In the case of professionals, the major role is played by the fifth and the second houses besides the planet ruling a particular profession being strong. The lord of the third house also plays an important role. Not only are the applications of intelligence, education and ability to cordially communicate with others is the major requirements for the successful practice of a professional, but the planet ruling analytical faculties, Mercury, also plays a vital role. There are also the relationships of the tenth house or the second house or the lord of the fifth house or the lord of the ascendant with the fifth house or the tenth house or the second house. A strong Moon and the Sun is an additional asset for the professionals. A professional has to maintain his own public relations and has to plan and organize his own business unit. Professional refers to a doctor, lawyer, engineer, accountant, astrologer, etc. conducting a practice and meeting with people for the rendering of their services. The strong lords of the second, third or ninth houses containing a mooltrikona sign also act as the Sun.
The subject will be discussed further, with the help of the case studies for better comprehension.

The sign Cancer rises in the ascendant. Mars and the Sun become the prime determinants of professional matters. The sign Pisces rises in the ascendant of dasamsa. No planet is placed in its sign of debilitation in dasamsa. Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets. Mercury acts as a Sun-like planet.
The Sun is well placed in the chart. The lord of the fourth house is placed in the fourth house but closely conjunct with the functional malefic Jupiter. The most malefic planet is placed in the ascendant. This placement of the lord of the eighth house blesses the native with good inheritance but it makes the person prone to accidents. The lord of the ascendant, the Moon, is placed near the most effective point of the ascendant and provides coverage to the afflictions in the chart. Mercury, acting like the Sun and being lord of the third house, is strong in the fifth house. The good placement of the Sun blessed the native with a senior managerial position but the affliction of Venus by functional malefic Jupiter gives tensions. The native suffers from hypertension. There are no close afflictions to the houses and planets signifying professional status. During the sub-period of Rahu in the main period of Venus, the promotion of the native was delayed. At that time, he sought astrological consultation.