Prominent significations of the eleventh house, among others, are
income, prosperity, friends, fulfillment of desires and happiness from elder
brothers. Jupiter is the significator
for this house. Saturn is the secondary
significator for this house which promises gains from efforts/struggles, if
strong in a nativity. If there is no
mooltrikona sign in the eleventh house, then the lord of the second house
becomes the prime determinant for identifying financial gains and income. If there is no mooltrikona sign in the second
house then the lord of the tenth house becomes the prime determinant for
financial gains and income. The lord of
the ascendant of the ekadasamsa (D-XI) chart, if
containing a mooltrikona sign, becomes an additional prime determinant for
financial gains and income. The planets
closely influencing the most effective point of the eleventh house become
secondary significators for financial gains.
The lord of the eleventh house signifies the sources of income as
per his traits and the house where he is located. Suppose Saturn being the lord of the eleventh
house is placed in the ascendant in its sign of debilitation and is
afflicted. It indicates routine jobs or
jobs of maintenance connected with various types of machinery, which is not
static and paying and carries little respect for the person in social life. If, however, due to the strength of the prime
determinant of professional matters in a particular chart such a person
acquires some position, he is vulnerable to losing that during the sub-period
of Saturn. If in the natal chart Saturn
or the eleventh house is weak and devoid of functional benefic influence, the
native confronts recurring obstacles in life.
The setbacks are the results of natal afflictions as well as transit
Another example, if Jupiter being lord of the eleventh house is
placed in its sign of debilitation in the twelfth house, the ventures of the
native during the sub-period of Jupiter in various main periods bring down the
income and cause losses to the native by way of lack of skilled handling of
affairs and lack of wisdom. The expenses
may outnumber the gains. The native may
have to move to a distant place for professional or business ventures.
Debilitated Mars in the second house, being lord of the eleventh
house, indicates income from job and status. A weak Mars may keep the level of
income moderate. At the same time as it
is weak in the house of accumulated wealth, it may deny income from family's
sources or from accumulated wealth of the family meaning thereby that such a
person does not stand a chance of good gains from inheritance and a moderate
(debilitated) portion of his own income will get accumulated. The signs also play a very vital role in
deciding the quantum of income. For
example royal signs like Leo and Cancer give fabulous income if their lords are
strong and good income even if they are weak when placed in good houses.
The strong position of the lord of the eleventh house or the prime
determinant of income and the significator, Jupiter, promises prosperity, good income and gains from friends
and elder brothers. The planets posited
in the eleventh house play their roles with reference to the houses where their
mooltrikona signs are placed. The
results of placement of the lord of the eleventh house are pronounced only if
this house contains a mooltrikona sign and its lord is strong.
The role of the lord of the eleventh house, containing a
mooltrikona sign, is also very important for making job or business
decisions. This will indicate the areas that would be explored by the
native for earning and fulfillment of his desires. If the lord of the
eleventh house goes to the ascendant and is strong, the native will earn a lot
of money through self-effort. The position of the lord of the eleventh
house in the second house indicates that the native will earn a good status and
friendship with highly placed persons. He will earn wealth through the
help of his highly placed friends and his status. The position of the
lord of the eleventh house in the third house indicates income through business
enterprises in the fields of communication, transportation, publication, trading, etc. The position of the lord of the eleventh
house in the fourth house indicates earnings through the application of parental
assets in the business of real estate, automobiles, educational institutions,
furnishings, hotels, teaching, etc. The position of the lord of the
eleventh house in the fifth house indicates earning through speculations, intellectual professions, management
services, banking, teaching, etc. The placement of the lord of the
eleventh house in the sixth house indicates disputes in the sources of income, income
through money lending, bank loans, legal practice and hospitals. The placement of the lord of
the eleventh house in the seventh house indicates income from foreign lands,
business in partnership, luxurious hotels, import-export of luxury items, etc.
The placement of the lord of the eleventh house in the eighth house
indicates income from foreign lands, service, insurance business, practice of
mystic sciences, etc. The placement of
the lord of the eleventh house in ninth house indicates income from foreign
stay and visits, inheritance, involvement in religious activities and
teaching. The placement of the lord of the eleventh house in the tenth
house indicates income through one's profession depending upon the planets and
signs exerting influencing on the tenth house. The placement of the lord
of the eleventh house in the eleventh house indicates income through financial
institutions, gains through highly placed friends and elder siblings. The
placement of the lord of the eleventh house in the twelfth house may impel the
native to go to foreign lands for earning. His/her business ventures in
the native place may involve a large amount of expenses and losses.
The influence of the planets on the eleventh house is as per their
functional nature/strength and the level of affluence is as per the capacity of
the planets concerned. The impact of the
placement of planets changes as per their placement in various signs. For
example, placement of a planet or even the Sun in the sign Aquarius ruled by
Saturn reduces the impact of the affluence of that planet while the placement
of a planet or even Saturn in the sign Leo enhances its capacity to bless the
native with large financial benefits.
Now we shall see the analysis through some illustrations.
CHART 94: Male born 3rd
September, 1961, 0750 Hrs. 77E13, 28N39, India.

