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Good financial gains are bestowed by the planets ruling affluence. These are the Sun, the Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Mars and Mercury. The participative houses are the first, eleventh, tenth, second, third, fifth and eighth. If these houses contain a mooltrikona sign and the affluent lords of these houses are strong, they bless good financial gains on the native. The lord of the eleventh house gives gains through the significations of the house in which it is placed. The strong lord of the house of status gives financial gains through high official status. The strong lord of the fifth house gives gains through speculation and investments. The strong lord of the third house gives financial gains through the fields of communications, publications, business enterprises, marketing and creative work. The strong lord of the tenth house gives gains through the profession indicated by the planet/house concerned. The strong lord of the eighth house gives financial gains through inheritance, drawing of lots and games of chance. Needless to add, the planets bestow their results during their operational periods when they are strong in transit, too.

The matter will be discussed further with the help of a few case studies for better comprehension.


The sign Cancer rises in the ascendant. Mars and the Sun become the prime determinants of professional matters. The sign Virgo rises in the ascendant of dasamsa and Mercury becomes the additional prime determinant of professional matters. No planet is placed in its sign of debilitation in dasamsa. Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets. Mercury acts as a Sun-like planet.

The Sun is strong in its own mooltrikona house, does not suffer from any affliction and is closely influencing the most effective points of the second and eighth houses. The lord of the third house, Mercury, is also well placed in the house of status but is weak due to combustion and it is closely afflicted by the Rahu/ketu axis. The debilitated lord of the fourth house is well placed and unafflicted in the third house. The functional malefic planets, Jupiter and Saturn, do not cause any close afflictions in the chart. Though Mars is weak due to its being in the state of infancy, yet it is well placed in its own mooltrikona house.

The good placement of the Sun blessed the native with good academic qualifications and a high status of representing his country in an international organization. The native enjoyed good status with a high-level income.


The sign Gemini rises in the ascendant. The lord of the second house, the Moon, becomes the prime determinant of professional matters as there is no mooltrikona sign in the tenth house. Aquarius rises in the ascendant of dasamsa and Saturn becomes the additional prime determinant of professional matters. No planet is in debilitation in dasamsa. Saturn is a secondary determinant of professional matters. Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets. Saturn and the Moon act as Sun-like planets in this case.

The Moon is placed in the fifth house indicating status through good academic qualifications. The placement of the lord of the ninth house close to the most effective point of the tenth house indicates working with an organization dealing with foreign countries. The lord of the house of assets, Mercury, is well placed in the fifth house and its aspect to the house of gains is indicative of the native enjoying the benefits of good living and gains through investments. The placement of Mars and Jupiter in the fourth house are indicative of good financial gains and residence in a foreign country respectively. Mars is closely under the influence of the Rahu-Ketu axis. Though the placement of the Moon in the fifth house and the placement of Venus in the seventh house indicate emotional involvement, due to the weakness of the lord of the third house, the native did not venture into a marriage on her own. The weakness of the planets delayed marriage to some extent and the astral remedies were suggested for an early settlement in life. The native is working with a multinational company and enjoying a good income.


The sign Libra rises in the ascendant. The Moon becomes the prime determinant of professional matters. Libra rises in dasamsa and its lord Venus becomes the additional prime determinant of the professional matters. The Sun is in its sign of debilitation in dasamsa. Saturn is a secondary determinant for professional matters. Mercury, Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets. Jupiter acts as a Sun-like planet in this case.

The Moon is placed in the ascendant and is under the close influence of functional benefic Mars. The lord of the house of initiatives is well placed in the ascendant and blesses the native with good initiatives in life. The lord of the fifth house is placed in the seventh house but is weak as it is in the state of old age. Saturn closely influences the most effective points of eighth, tenth, second and fifth houses. Mars and the Sun are closely conjunct with each other in the tenth house and are indicative of good income from working in a foreign land. Mars rules foreign residence while the Sun rules income. Mars is weak due to debilitation and combustion. Mercury is well placed and links income to foreign lands. The positive part of Mercury in the eleventh house is that it gives analytical capability and income from foreign lands while it is not creating any natal close conjunction giving rise to its negative influence of losses as it rules the house of losses. The placement of Venus, the lord of the ascendant, in its sign of debilitation in the twelfth house, indicates weak health and results in making the personality comparatively less charming.

