Astrological advice can make a very significant impact in the case of investments in life. It helps in controlling the micro factors based on the analysis of one's natal chart.
The fifth house rules gains through investments. If the lord of the fifth house is strong, one is destined to have gains through investments in life. The impact of Rahu on a strong lord of the fifth house can give gains through speculative investments, if there is no planetary influence indicating loss of assets in the birth chart. One must exercise caution in the stakes when the influence of Rahu is involved. Besides the strength of the fifth house the strength of the second and fourth houses ruling wealth and assets, respectively, is also necessary.
The lord of the twelfth house rules losses. If Rahu and Rahu like planets - that is the lords of the twelfth and eighth houses - closely influence the first, fifth, second, third, fourth and tenth houses and their lords, one should never indulge in the stock markets and highly risky or even slightly risky investments.
The weak lords of the second, third, fourth and fifth houses can also give losses in investments even if they are not under the influence of the lord of the house of losses or Rahu and Ketu. In such an eventuality strengthening of the weak lords of second, third, fourth and fifth houses can reduce the chances of losses due to unfavorable transit influences.
The analysis of element of loss due to macro factors is very dicey as it includes the impact of global risks. Therefore, one's own natal chart plays an important and significant part in gains through investments.
Those with a close impact of Rahu and the lord of the twelfth house in their birth charts should always go in for secured investments. Mars and the Moon rule gains through investments in real estate. Mercury rules gains through trading or highly volatile markets.