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"Case Studies : Health Problems
The health is ruled by the first and the sixth houses. Besides, these houses the lords of the ascendant and the sixth house containing a mooltrikona sign become the prime determinant(s) of health. In case both the ascendant and the sixth house do not contain a mooltrikona sign then the planet Sun, the significator for vitality, is considered as the prime determinant of health.
If a mooltrikona sign rises in the divisional chart, shashthamsa, the lord of the same becomes additional prime determinant of health. The Sun is the significator of health and vitality and Mars is the secondary significator of health and vitality. If the prime determinant(s), additional prime determinant and the primary and secondary significators are weak, badly placed and/or afflicted, then the native is vulnerable to serious health problems. In case the planets, mentioned here are strong, well placed and unafflicted, then the native enjoys good health except short term sufferings due to transit weakness and afflictions.
For various
ascendants, the following planets act as prime determinants:
Aries | Mars and Mercury |
Taurus | Venus |
Gemini | The Sun |
Cancer | The Moon and Jupiter |
Leo | The Sun |
Virgo | Mercury and Saturn |
Libra | Venus |
Scorpio | Mars |
Sagittarius | Jupiter |
Capricorn | The Sun |
Aquarius | Saturn and the Moon |
Pisces | The Sun |
Aries | Mercury, Rahu and Ketu |
Taurus | Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Rahu and Ketu |
Gemini | Rahu and Ketu |
Cancer | Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu. |
Leo | The Moon, Rahu and Ketu |
Virgo | Saturn, Mars, the Sun, Rahu and Ketu |
Libra | Mercury, Rahu and Ketu. |
Scorpio | Mars, Venus, Rahu and Ketu. |
Sagittarius | The Moon, Rahu and Ketu. |
Capricorn | The Sun, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu. |
Aquarius | The Moon, Mercury, Rahu and Ketu. |
Pisces | The Sun, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu. |
For spotting the health problems, we proceed as under :
1. Identify the concentrated malefic influence on the
most effective points of various houses and the weak planets.
2. Identify the sub-periods of the afflicting and afflicted
planets and the significators of the health problems.
3. Examine the transit with reference to the natal ascendant of
slow moving or stationary functional malefic planets on the most effective points of various houses and the weak and afflicted planets.
The following are the significators of the health problems:
Weak Planets:
The weak planets are not in a position to protect their general significations and the significations of the houses containing their mooltrikona sign. Therefore, the native suffers because of malfunctioning of health ruled by the weak planets. Needless to add that the badly placed planets are included in the weak planets.
Afflicted Planets:
Those planets which have close influence of the functional malefic planets (afflictors as mentioned above) either by conjunction or aspect are treated as afflicted planets. The close influence of the lord of the sixth house and Rahu causes diseases which may respond to the symptomatic treatment. The close influence of the functional malefic planets ruling the eighth and twelfth houses and the planet Ketu gives chronic diseases. If the afflicted planet is weak and badly placed, the native suffers from fatal diseases and may have to undergo surgery, etc.
Planetary Periods:
The sub-periods of the afflictor planets as mentioned above and the sub-periods of the planets placed in the sixth house and other malefic houses. These sub-periods give rise to the trends which continue throughout the sub-periods and the trends can be reversed if the prime determinants are strong and the following sub-periods are of strong, well placed and unafflicted planets.
Transit Influences:
Sometimes, the illness is triggered by the close transit influence of slow moving malefic planets on the natal planets. If the natal afflicted planets are strong the symptoms of the illness ends after the transit impact is over. If the natal afflicted planets are weak and badly placed and the sub-periods of the afflictors are in progress then the illness turns into chronic illness.
The problems of ill health start surfacing during the sub-periods of the following:
1.lord of the ascendant
2.lord of the sixth house or
3.the planets placed in the sixth house or
4.the planet causing affliction or
5.the planet afflicted or
6.the malefic transit influence on the weak natal positions.
To identify the planets ruling various functional aspects of the health, it is necessary that we have the basic understanding of the functioning of the systems of the body. For the information of the readers, we shall discuss a few of the systems here:
Lymphatic System :
This system is the main line of defense of the body against the attack of the diseases. Lymphs is clear liquids containing white blood cells flowing in the lymphatic vessels. It is associated with the planet, the Moon. That is why the Moon has been identified as the significator for immunization system.
Skin :
A healthy and pink skin is indicative of good functional health. It reflects the personality of a person and focus on sexual feelings and expressions. That is why skin is represented by the lord of the ascendant, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Moon and even the Sun as the blood has a definite say in the formation of the skin.
Vision :
The beauty of eyes is governed by Venus while distant vision is governed by the Sun. The eyesight is governed by the Moon.