The Moon is the prime determinant for the gains, income, elder
siblings and friends. Venus closely
influences the most effective point of the eleventh house and becomes the
secondary significator for the significations of the eleventh house. The Moon is weak due to infancy and is placed
in the tenth house linking the source of income to the job. The impact of the weakness of the Moon is
reduced to some extent by the close influence of Venus in the chart. The Moon is exalted in (D-XI) and influences
the ascendant of (D-XI). Ketu closely aspects and afflicts the weak Moon. Mercury is fairly strong in the birth chart.
The Sun is strong. The planets Saturn, Jupiter, the Moon and Venus are
weak. The weakness of Mercury is reduced
to some extent due to its being in its sign of exaltation. The Sun is strong.
The capability of organizing given by the strong Sun, the placement
of the Moon in the tenth house indicating the house keeping and hotel industry
and good income indicated by Venus through accumulated wealth brought the
native to the hotel industry. The
weakness of the sixth lord and affliction to the Moon gave tensions on account
of venturing into a project much bigger than the available financial
resources. The sub-periods of weak and
afflicted planets caused persistent stress to the native in the main period of
weak Saturn.
CHART 95: Male born 30th September, 1948, 1240 Hrs. 76E56, 30N50, India.

The sign Libra rises in the eleventh house, whose lord becoming
prime determinant of the significations of the eleventh house, is weak due to
bad placement and old age. Venus is also
the lord of the ascendant of (D-XI).
Mercury, the tenth lord, becomes weak as its dispositor is weak and it
is closely afflicted by Rahu and Ketu. Mercury is near to the most effective point of the eleventh house
and is closely aspected by the lord of the third house , Saturn. The Sun, being the ninth
lord, occupies the tenth house. The
exact influence of the most malefic planet, the Moon, on Saturn in the ninth
house ruling the business ventures of the native, indicates serious
obstructions to his business ventures.
The ventures of the native undertaken overseas met with many
impediments. Good income came in through
an overseas job.
In this case, the eleventh house indicates income from
profession. The placement of the Sun in
the tenth house tells us about the magnitude of earning. The native lived well in a foreign country,
got good remuneration and perks. Barring
a very small period of stay in India the native had been staying in a foreign
country right from the beginning of the eighth lord's period, which is posited in the ninth
house in exact conjunction with Saturn, both of which show stay abroad. The
lord of the ascendant is placed in the twelfth house indicating inclinations to
live in foreign lands. The Moon is
the lord of distant places and is placed in the house of foreign visits and
Saturn is one of the significators for stay abroad and rules initiatives and
business ventures in this nativity.
CHART 96: Male born 12th
September, 1924, 1323 Hrs. 76E55, 31N43, India.

