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Selecting right profession was always important but it has now become imperative in view of the competition generated by the changing economic scenario due to advent of new technologies and professional fields.
New technology has brought the world on a stage of recreation of new infrastructure and markets, which is generating wealth for the knowledge based industry across the world. The additional wealth is creating new opportunities for the leisure industry sector, luxury industry, computer industry, real estate industry, financial industry, automobile industry and research & development industry. These new opportunities are in fact the scope of the new economic order across the world. Those people, who are not working in the new infrastructure industry, have started feeling the financial crunch to keep pace with the life style changes.
Globalisation and the World Trade Order have reduced the powers of the political administrators. The governments consider the stock market index as one of the important indicator of its performance. The policies of the government are market friendly to induce new investments and bringing improvement in life styles of the masses.
To meet the challenges of the competition and the new economic order, it is important that one makes full use of one's talent and potential by strengthening one's weak and unfavourably influenced natal planets to augment one's memory power, analytical skills, creative power, imagination and leadership qualities besides the vision.
An appropriate astrological insight with a competent astrologer and measures for strengthening of weak natal planets can be the best gift from parents to their children.
The planetary influences in a birth chart (horoscope) are studied through the natal conjunctions, aspects and placements of planets read in conjunction with the current planetary influences (transit) with reference to the ascending sign. The ascending sign is worked out in the natal chart on the basis of the birth date, time and place. The conjunctions and aspects help us in identifying the auspicious and inauspicious planetary configurations. The placement of a planet in a particular house links the significations of the house ruled by it with the significations of its house of placement. A planet placed in a malefic house indicates suffering for the significations ruled by the said planet in the nativity.
Today, the fast pace of life does not allow you time for experimentation. Every minute is valuable. So, why not take the benefit of the competence of the divine science of astrology. Brilliance, good operating planetary period, good organizing capability, imagination, team work, trustworthiness and capacity to develop and trust others, alertness, good health and leading capabilities are the positive personality traits required for success in one's professional life.
Predicting the educational prospects of a native is quite a tricky job and is one of the most sought after fields in predictive astrology. Numerous branches of knowledge and professional courses and their magnitude are the areas which have charged the atmosphere. It is quite difficult for the parents to identify the correct professional field of study or business which should be most suitable from the point of view of a successful career and also as per the potentialities in the horoscopes.
The success of acquisition of professional course and career depend upon the strength of the prime determinant planets in the birth chart. The setbacks in academic studies, professional studies and professional matters or business ventures can be averted through preventive astrological analysis of the birth chart and by application of astrological remedial measures.
There are a number of factors that help us in arriving at a decision on this vital issue. These are the fourth house ruling school education, second house ruling professional education and status, the fifth house ruling intellect and higher or professional education. The lords of the tenth house governing profession and the eleventh house signifying income also have a bearing on educational matters. The lord of the ascendant of chaturvimsamsa, if containing mooltrikona sign, (the divisional chart for analysis of educational matters) become additional determinant for educational matters. The planets involved govern the magnitude of professional matters, i.e. to say, the sign of a kingly planet like the Sun, the Moon or affluent planet Venus, Jupiter, Mars, etc. indicate the high degree of affluence of the profession of a native and the income there from.
The strength of the lords of these houses containing mooltrikona signs and the operating planetary periods read in conjunction with the triple transit influences hold the key to decipher the planetary influences. Similarly, understanding the nature of planets becoming significators for professional education and the planets exerting influence on these planets is necessary. The planets influencing the fourth, second and fifth houses and the lord of the ascendant of chaturvimsamsa if containing a mooltrikona sign become primary determinants of one's educational pursuits.
The significations of planets fructify during their own sub-period as per their functional nature and strength. The readers may please note the stress being laid on the strength of the planets. The weakness of the planets in a nativity is the very reason of existence of this divine science. It is but natural that a native may approach an astrologer in the hour of difficulty. He may like to utilize the services of this divine science to ward off the chances of problems and to augment his ventures for optimum benefits. The real trial of strength is of those planets that are apparently strong in a nativity because the weak planets of the natal chart do not acquire any strength in any of the Vargas or Divisional Charts.
The weak natal planets fail to bestow desired and timely results even if they are in strength in the divisional charts. The weak planets cause delays and absolutely weak planets deny the significations ruled by them. The weak and afflicted planets cause problems for the significations ruled by them. The planets in divisional charts cannot exceed their rasi chart strength.