Hearing Power :
Mercury rules the power of communication and Jupiter rules the intelligence. Both these planets, thus play an important part as significators for the effective hearing power.
Osteoarthritis :
This is one of the diseases for which there is no fixed relationship of cause and treatment in medicine and the whole stress is on 'painkillers'. Our research reveals that osteoarthritis/gout pains are caused by the weakness of Mars, Venus and Saturn and the afflictions to the most effective point of the tenth house. The application of preventive astral remedies have shown encouraging results.
It is another disease known for its dreaded maleffects. The persons suffering from this disease become extremely weak, their body losses power of healing from any type of wounds/boils and it causes trouble to the eyes. It causes abnormal blood pressure if the patient is careless in his food habits. For analyzing the disease astrologically, let us first see the reasons of this disease in the medical science and the body parts involved. Our food is converted as digestible glucose in liver. Insulin released by pancreas is the main factor for conversion of glucose into the energy for whole of our body. The pancreas glands are behind stomach. If the discharge of insulin is not normal or less or suppressed due to any defects or reasons, the glucose is not converted into energy. The person suffers from hyperglycemia, meaning thereby that glucose level in the blood has increased. Further, if the filters in kidneys do not function properly the glucose starts passing through urine. So the body parts signified by the fifth house, significator of liver - Jupiter, significator of kidney-Venus, the significator of pancreas glands - Jupiter and significator of food digestion - the Sun, if afflicted hold the key for diagnosing diabetes.
While indicating the significations of houses, planets and signs, mentioned in the previous chapters, such types of functional aspects of the various systems of the body have been kept in view. The details of these do not form the scope of this book. The scope of this book is the astrological significators, their weakness and affliction, if any, and the application of the preventive astral remedies for enjoying good health by the natives.
Health problems are surfaced when the significator houses and planets are weak in a nativity besides the weakness of prime determinants and the periods of the afflictors are in operation.
Diverse applications of astrology include timing of events. Timing of events is done with the help of the sub-periods and the transit of planets over the natal chart. Let us take up the study of timing recovery and survival of patients. In an atmosphere of suspense when medical attendants can't assure the relatives about the condition of the patient, one is impelled to turn to astrology to know the likely end of the suspense and the timing. The serious illness is governed by the following factors :
(1) The sub-periods of the weak and afflicted
natal planets.
(2) The sub-period of the planet whose mooltrikona sign
falls in the sixth house and if such a sixth lord forms a close conjunction/aspect
with another natal planet or the most effective point of a particular house.
(3) The illness is triggered by the transit malefic
influence on the weak and/or badly placed natal planetary configuration.
The planets that are in the state of combustion, placed in dusthanas, occupy debilitated signs in the natal or varga charts, are in the state of infancy or old age, are considered weak. Those planets, which occupy mooltrikona sign of the planets mentioned in the proceeding sentence, are also considered weak. Afflicting planets are the functional malefics. Afflicted planets are those planets, which are closely conjunct with or are closely aspected by the functional malefics. For identifying close conjunction/aspect the longitudinal difference between the planets involved, as stated earlier, should not be more than five degrees.
To analyze recovery of the patient, the horoscope is a requisite. Fairly accurate delineations can be worked out from a horary chart, as well. The duration of recovery is worked out through the study of current sub-period and the separating malefic transit influence. When the slow moving malefic planets like Rahu-Ketu, Saturn and Jupiter exercising affliction are stationary, the duration of the critical condition of the patient is generally longer. The pace of recovery depends upon the general strength of the planets in transit.
In this regard we have to proceed with the analysis in a systematic manner. Firstly, we have to work out the natal chart of the patient or one of the close relatives of the patient. In the absence of the birth particulars of the patient, the analysis can be made from the horary chart or the chart of a close relative of the patient. After working out the chart, identify the slow moving planet exerting malefic influence in the chart currently i.e. in transit. Rahu and Ketu work malefically for all the ascendants. After identifying the malefic planet(s) causing the serious condition, gauge the strength of the natal position of the afflicted planet/house. Find out if the affliction is on the most effective point of a house ruled by a weak planet or on a weak natal planet. Also, gauge the transit strength of the identified weak and afflicted planet. If the sub-period of a natal functional benefic is running, the results may not be serious and the recovery depends on the separation of the transit malefic influence on the weak natal positions. While the seriousness may go when the separating influence is one degree longitude apart, the recovery may be possible when the separating effect is five degrees longitude apart between the afflicting planet and the afflicted planet/house. The general strong position of transit planets hastens the recovery while the weak position delays the same. The brightness/ strength of the Moon is a significant factor for consideration and transit affliction of the Moon gives the possible timing of setbacks indicating deterioration in condition. The brief spells of transit affliction on the Moon can be avoided for major medical remedies like starting of a new medication, operation etc. to avoid immediate complications in the treatment.
