The essence of astrology is predictions, preventing mishaps and changing the unfavorable planetary influences. The art of predictions enables an astrologer to look into the future with confidence and the suggestion of astral remedies helps in preventing mishaps. Astral remedies are two pronged: first, by propitiating the functional malefic planets exerting unfavorable influences we can avert mishaps; and second, by strengthening the weak functional benefic planets we can produce the desired or even better results.
On the morning of 5th September, 2008 I received the following email:
“Your prediction regarding timing of conception was brilliantly and amazingly accurate. I did conceive end of July and was confirmed a couple of weeks back. However, on the 3rd of Sep ~5:24 am EST, I suffered a miscarriage and passed out a couple of min and was rushed to emergency. Around 6 am the same day, my mom also fell down the stairs and hurt herself badly.
After waiting for so many years, the happiness was short-lived and after this loss, was wondering –
1) could this have been foreseen and prevented even after wearing the gemstones and kavach?
2) is it possible to know when next there will be a chance followed by a healthy pregnancy if any in the near future?
3) During the operation around 3pm yesterday, I took off the kavach and stones pendant (gold). When can i wear it back?”
Now in this case while the strengthening measures helped in achieving the desired results for conception, the absence of regular and continued propitiatory remedies for the functional malefic planets caused a setback due to the malefic transit influences. The significator of progeny, Jupiter, in transit had come under the influence of the natal most malefic planet, the Moon, in this Sagittarius ascendant.
The following is another email I received from a client:
“I know that we are still doing propitiatory remedies, but I'm very concerned about your forecast for Virgo for the weekend of the 14th September. As I wrote to you several weeks ago, we will be flying on the 13th and returning home on the 16th. Is our life in danger?”
Since this person was doing the propitiatory remedies my reply was that I did not see any danger to her life.
This train of thought takes my memory back to the year 1992 when a gentleman, Mr. Rajinder Prasad, who is a very kind and generous person, used to contact me daily seeking astral remedial suggestions for his colleagues and friends who were confronting problems in various areas of life. He was at the time learning astrology, as well. Mr. Prasad used to believe that until he learned astrology he could not venture into giving any suggestions for astral remedies on his own as it may amount to the earning of bad karma if the suggestions were not correct.
It was at this stage that I developed the tried and tested set of propitiatory remedies for each ascendant and also decided on the benefic remedies needed for strengthening the weak functional benefic planets. This knowledge then became available to my SA students who were at various learning stages. These SA astral remedial suggestions in turn helped all those who were seeking SA astrological advice.
Mr. Prasad held a very senior position in the Public Sector. One day while using an elevator in his office he was carrying some astrology books in his hands. Two ladies, who worked in his office, but in a different department, happened to be on the elevator at the same time. They asked Mr. Prasad if he knew astrology and could teach them. After introducing themselves as Ms. Singhal and Ms. Venkat, they informed him that they were both Computer Engineers and worked as Senior Managers. On seeing their serious interest Mr. Prasad talked with me about them. We decided to meet during lunch hours thrice a week for an hour to teach fundamentals and predictive techniques. This turned out to be a great experience as these two Engineers picked up the fundamentals and predictive techniques in two months. Of course, their persistence with learning and gaining experience helped them further.