things have started changing with the onset of the main period of Mars. Whenever the lord of the house of status is placed in such a position, the native has to go to a foreign land/far off place for work and status. The strong placement of the seventh lord in the seventh house in this nativity indicates residence in a foreign country/distant place. The placement of the Sun in the house of the income could, however, assure comfortable living through self earned income during the main period of the Sun. Things became difficult during the main period of the Moon. The native sought astrological help. He was suggested the astral remedies. The performance of both the propitiating remedial measures and strengthening remedial measures helped the native.

The sign Scorpio rises in the ascendant. The Sun and Jupiter are the prime determinants of professional matters in this case. Pisces rises in the ascendant of the dasamsa. No planet is in its sign of debilitation in dasamsa. Mars, Venus, Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets. The Moon and Jupiter act as Sun-like planets.
The lord of the tenth house placed in the third house in the state of infancy is weak. The lord of the second house is strong. The weak lord of the tenth house is closely afflicted by Mars. The most malefic planet is placed in the ascendant. The lord of the house of income is strong in the house of status.
The placement of the second lord in the fifth house and the placement of the lord of the eleventh house in the second house, collectively, indicate that the native acquires a good status with government, as the second is the house of state authority. When its lord is strong or when the lord of the 11th is placed in the second house, linking income with the house of state, there are indications of one joining a government job. The lord of the house of fortune, the Moon, is in the state of infancy and weak. The weakness of the planets and afflictions gave mixed results. The good placements blessed the native with good status whereas the weak Sun and the weak Moon failed to protect against the impact of afflicting planets. The native was a senior executive with the government when during the main period of the Moon and the sub-period of Ketu placed in the tenth house, the native had a difference of opinion with his boss which led to the serving of a charge sheet. During the following sub-period of the most malefic planet, the native was placed under suspension and during the sub-period of weak lord of the tenth house the native was removed from service. The native was relying more on help from friends and highly placed persons than on the suggested astral remedies. He was coming time and again to know about the time (planetary periods) but was not ready to perform the astral remedies. Negative indications concerning the time periods can only be modified with the help of astral remedies. Until and unless the astral remedies are performed, in our view, the extent of the blessings of the divine science of astrology is very much limited.
MALE BORN 10TH MARCH 1954, 0005 HRS.

The sign Scorpio rises in the ascendant. The Sun and Jupiter are the prime determinants of professional matters. Libra rises in the ascendant of the dasamsa and Venus becomes the additional prime determinant of professional matters. The Sun is in its sign of debilitation in dasamsa. Mars, Ketu, Mercury and Saturn are secondary determinants of professional matters. Mars, Venus, Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets. The Moon and Jupiter act as Sun-like planets.
The lord of the tenth house is placed in the fourth house and is weak due to old age and weakness of dispositor. The Sun becomes additionally weak for being closely afflicted by Mars and badly placed Ketu. The lord of the second house is strong in the seventh house. But the strength of the lord of the second house is not fully helpful as in its sub-periods the close affliction of Rahu to the Moon also surfaces. The most malefic planet is placed in the fifth house in the state of exaltation. The lord of the house of income is well placed in the fourth house but is weak due to weakness of the dispositor. Saturn, ruling the fourth house, is weak due to bad placement. The lord of the house of fortune is very weak due to old age, bad placement and exact affliction of Rahu.
The placement of the second lord in the seventh house takes the person to distant places for residence. The native was in All India Banking service and moved to many places during the postings. The combined weakness of planets and afflictions gave mixed results. The good placements blessed the native with good status whereas the weak planets failed to protect against the impact of afflicting planets.
This is another case of not performing the suggested astral remedies and landing himself in a difficult situation when the native was placed under suspension in March, 1997. The native had sought an astral consultation in the middle of 1996 when he was explained the preceding planetary influences. The planetary influences give results as per the indications in case no preventive remedies are performed.
When the transit Ketu formed a conjunction with natal Venus in March 1997, the mental peace of the native was lost because of his placement being under suspension. This was the result of an inharmonious relationship in his office during the sub-period of Jupiter in its own main period, as Jupiter is badly placed and afflicted by the Rahu/Ketu axis in dasamsa. During the sub-period of Jupiter, the impact of the planet placed in its mooltrikona house also surfaces. Although the native did not perform the preventive propitiatory astral remedies, he was subsequently prepared to perform the curative remedial measures for coming out of the situation. As the then sub-period lord was not suffering from any natal affliction, the transit affliction of Venus was going to be over in the end of May 1997 and the lord of the tenth house was strong in transit, the native was blessed with reinstatement. Later the native left the job and started his own business. The native had discontinued the astral remedies, and his business venture also confronted many problems.

The sign Cancer rises in the ascendant. Mars and the Sun become prime determinants of professional matters. The sign Leo rises in the ascendant of dasamsa and the Sun becomes also the additional prime determinant for the professional matters. Mercury is placed in its sign of debilitation in dasamsa. The Sun, Mars, Rahu and Ketu are secondary determinants of professional matters. Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets. Mercury acts as a Sun-like planet.
Mars, the lord of the tenth house, is weak due to the close affliction of the Rahu/Ketu axis to the most effective point of its house of placement, which turns also its dispositor weak. Mars becomes additionally weak for being closely afflicted by the Rahu/Ketu axis. Jupiter is weak due to old age and debilitation. The Sun, being lord of the house of status, is weak due to bad placement but closely and favorably aspects the most effective point of the second house. Mercury is weak as the most effective point of its mooltrikona house is closely afflicted by the Rahu/Ketu axis. Besides, it is placed in an afflicted house. Rahu and Ketu are on the most effective points of the houses and closely afflict the houses occupied and aspected besides turning the Moon and Venus weak.
The close influence of the Sun to the second house indicates that the native may be working with the government.
The native was dismissed from service in May 1990, during the sub-period of Saturn in the main period of Jupiter. Saturn is the most malefic planet and is placed in the house of status.
The native sought astrological help in January 1992, when he was advised astral remedies and his reinstatement was thought to be possible with the help of the astral remedies as the lord of the second house closely aspects the most effective point of the second house. The native was advised propitiatory measures for the afflicting planets Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu. The native was also advised to wear a Kavach in an auspiciously elected time for his reinstatement and to ward of the future problems pertaining to setbacks in professional matters. The native got reinstated in January 1994, with the help of performing the astral remedies, as advised.