For the benefit of the readers, we would now take up some illustrations so that the readers can comprehend the application of a systematic approach. The first three charts of this chapter pertain to serious indoor patients in the second fortnight of February, 1995. The general planetary position was not encouraging. Besides it being a dark half, Mars was in its sign of debilitation. The Sun was weak as its dispositor was weak and the Sun was under the close aspect of Rahu. Saturn was combust, Venus changed the sign and underwent the state of old age and infancy. Jupiter was weak due to its being in the debilitated navamsa. The general weakness of majority of the planets kept the pace of recovery of patients quite slow and the transit afflictions of the Sun and the Moon caused increase in seriousness.
Male born 14th October, 1929 (Click
here to see chart)
Rahu-Ketu axis afflicts the MEPs of the houses occupied/aspected in this nativity.
During the main period of Ketu and the sub-period of Rahu, the functional malefics,
exercising close influence on the fifth house in the natal chart, came under their own
transit influence and gave the problem of acidity and burning sensation
in the food pipe. On the 18th January 1995, the transit Rahu formed close
conjunction with natal Mars, who was in its sign of debilitation in transit. The
patient was admitted to the hospital on the 13th February, 1995, for an operation for
removal of a suspected malignant growth in the food pipe. The patient succumbed on the 6th
March, 1995, when the transit malefic influence of Rahu on the weak natal Mars was
continuing. The speed of Rahu was quite slow and it took the toll. The sub-period of Rahu was indicative of such an eventuality in the main period of Ketu which is
the most malefic planet for the natives born under the ascending sign of Gemini.
Horary Chart of 27th Feb. 1995 1545 Hrs. Delhi
here to see chart)
The query was regarding the illness of a relative admitted in the ICU. The horary
chart clearly indicates as the lord of the house of family is forming close conjunction
with the lord of the eighth house in the eighth house and was severely afflicted.
The conjunction was becoming further close and was under the close aspect of transit Rahu.
The lord of the ascendant of the horary chart was also entering the eighth house and coming under the close influence of Rahu indicating grief to the native. The patient died in the morning hours of 1st March, 1995.
Appropriate astral remedies for the afflicting planets play a major role in toning down the severity of the afflictions. No astral remedies were being performed in this case.
During the second half of February, 1995, there were a number of casualties in the ICU while the position of ICU patients reportedly started improving in the bright half and after the Sun was free from the close affliction of Rahu.
Male born 18th Feb. 1952, 1630 Hrs. (Click
here to see chart)
The lord of the ascendant is debilitated and weak but well placed and unafflicted.
The yogakaraka planet, Mars, closely aspects the tenth house which is a positive factor
for the longevity. The functional malefics, Saturn and
Jupiter, closely aspect each other giving rise to possibility of death through serious
illness. Jupiter rules the house of illness and Saturn's mooltrikona sign is in the
house of death i.e. eighth. The Sun and combust Mercury are placed in the eighth
house and are suffering from the close affliction of Rahu-Ketu axis. The Sun is the
significator for the vitality. The planetary configuration clearly denies the full
life span. The native had just completed 43 years of age. The native was admitted in
the hospital for liver cirrhosis on the 22nd February, 1995, and was in
the sub-period of Saturn in the main period of Ketu. The
sub-period was of a planet which is indicative of death. In the
transit, besides the Moon being in the dark half, the Sun was in the eighth house, Jupiter
had formed close aspect with the natal position of Jupiter and Rahu-Ketu axis was
afflicting the most effective point of the eighth house besides the MEPs of other houses
occupied and aspected. It was considered that the recovery of the patient was almost
impossible. The patient breathed his last four days later, when the transit Sun came under
the exact single degree aspect of Rahu.
Male born 7th July, 1994, 0705 Hrs. (Click
here to see chart)
The lord of the ascendant is in its sign of exaltation and unafflicted but very weak as it
is in the state of old age. The lord of the eighth house is strong and not creating
any close affliction in the chart. In this way it strengthens the longevity and
indicates gains to father but causes obstructions and ill health during its
sub-period. Mercury and the Sun are badly placed but do not suffer from any close
affliction. The functional malefic Jupiter, too, does not cause any close affliction
in the chart. In the end of November, 1994, the child was reported to be suffering
seriously from meningitis since 21st November, 1994. The native was running the
sub-period of Mercury in the main period of Mars. The sub-period of a weak
functional benefic was not considered to be dangerous for life. Transit Jupiter was
afflicting the mid-point of the fifth house and was afflicting the MEP of the houses
aspected, as well. Simultaneously, the transit Rahu had also formed close aspect
with natal Sun and Saturn placed in the twelfth and eighth houses, respectively, Transit
aspects were separating towards the end of the year 1994. Therefore, native's
parents were advised for propitiatory measures for Rahu and Jupiter and strengthening
measures for the weak functional benefic planets through the use of a YANTRA
(KAVACH). The native responded to treatment completely by the end of December, 1994.