The good influence of Mars on the Moon, Mercury in the eleventh house and the Sun in the tenth house blessed the native with a master's degree in engineering and bestowed good income from foreign lands. Rahu-Ketu do not form many close conjunctions in the chart, are away from the most effective point and only one planet is badly placed. Therefore, the problems in life are always short lived.


The sign Scorpio rises in the ascendant. The Sun and Jupiter are the prime determinants of professional matters in this case. Aquarius rises in the ascendant of the dasamsa and Saturn becomes the additional prime determinant of professional matters. Saturn and Venus are in their signs of debilitation in dasamsa. Venus and Rahu are secondary determinants of professional matters. Mars, Venus, Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets. The Moon and Jupiter act as Sun-like planets.

The Sun is placed in the house of gains but is slightly weak due to the weakness of dispositor. The weak Jupiter in infancy is placed in the tenth house and is closely afflicted by the most malefic planet, Venus, ruling the house of losses. Both Jupiter and Venus are under the close affliction of Rahu from the sixth house. The lord of the house of gains, exalted Mercury, is well placed in the eleventh house but slightly weak due to old age. The Moon, ruling the house of fortune, is badly placed and becomes weak. The lord of the fourth house, Saturn, is strong in the fifth house.

Due to the weak and afflicted lord of the house of status, the native does not enjoy a good status, though she is getting a good remuneration. This is due to the exalted Mercury and well-placed Sun, which give her good administrative and organizational skills. She also enjoys the benefit of highly placed friends. Due to the afflicting influence of Rahu on Jupiter and Venus, she faced divorce immediately after her marriage.


The sign Gemini rises in the ascendant. The lord of the second house, the Moon, becomes the prime determinant of professional matters as there is no mooltrikona sign in the tenth house. Virgo rises in the ascendant of dasamsa and Mercury becomes the additional prime determinant of professional matters. The Sun is in debilitation in dasamsa. Saturn is a secondary determinant of professional matters. Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets. The planet Saturn and the Moon act as Sun-like planets in this case.

The native is a chartered accountant and enjoys a good position with a fine corporate house due to the well placed lord of the second house and its being under close aspect of Saturn acting like a Sun in this nativity. The planets, the Sun, Mars and Venus become weak due to the weakness of their dispositor. Also Mars is in infancy and a state of combustion. Venus is in old age, combustion, debilitated and is under the exact affliction of Ketu from the twelfth house. The lord of the ninth house, Saturn, forms a good and close mutual aspect with the lord of the second house. The lord of the fourth house, Mercury, is well placed in the fifth house ruling intelligence but weak due to weakness of the dispositor.

The weakness of Jupiter and affliction to the debilitated Venus deny the native happiness in marriage. In addition to these, the malefic transit influences on weak Jupiter and Mars create short-lived problems for the native. The lord of the third house is well placed and confers good initiative and organizational capability to the native. During the sub-periods of weak Mars in the main period of badly placed debilitated Rahu, the native felt his position was unstable and sought astral remedies which were prescribed to strengthen the weak functional benefic planets and propitiate the functional malefics for continued stable prosperity.


The sign Libra rises in the ascendant. The Moon becomes the prime determinant of professional matters. Libra rises in dasamsa and its lord Venus becomes the additional prime determinant of the professional matters. The Sun is in its sign of debilitation in dasamsa. Mars is a secondary determinant of professional matters. Mercury, Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets. Jupiter acts as a Sun-like planet in this case.

