In quest of learning further, my visits
to Sagar Publications increased in search
of new books. During the course of
visits, I had chances to meet many new
astrologers, authors, editors, members of
Management Committee of the Indian Council
of Astrological Sciences, etc. To my
astonishment most of the people who had
spent years, were authors and experienced
astrologers, were still plagued by
confusions regarding functional nature of
planets, combustion of planets,
retrograde planets, conjunctions of
planets, etc. etc. Most of the
astrologers will immediately take out
their own horoscopes for clarifications.
Many of the authors and astrologers came
to learn astrology after they had serious
problems in their relationships and
professional affairs.
I started
writing case studies where the astral
remedies had shown improvements for the
astrological journals like AM, TOA,
Planets and Forecast, Jyotish Times and
Babaji. Some of the journals were trying
to project their superior image while
they were publishing useless articles. I
dared to send comments on the superficial
and manipulative articles to the editors
of such journals.
My deep interest and study started
showing results and the first spark was
deciding the functional nature on the
basis of the mooltrikona signs. The
discussions were carried further through
the articles. The publications of
articles paved the way for the books and
the first phase of the Systems'Approach
was published in the form of the book,
Systems'Approach for Interpreting
Horoscopes. The acceptance of SA
principles started threatening the
existing authors, editors of journals and
their supporters. So much so, some of
the authors and teachers started advising
their students that they should not read
the books published by Sagar Publications
and in particular by V. K. Choudhry. But
when the Sun rises nobody can stop the
light. One of the teachers wrote in one
of the astrological journals that one of
the modern authors had been the best
teacher in the last 400 years. It was
around February, 1995. I took the cue.
I wrote back that what to talk of this
author's being the best teacher, he even
did not understand astrology. He only
published translations and contributed
through publications and making the
literature available to the people who
wanted to learn astrology. And see, what
is the irony of fate. The same person
today does not spare the person of the
criticism to whom he considered the best
teacher in the last 400 years in 1995.
Some of the astrological journals failed
and in some cases the publications have
either been stopped or sold because of lack of reliable content and predictive methodology. One of the
editors died in young age and could not
plan even for his own family.
Professional jealousies and ego of people
comes in the way of acceptance of the
views of others. So, to bring a change in
established fields is not an easy job.
But I did not stop and started
demolishing wrong notions of classical
astrology one by one through articles and
case studies. People, who had open mind
to the rhyme and reason, read my work and
appreciated. Their feedback gave me
tremendous encouragement to bring the SA
to the current level.
There are
some persons who only criticize others in
their quest to sell their own books/publications. They
have made no contributions by guiding
people on the internet. Rather they used
the opportunity of internet and Groups to
gather information for their own
publications. The Groups having
such people as their guide, could not
survive. I do not name people as this is
not my aim. My aim is to present to
people the principles that work. My aim
is to help the learners in learning. So,
at SATVA101 at Yahoogroups almost all the
queries of the learners are personally answered by me round the clock. I am happy to note that those who are deeply interested in learning astrology are
very intelligent and they are able to see the real worth of the books and publications available in the market.