Male born 25th March, 1981, 1728 Hrs. (Click
here to see chart)
The lord of the ascendant is badly placed in the eighth house in close conjunction with
the functional benefics, Mars and Venus. The Sun and Mars suffer from the close
affliction of Rahu from the twelfth house. The Moon occupies its sign of
Saturn and Jupiter are well placed and are closely conjunct with each other but both of these suffer from the close aspect of Ketu. Mercury is the only well placed and unafflicted planet. The sub-period of Rahu robbed the courage of the native due to affliction of Rahu to the Sun and the combust Mars and the native developed phobias. The treatment from different sources proved to be of little help. On 25th of August, 1994, astral counseling and remedies were sought. The native was suggested charities for Rahu, avoiding the gray colored clothes and the use of protective disk, Kavach, for strengthening of the weak functional benefics which proved helpful and indicated improvement in the general condition of the native. The full rehabilitation of the native is slow due to the following sub-period of Jupiter, which is lord of the fifth house and is afflicted by Ketu by way of an aspect from the house of diseases.
Female born 15th December, 1982 (Click
here to see chart)
The functional malefic, the Moon, is debilitated, badly placed and is closely afflicting
the Sun. The lord of the ascendant is badly placed. Rahu-Ketu axis closely
afflicts Mercury, Venus and Saturn. Mars is the only well-placed and strong planet.
Mars is in the sign of exaltation and does not suffer from any affliction. The weak
ascendant lord and afflicted planets make a native prone to ill health. During the
sub-period of Mercury in the main period of Ketu, the native suffered from loss of
memory. The astral remedies were sought towards the end of 1994 after trying medical
and psychiatric treatment of all types. As the disease had not been the result of
the transit influence but is due to indicative affliction of Mercury that is closely
conjunct with Ketu, no short-term treatment gave relief. The astral propitiatory
remedies for Rahu , Ketu and the Moon together with a locket (Kavach) for the weak and
afflicted functional benefics was suggested. The use of the astral remedies started
giving improvement.
Male born 20th March, 1992 0734 Hrs. (Click
here to see chart)
No mooltrikona sign rises in the ascendant and therefore the lord of the eighth house
governs the longevity. Mars is in the state of infancy and placed in the twelfth
house. Jupiter is closely afflicted from the aspects of Rahu and the most malefic
planet, Venus, while Venus is closely afflicted by the aspect of the functional malefic,
Ketu. The aspect of Jupiter to Venus is of little help because of Jupiter’s own bad
placement and affliction. Mercury, the significator for speech and analytical power, is
also weak due to its being in the state of debilitation.
Mars, the main period lord at birth, rules the second house which inter alia other things also rules speech. Weakness of both, the lord of the house of speech and the significator for speech and the affliction of lord of the twelfth house to the significator of speech, Mercury, have shown prominent results in this case. The native had almost no speech up to the middle of the year 1995 when the astral remedies were sought. In such cases, the astral remedies also cannot make significant improvement as the second house, its lord and Mercury do not have any beneficial impact on them.
Male born 15 July 1994. (Click
here to see chart)
Rahu forms close aspect with the Sun. The most malefic planet, Mars, closely aspects badly
placed Venus and Rahu-Ketu axis afflicts the most effective points of the ninth, eleventh,
first, third, fifth and seventh houses. Similarly, the Sun afflicts the most
effective points of the eleventh and fifth houses, in the nativity. At birth, the native
was running the sub-period of Saturn in the main period of the Moon. Saturn rules
the sixth house and is capable of giving diseases in its sub-period. The native was
suffering from jaundice at birth. However, the sickness at birth was given by the
close affliction of Rahu to the Sun, which separated only in the end of August, 1994.
Whenever there is exact affliction of the functional malefics, the sub-period of a
functional malefic is running at birth and the functional malefic being a slow moving
planet is stationary or having a slower motion, the native suffers from ill health right
at birth. If the prime significator for longevity is not weak, badly placed and
afflicted, as in this case, the native recovers from the sickness prevailing at the time
of birth as soon as the functional malefic planet's close conjunction with the
afflicted planet separates. The natal and transit position of the planets at birth is same
and the transit movement of malefics over the natal position of afflicted planets helps in
arriving at the conclusions.