Let us return to the subject. In fact, delineating anything from a natal chart requires application of the predictive techniques in a comprehensive manner. Most of the time, the determinant planets may be overlapping and indicating more than one area of pursuit, while a person might have one of the areas as a hobby. Similarly, a planet signifies variety of occupations.
For example
(1) Sun signifies study of courses on administration, organization capability, management capability, politics, law and medicine;
(2) Venus signifies study of courses on medicine, life saving drugs, art and fashion, engineering, financial management, law etc.
(3) Mercury signifies study of courses in creative writing, accountancy, analytical studies, computer applications, information technology, application of law, designing work of engineering, etc.
(4) The Moon signifies study of courses in care, house keeping, administration, public relations, etc.
(5) Mars signifies study of courses in engineering, erection, armed forces, initiative and entrepreneurship.
(6) Jupiter signifies study of courses in law, teaching, financial management, human resource management, spirituality, etc.
(7) Saturn signifies study of courses in production, low technology industry, labor/industrial and welfare law, etc.
We have to identify the type of influence that is greatest in operation and then synchronize the same with the operating planetary periods. As a group, those planets that exert more influence indicate the choice or area of profession. Prominence, fame, wealth or notable contributions in various fields are the result of a group of planets congruent in nature and their strength. The group of Venus, Jupiter and Mercury may indicate study of courses for an advisory role in financial institutions or in financial matters, legal advice, or collectively legal and financial areas. The confluence of the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Jupiter, etc. as a group may indicate study of courses leading to acquiring position in administration/bureaucracy. The confluence of Venus, Saturn, Mercury and Mars may indicate study of engineering. A strong Mercury or lord of the third house or the lord of the fifth house makes the person competent for research based studies. Further classification in the major field depends on the leading role of one of the significators. When the planets/significators are weak or the dasa/main period of weak planets is in operation, natives after completing their studies go in for routine jobs, i.e., clerical or mechanical, sales representatives/assistants etc. or merely work as helping hands. For entering into business, the role of Venus and Mercury is supreme as they provide planning, trading and organizing capabilities. Royal planets (the Sun and the Moon) and Mars the planet of executive authority under the benefic influence of Jupiter becoming significators indicate involvement in a political career or occupying senior position in bureaucracy. Rahu gives impetus to the efforts. However, success depends on the right placement of Rahu and it should not be aspected or related with malefic planets. Ketu in its main/sub-periods often retards growth.
The lords of the fourth, second and fifth houses containing mooltrikona sign(s) become prime determinants of education. The mooltrikona sign lord of the ascendant of chaturvimsamsa, the divisional chart for studying educational accomplishments, becomes additional determinant for educational accomplishments. Besides the significators for education and intelligence, Mercury and Jupiter, the planets exerting close influences on these houses also become secondary determinants of educational accomplishments.
Planetary periods in operation between the age of 16 and 24, need due consideration as the unfavorable operating planetary periods will retard the progress of education, both academic and professional. However, in case of strong prime determinants the education will proceed without much of difficulties.
The lords of the second house ruling status and the fifth house ruling higher education and their relationship with other houses, indicate the areas of interest for higher or professional education. The level of achievement would be dependent upon the strength of the planets. The strong Sun or the strong lords of ninth, second and/or third houses make achievements in life comparatively easy. The weak and afflicted planets in their sub periods between the age of 16 and 24 cause hurdles and do not allow the person to (1) acquire education suitable for successful vocation; (2) get a timely and suitable job; and (3) settle well in life. Similarly, exalted and strong functional benefic planets give an impetus to the academic pursuits of a person.
The fifth house rules higher learning or professional education. The planets exert influence over the native as per the significations ruled by them. The Sun and Jupiter, if connected powerfully, turn the native towards spiritual advancement. Mercury makes a man a research scholar and blesses the native with analytical powers resulting in fruitful contributions to the society by way of innovations/professional services. Venus, when strong, gives inclinations for creativity and writing especially if being the lord of the fifth house it is placed in the third house ruling communications. The Moon gives emotional attachment and pursuit of royal comforts. Dreams are fulfilled if the significators are strong and the favorable planets operate at appropriate times in life. The lord of the fifth house in the ascendant blesses the native with academic brilliance while its position in the third house blesses the native with innovative and creative faculties including writing. The lord of the fifth house placed in the tenth house strongly and unafflicted indicates the professions of teaching, financial and legal consultancy, management consultancy, engineering consultancy, banking, gains in speculation, etc.