The Moon occupies the second house in its sign of debilitation. Rahu-Ketu axis is on the most effective point of the houses occupied and afflicts all the houses occupied and aspected. The lord of the third house, Jupiter, is placed in the tenth house in its sign of exaltation. Jupiter, however, becomes weak due to debilitation in navamsa and its mooltrikona house being exactly under the influence of Rahu-Ketu axis. Mars, Venus and the Sun are closely conjunct amongst them and are placed in the eleventh house which is weak due to exact affliction from Rahu. Both Mars and Venus are combust, as well. Saturn, ruling the house of intelligence, is exalted and placed in the ascendant but weak due to debilitation in navamsa, weak dispositor and its mooltrikona house along with its house of placement being exactly under the influence of Ketu. Mercury, the most malefic planet, does not form any close conjunction in the chart but is weak as it is placed in an afflicted house. The good placements and close conjunction of Mars, Venus and the Sun bestowed the native with a master's degree in economics and good assignments. But due to the weakness of the lord of the tenth house and the severe affliction of the Rahu-Ketu axis, there have been frequent changes in his assignments. Because of the problem of instability in his career, the native sought astral remedies which were suggested to him for good results in his future life.


The sign Sagittarius rises in the ascendant. Mercury becomes the prime determinant of professional matters. The ascendant of the dasamsa is Aries and its lord, Mars, becomes the additional primary determinant of professional matters. No planet is placed in its sign of debilitation in dasamsa. The Sun, Mars, Saturn and Rahu are secondary determinants of professional matters. The Moon, Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets. Saturn acts as a Sun-like planet in this case.

Mercury is placed in the second house close to the most effective point in close conjunction with the functional benefic Sun. Mercury becomes weak due to combustion. The Sun is well placed in the second house. The lord of the fifth house, exalted Mars, is also placed in the second house but is weak due to combustion. The most malefic planet, the Moon, is placed in the fourth house but does not cause any close affliction. The functional benefics Jupiter in infancy, Venus in old age and Saturn are badly placed and weak. Rahu aspects and closely afflicts combust Mercury from the sixth house and tries to create unstable situations due to difference of opinion. However, whenever the Sun is strong or well placed in the chart the native has the capacity to manage such situations with his/her organizational capability. The good placement of the Sun, Mercury and Mars blessed the native with good assignments in the form of a directorship of a corporation. Getting tired of the continued threat of loss of position due to the affliction of Rahu, the native was impelled to seek astral consultation as to whether he should continue in service or he should start his own business.

The inclination to start his own business comes from the close aspect of the lord of the third house, Saturn, to the Sun. As the most malefic planet, though not causing any natal conjunction, is placed in the house of assets, the native was advised to continue in his job, and for professional stability he was advised both the strengthening and propitiatory astral remedies.


The sign Libra rises in the ascendant. The Moon becomes the prime determinant of professional matters. Taurus rises in the ascendant of dasamsa. No planet is in its sign of debilitation in dasamsa. Jupiter is secondary determinant of professional matters. Mercury, Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets. Jupiter acts as a Sun-like planet in this case.

The Moon is strong in the tenth house. The functional benefic Mars influences the house of status by placement in the same. The lord of the fifth house is exalted and well placed in the ascendant but is weak due to the weakness of dispositor, combust Venus. The lord of the house of initiatives, Jupiter, closely aspects and promotes the most effective point of the second house but is weak due to bad placement. The Sun and Venus are well placed, but the Sun is weak as it is in the state of infancy and Venus is weak due to combustion. The Rahu-Ketu axis does not form any close natal affliction in the chart. The influence of Saturn in the ascendant and Mercury on the house of intelligence, blessed the native with an engineering degree and he never found any problem in his assignments, as the Moon, being the prime determinant, is well placed. The negative influence of Mercury on the MEP in the nativity resulted in health problems to children and unwilling changes in job, thus obstructing income. Taking into account the negative influence of Mercury on the most effective point of the eleventh house, the native was advised to continue with his job. He should never think of venturing into a business enterprise of his own.







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