This stone is used for strengthening the planet Venus. Venus rules comforts, wife, worldly knowledge and pursuits, creativity, art and rich tastes when strong.
Venus is personified as a minister, preceptor of demons, lover, knowledge of life saving drugs and arts. It rules vocations in the field of financial administration, cinema, theatres, paintings, music, designing, architecture, interior decorator, entertainer, modelling, advertising, business connected with its significations, legal, teaching, hotels, medicines, fashion and luxurious items.
It governs sexual organs, kidneys, semen, face, neck, throat, chin, venous system, etc. When weak and/or afflicted it causes venereal diseases, diabetes, stones in bladder, or kidney, cataract, weakness of sexual organs and paralysis.
The strength to weak Venus is provided by wearing of a Diamond whose recommended weight is either 1 carat. The stone should be flawless and should not contain silky inclusions. It is very necessary that one wears this stone in an auspiciously elected time.