The third house is very important house and help the native in his education. This house acts like a Mercury as well as it is the house of understanding and confidence besides communication and marketing. This house has verstile significations and gives the role as a leader and consultant.
The placement of the lords of the second and/or fifth houses in seventh, ninth or twelfth houses indicates that the native will be going to foreign lands or distant lands for pursuing the education.
The placement of the lord of the eleventh house in the eighth house indicates income from foreign lands, service, insurance business, practice of mystic sciences, etc. The placement of the lord of the eleventh house in ninth house indicates income from foreign stay and visits, inheritance, involvement in religious activities and teaching. The placement of the lord of the eleventh house in the tenth house indicates income through one's profession depending upon the planets and signs exerting influencing on the tenth house. The placement of the lord of the eleventh house in the eleventh house indicates income through financial institutions, gains through highly placed friends and elder siblings. The placement of the lord of the eleventh house in the twelfth house may impel the native to go to foreign lands for earning. His/her business ventures in the native place may involve large amount of expenses and losses.
The role of the lord of the eleventh house, containing a mooltrikona sign, is also very important for making job or business decision. This will indicate the areas that would be explored by the native for earning and fulfillment of his desires. If the lord of the eleventh house goes to the ascendant, the native will strive and earn a lot of money through self-effort. The position of the lord of the eleventh house in the second house indicates that the native shall earn a good status and friendship with highly placed persons. He will earn wealth through the help of his highly placed friends and his status. The position of the lord of the eleventh house in the third house indicates income through business enterprise in the fields of communication, transportation, publication, trading, etc. The position of the lord of the eleventh house in the fourth house indicates earnings through the application of parental assets in the business of real estate, automobiles, educational institutions, furnishings, hotels, teaching, etc. The position of the lord of the eleventh house in the fifth house indicates earning through speculations, intellectual professions, management services, banking, teaching, etc. The placement of the lord of the eleventh house in the sixth house indicates disputes in the sources of income, income through money lending, legal practice and hospitals. The placement of the lord of the eleventh house in the seventh house indicates income from foreign lands, business in partnership, luxurious hotels, import-export of luxury items, etc.
The influence of the planets on the eleventh house is as per their functional nature, strength and the level of affluence is as per the capacity of the planets concerned.
The placement of the lord of the eleventh house also connects the sources of income to the house of placement of the eleveth house.
The impact of placement of planets changes as per their placement in various signs. For example, placement of a planet or even the Sun in the sign Aquarius ruled by Saturn reduces the impact of the affluence of that planet while the placement of a planet or even Saturn in the sign Leo enhances its capacity to bless the native with large financial benefits.
The natives with close influence of functional malefic planets on fourth or second or tenth or third house should not venture into business investments. They should adopt astral remedies and better join job rather than venturing into business.
By way of a few charts we will further see the confluence of various groups of planets.
Male born 1st March, 1942, 1014 Hrs. 28.39N 77.13E
The educational pursuits of the native are ruled by the Moon and the Sun. Mars becomes the prime determinant for professional matters. The Moon is quite strong in the horoscope. The only planet exerting close influence to the houses of education is the Moon in the fourth house. The basic education of the native was quite good. Mars is weak due to infancy. The Sun is weak due to the weakness of its dispositor and the close affliction of Ketu and Rahu. Due to the weakness of the prime determinant for higher education, the Sun, the native went in for a Diploma course in engineering. The planet that makes a man an industrious person, Saturn, though weak, is placed close to the most effective point of the ascendant. Aries rises in chaturvimsamsa ascendant and Mars becomes an additional significator for educational matters in this case and occupies the house of status and family in the horoscope.
The education of the native was completed in the main period of Venus. The native joined his brother's industry and helped in management and expansion of the same.
Male born 5th May, 1946, 0730 Hrs. 23.09N 79.57E
The Sun and Mercury become the prime determinants of education in this chart. No mooltrikona sign rises in the ascendant of the chaturvimsamsa. The Sun is placed in the twelfth house ruling distant places and is weak due to bad placement and debilitation in navamsa. Mercury is weak due to debilitation and is placed in the eleventh house. Mercury is closely afflicted by Ketu.
The functional malefic planets are not close to the most effective point of the houses of their location. From the age of 16 to 19, he was running the sub-period of weak Saturn in the main period of closely afflicted Jupiter. The native, after doing his engineering graduation, joined a governmental organization. Due to debilitation of the Sun in navamsa and dasamsa, the status of the native did not match the position held by him.
