The application of yellow sapphire is recommended to strengthen the planet, Jupiter in a horoscope. Jupiter is personified as a minister, preceptor, judge and linked with treasury. The nature of Jupiter is generous. It signifies the fields of top political and administrative positions, teaching, law, financial institutions and advisory roles, judges, bankers, teachers, astrologers, management experts, administrators if it is found strong in a nativity. Its nature is generous.
Jupiter signifies elder brothers, spouse in female nativities, male progeny, wealth, morals, sincerity, friends, divine grace, father and, in fact, all good things in life.
When weak and/or afflicted it causes jaundice, diabetes and other diseases of liver, anaemia, diseases of pancreas glands and gall bladder, flatulence, etc.
The strength to Jupiter is provided by wearing of a stone yellow sapphire whose recommended weight is between 4.6 to 4.7 carats. The stone should be flawless and should not contain any feathers and silky inclusions. It is very necessary that one wears this stone in an auspiciously elected time.