The concept of maraka (death inflicting)
planets has created confusions and fears. People have become scared of the
operating periods of the so called maraka planets.
This concept evolved from Chapter 44 of the Brihat Parashar Hora Shastra in which
the third and eighth houses are mentioned as houses of life. This chapter also
mentions that houses twelfth from the third and eighth houses (meaning
thereby the second and seventh houses) act as maraka
houses. It also mentions that the lords of these houses and the malefic planets
associated with the lords of the second and seventh houses or the malefic
planets placed in the second and seventh houses will act as maraka
planets and are likely to bring death depending upon the span of longevity. Based on these principles, when an astrologer tells an inquirer
that the latter is running the main or sub period of a maraka
planet, the inquirer gets scared. Using these two points of the maraka concept, we see a number of planets becoming maraka planets in some of the horoscopes.
The fundamental point regarding the concept about the houses of longevity is
right. The other point regarding which planets are malefic needs a deeper look.
In our view and experience the malefic planets here mean the functional malefic
planets. If the mooltrikona sign lords of the longevity houses and the
determinant of longevity are strong, one is blessed with a good or full span of
life. The mooltrikona sign lord of the ascendant is a prime determinant of
longevity. The strong planets in the birth chart add an advantage to the
longevity determinant planets. An early death can occur during the sub periods
of the afflicted and badly placed weak planets if the planets ruling longevity
are weak. The prolonged transit influence on such afflicted and badly placed
weak planets threatens the longevity further. Our empirical studies indicate
that this hypothesis is correct.
Professor Choudhry: This reminds me of an important event. While I was in my office, a gentleman
came to meet me at about 2 p.m. in late September, 1993. He was fully
drenched in sweat and it appeared as if he had directly come out of a swimming
pool. I asked him the purpose of his arrival and the reason for his anxiety.
The person said that he had shown the birth chart of his son to an astrologer.
The said astrologer indicated that his son was running the sub period of a maraka planet in the main period of another maraka planet. The said astrologer must have considered
Venus as a maraka planet in view of the above
principle laid down in BPHS. The malefic Ketu was associating with Venus in the
third house. This made him disturbed. Let me share with you the birth chart of
the son born on 7th
June, 1973:
I went through the horoscope and found that there was nothing of
the sort. His son was in the sub period of Ketu placed in the third house in
the main period of Venus. Ketu was neither near the most effective point of the
house nor it was close to Mercury and Venus placed in the third house. I said
that there was no worry. His son will live long and no problem will come to him
during the operation of the sub period of Ketu in the next one year. The
gentleman heaved a sigh of relief and left after thanking me. He said that the
astrologer, who told him about the maraka planet sub
period, had to leave for a while but when he returned this gentleman would tell
him not to scare people on such half-baked knowledge. This astrologer had left
to attend the last rites of his elder brother. Unfortunately, this astrologer
also died there. During the entire sub period of Ketu, the said maraka planet, I had to repeatedly ensure the gentleman
that there was no fear of death or trouble for his child. The sign Aries rises
in the ascendant in the horoscope. The Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Venus and
Saturn are benefic (favorable) planets. Mercury, Rahu and Ketu act as
functional malefic (unfavorable) planets. Jupiter acts as a Sun-like planet.
Sun, Venus, Moon and Mercury are strongly placed in the birth chart. Mars is well placed but weak due to old age and a weak dispositor,
Saturn. Saturn is well placed but is weak due to old age and combustion.
Jupiter is well placed but is weak due to debilitation. The functional malefic
planets do not cause close afflictions and no planet is placed in the malefic
This person was a medical student and pursuing the degree of MBBS. Later he
obtained the degrees of MD and DM. The strength of the Sun, Moon and Venus
helped him in attaining these degrees and being appointed as a consultant in a
super-specialty hospital in New Delhi, India. He is married and blessed with children
and is enjoying happiness in life. The main periods of the Sun, Moon and Mars
brought many attainments for this person.