Male born 30th June, 1967, 0745 Hrs. 28.37N 77.10E
The Sun and Venus become the prime determinants for educational matters. No mooltrikona sign rises in the ascendant of chaturvimsamsa. The Sun is badly placed and afflicted. Venus is weak due to old age. The most effective point of the fifth house is under the close influence of Jupiter ruling the house of conflicts. The most effective point of the fourth house is under the close affliction of Rahu and Ketu while the most effective point of the second house is under the close affliction of Rahu. The lord of the ascendant, the Moon, is under the exact affliction of the most malefic planet, Saturn.
Jupiter as the karaka for intelligence is exalted and aspects the house of intelligence. In such cases the significations of the planet show their impact and the affliction caused shows their influence in the form of obstructions. Taken together, the chart indicates study of courses connected with the determinant planets the Sun, Venus, Ketu and Jupiter. The position of the lord of the second house in the twelfth house in addition to the significators, weighs the scale in favor of a profession connected with hospitals. The native is a medical graduate. The weaknesses and afflictions however caused numerous setbacks in his professional ventures.
Male born 22nd October, 1965, 0310 Hrs. 08.11N 77.30E
Strong Mercury and Jupiter become the prime determinants for educational matters. No mooltrikona sign rises in the ascendant of chaturvimsamsa. Strong Saturn, Mars and Venus exert their close influence on the most effective point of the fourth house and become secondary determinants for the educational pursuits. The functional malefic planets do not cause any close affliction in the natal chart.
The influence of strong Mercury placed in the third house near the most effective point gives an analytical bent of mind and Mars, Saturn, Jupiter and Venus all give interest in engineering studies. The native is an engineering graduate from a world renowned institution and during the period of his engineering studies was running the main period of the strong yogakaraka planet, Mars. Due to the strong influence of the second lord, Mars and Jupiter the native is enjoying a rewarding career with an international trading company.
Male born 26th September, 1936, 1045 Hrs. 31.06N 77.10E
Saturn and Jupiter become the prime determinants for educational matters. Sagittarius rises in the ascendant of chaturvimsamsa whose lord is a prime determinant in the natal chart.
Jupiter, the lord of the second house, is in the ascendant. Strong Saturn occupies its own mooltrikona sign in the fourth house.
Mars closely influences the most effective point of the fourth house. Rahu is closely conjunct with the most effective point of the second house and aspects the tenth house and Mars closely. Both Mars and Rahu become secondary determinant for educational pursuits.
The strong influence of Mars and Rahu in the wake of weakness of Saturn and Jupiter gives a predominant interest in the profession of medicine. Jupiter's distant connection combines it with teaching. The native went in for teaching medicine. The influence of Mars and Rahu as functional malefic planets is bad in other matters but their placement close to the most effective point of the houses creates interest in matters pertaining to them. At the time of education the native was in the dasa of Mars.
Male born 19th April, 1960, 0820Hrs. 25.28N 81.52E
The Sun and Mercury become the prime determinants for educational matters. No mooltrikona sign rises in the ascendant of chaturvimsamsa.
The weak lord of the tenth house, Saturn, is closely aspecting the house of status indicating status in life through profession. Mars exert close influence on the most effective point of the fourth house. Exalted Venus exerts close influence on the most effective point of the fifth house. Mars is dispositor of the Sun. Mercury is weak due to debilitation. The close influence of Mars and Venus gives the results of their significations while their in process affliction gives their own results of conflicts and losses in life.
The close influence of Mars and Venus in the chart blessed the native with study of medicine. The affliction of Mars to the most effective point of the fourth house and that of Venus as sixth house lord to the most effective point of the fifth house caused marital discord and problems in his professional pursuits.
Male born 22nd April 1950, 0315Hrs. 16.03N 80.54.E
As there are no mooltrikona sign in fourth, second and fifth houses, the significators Mercury and Jupiter become determinants for educational matters. Sagittarius rises in the ascendant of chaturvimsamsa and Jupiter again becomes the additional prime determinant of education.
The functional benefic planet Saturn closely aspects the most effective point of the fourth house. Saturn is closely aspected by Venus. Both Saturn and Venus closely influence the ascendant, as well. The functional malefic planets do not cause close afflictions in the chart.
The confluence of Jupiter, Mercury and Saturn took the native to organization and financial management. The native is an MBA and CA and is doing quite well in his profession.