The eleventh lord, becoming the prime determinant of the house of
gains, occupies the tenth house in close conjunction with the tenth lord, the
Sun. Both the lords of the eleventh
house and tenth house closely influence the most effective point of the tenth
house. Jupiter ruling status is strong
in the chart. Strong Jupiter becomes an
additional prime determinant of income as it is the lord of the ascendant of
(D-XI). The most effective point of the
eleventh house is closely afflicted by the aspect of Ketu. The close influence of the functional benefic
Sun on the lord of the eleventh house and the strong Jupiter in the natal chart
is indicative of good income for the native.
The native earned good income starting from the beginning of the main
period of the eleventh lord. The native,
who was in a government job while in India, visited the USA for employment and residential purposes,
and prospered.
See the combinations for the same.
The lord of the house of residence in native place, Saturn, is exalted
in the twelfth house. The placement of
Jupiter, the lord of the house of accumulated wealth, in the ascendant
indicates addition to wealth due to self-efforts. Well placed and affluent planets blessed the
native with good income and planets causing afflictions caused problems and
losses. Mercury's weakness due to combustion could not save
him from the bad impacts of unfavorable transits. The transit of Ketu over the most effective
point of the eleventh house put him to a loss of US$ 200,000 which was absorbed
by the native in the year 1986 as the lord of eleventh is weak due to
combustion. At that time the native was
running the sub-period of Mars in the main period of Ketu. Mars, the sixth lord, is placed in the fourth
house and is closely afflicted due to close conjunction with Ketu.
CHART 97: Male born 20th October, 1955, 1510 Hrs. 74E40, 30N55, India.

Jupiter becoming the prime determinant for the significations of
the eleventh house is posited close to the most effective point of the seventh
house aspecting the eleventh house, ascendant and
the third house. Jupiter also rules the
ascendant of (D-XI). Jupiter is fairly
strong and its close influence in the chart from the royal sign Leo indicates a
good amount of income; it has shown its pronounced results for the native. The debilitated Moon and Rahu occupy the
tenth house in exact conjunction which indicates use of manipulative ways and
means. This is also confirmed by the debilitation of the Sun in both the rasi
and navamsa charts. The lord of the
ascendant, Saturn, occupies its sign of exaltation in the ninth house and its
dispositor is strongly placed in the ninth house. The beginning of the main period of the Sun
had given a break from the continuance of manipulative activities. The native
was advised to refrain from such activities in the future so that the ensuing
sub-periods of Moon, Mars and Rahu do not bring disgrace to him.
CHART 98: Female born 7th
December, 1952, 0447 Hrs. 72E50, 18N58, India.

Ruling the eleventh house, the Sun becomes the prime determinant
for gains and is well placed in the second house, exactly over the most
effective point of the second house. The
eleventh house is closely aspected by an exalted Mars and by
Jupiter. The sign Leo in the eleventh
house and the aspects to the eleventh house indicate gains by the contribution of
family and family's accumulated wealth. The
tenth house is occupied by its lord, the Moon.
The planets Mars and the Moon are closely afflicted by the nodes, while
the Sun is exactly afflicted by Ketu.
The business of the native, related to embroidery and fashion garments
for domestic as well as export sales, has been expanded from time to time. The close aspect of the third lord Jupiter to
the ascendant has given the native great initiative and made her an
The affliction to the most effective points of the second, fourth,
sixth, eighth, tenth and twelfth houses besides close afflictions to Mars, Moon
and the Sun, caused obstructions in the sources of income during the
sub-periods of the afflicted planets and did not bless the native with
CHART 99: Male born 8th December, 1977, 1152 Hrs. 77E13, 28N39, India.

The lord of the eleventh house, Jupiter, becomes the prime
determinant for the significations of the eleventh house. Jupiter is strongly placed in the fifth house
and closely aspects the eleventh house.
The eleventh house is occupied by Mercury, the lord of the eighth house,
signifying gains from inheritance. The
placement of Jupiter in the fifth house shows income from mental applications,
investments and speculations. The native's parents earned good amounts out of the
business of property and are likely to leave their wealth for the native. The strong lord of the ninth house closely
influences the fourth house. The native
made use of the wealth for investments and speculative purposes. The placement of the Sun, the seventh lord,
and Venus in the tenth house indicate rich gains with the help of wife as had
been in the case of his father. The third
lord is debilitated in the sixth house. When the third lord is in the
sixth house it breeds conflicts out of one’s initiatives as the third house
rules initiatives. Its exact aspect to the Moon, the lord of the sixth
house, created an even deeper connection between initiatives and conflicts, and
is likely to involve the native in litigation, etc. thus putting his own self
into uncomfortable situations. Natal Ketu's affliction to weak and badly placed Mars
indicates losses in business ventures due to conflicts, and health problems due
to infections.