On 2nd March, 2015, I received a message from the same UK astrologer as mentioned in part XV. This astrologer has been connected with SA from 1998 onward. I share the message with you:
“Hi Prof. Choudhry,
Sometimes I wish that I could sit with you and talk about Jyotish or at least my experience of Jyotish. There are somethings which are easily said but can be difficult to write.
As it is, I only have the email. So, I wanted to share a few thoughts with you concerning my practice of Jyotish.
1. I have noted that SA can definitely be used to find out a native's problems and issues. It is really quite effective. In this regard, if SA has not been able to find the issue then usually the birth data is wrong or it has been my inapt application.
2. In some cases the remedies work well and the native gets relief.
3. In some cases the remedies work well with prayers done for a particular problem (such as birth of child).
4. In some cases the remedies have not worked, at all. These cases are interesting and one begins to think whether other more stronger remedies should be used. However, I don't know what they would be? An example of this case is my friend AV. He has worn the kavach and gemstones and (from what he tells me ) done the remedies for a number of years. However, he has not been able to get married. He has made a number of attempts but fallen flat. Now getting married for him is the important aspect of his life. Does this mean that marriage is denied to him, even when remedies are done??? So what should we look for in a chart to gauge whether remedies will work or whether it is better not to recommend any remedies??
Also are there stronger remedies that a person could try and do??
5. I have generally found that whilst the kavach has worked but the gemstone pendant has not worked that well. This is my feeling, although I don't know whether the gemstone pendent is working at a more subtle level for which I have no understanding. Could you please comment?
I replied to him saying that:
Kavach is suggested for strengthening of weak planets.
Special Power Kavach is suggested for strengthening of weak and afflicted planets.
Special Purpose Kavach (with gemstones) is suggested for strengthening of very weak and severely afflicted planets, which indicate severe problems.
While providing the Kavach or Special Power Kavach or Special Purpose Kavach the person is also advised to regularly propitiate the functional malefic planets in a defined manner.
If there is some fairly strong or even well placed unafflicted planet in the birth chart, especially the lord of the ninth house or the lord of the fourth house or Jupiter, then there are better chances of the remedies working. The close or exact afflictions, especially the affliction of the most malefic planet, are not easy to move. Long term and diligent performance of remedies may help. People often regularly consult their medical doctors regarding health issues; they should also revisit their astrologer to find out more about the remedies, especially if they are facing some problems in the performance of the advised remedies.
Sometimes, it takes five to six years to bring the results, as in cases of a delayed marriage where severe weakness/afflictions are in the horoscope. Read my experiences (all parts) at:
Prayers and propitiatory remedial advice is given. And sometimes the special propitiatory remedial service is suggested.
There are people who do not follow the Prayers and propitiatory remedial advice diligently. The diligent performance of suggested astral remedies and the wearing of the amulet make the benefit possible in most of cases, though with delay in some cases. Where the possibility is difficult, the person is generally informed of that along with the astral remedial advice.
The suggestion of guaranteed benefits is not possible. This is a matter of faith. Those who have faith and want to try and gain something, they try and attain.
Let us see the birth chart of this person AV who was born in November, 1963.
The lord of the second house, being prime determinant of marriage, is closely afflicted by the most malefic planet. The most effective point of the fourth house, ruling marital happiness, is under the exact affliction of Ketu and Rahu. The most effective point of the second house, ruling family including marriage, is under the exact affliction of Rahu and close affliction of Saturn. Mercury and the Moon are combust. The Sun is in utter infancy. The weak planets in the third house become more weak/afflicted as the most effective point of the third house is closely afflicted by the most malefic planet. Jupiter becomes weak as its mooltrikona sign house is under the exact affliction of Ketu and Rahu. Saturn also becomes weak as its mooltrikona sign house is under the exact affliction of Rahu. The weakness of all planets and close afflictions to Venus and the most effective points of various houses show the difficulties in marriage for this person. This is more or less a case of denial of marriage. The possibility for marriage may be (not sure) through diligent performance of astral remedies.
In view of these weaknesses/afflictions, he was suggested the strong application of a special power Kavach with gemstones. From 2009 through 2015 he saw the sub periods of Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury in the main period of Venus. If the feedback had been at an earlier date, some further remedies could have been suggested depending upon the transit of planets.