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The impact of transit functional
malefics is on both the functional malefics and the functional benefics. The
things governed by the planets would be their general and particular
significations. Similarly, when the impact is on the MEP of a house the
significations of the house occupied and the house(s) aspected, both MT and
Non-MT, would be influenced by the transit planet.
Transit of functional benefics
over the natal position of functional malefics or close aspect of natal
functional malefics on transit functional benefics also spoil the signification
of the functional benefics.
By transit strength we mean the
planet should be strong in the transit.
Every year during the months of September and October the transit Mercury, Venus and the Sun generally transit the sign Virgo and the native becomes vulnerable to health problems, disputes and financial constraints. Similarly, the transit planets in Scorpio cause obstructions while the transit planets in the sign Pisces cause additional expenses and problems in journeys/distant places.
When the slow moving planets Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu transit in the sign Virgo, they make the persons born in Aries ascendant vulnerable to health problems, disputes and setbacks. When these slow moving planets transit in the sign Scorpio they cause setbacks, obstructions and difficulties to father and the sources of income. When these slow moving planets transit in the sign Pisces they cause loss of income, additional expenses, problems with law and setbacks. In such situations one should strengthen Jupiter and Saturn and continuously propitiate Rahu and Ketu.
Every year during the months of October and November when transit Mercury, Venus and the Sun generally transit the sign Libra the native becomes vulnerable to health problems, disputes and financial constraints. Similarly, the transit planets in Sagittarius cause obstructions while the transit planets in the sign Aries cause additional expenses and problems in journeys/distant places.
When the slow moving planets Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu transit in the sign Libra, they make the persons born in Taurus ascendant vulnerable to health problems, disputes, accidents and setbacks. When these slow moving planets transit in the sign Sagittarius they cause setbacks, problems in job, obstructions and difficulties to father and the sources of income. When these slow moving planets transit in the sign Aries they may cause loss of income, additional expenses, problems with law, problems to father, job problems and setbacks. In such situations one should strengthen Saturn and continuously propitiate Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu.
Every year during the months of November and December when transit Mercury, Venus and the Sun generally transit the sign Scorpio the native becomes vulnerable to health problems, disputes and financial constraints. Similarly, the transit planets in Capricorn cause obstructions while the transit planets in the sign Taurus cause additional expenses and problems in journeys/distant places.
When the slow moving planets Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu transit in the sign Scorpio, they make the persons born in Gemini ascendant vulnerable to health problems, disputes and setbacks. When these slow moving planets transit in the sign Capricorn they cause setbacks, obstructions and difficulties to father and the spouse. When these slow moving planets transit in the sign Taurus they may cause loss of income, additional expenses, problems with law and setbacks. In such situations one should strengthen Jupiter and Saturn and continuously propitiate Rahu and Ketu.
Every year during the months of December and January when transit Mercury, Venus and the Sun generally transit the sign Sagittarius the native becomes vulnerable to health problems, disputes and financial constraints. Similarly, the transit planets in Aquarius cause obstructions while the transit planets in the sign Gemini causes additional expenses and problems in journeys/distant places.
When the slow moving planets Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu transit in the sign Sagittarius, they make the persons born in Cancer ascendant vulnerable to health problems, disputes and setbacks. When these slow moving planets transit in the sign Aquarius they cause setbacks, obstructions and difficulties to father and the sources of income. When these slow moving planets transit in the sign Gemini they may cause loss of income, additional expenses, problems with law and setbacks. In such situations one should continuously propitiate Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu. These slow moving planets near the most effective point of any house cause serious stress.
Every year during the months of January and February when transit Mercury, Venus and the Sun generally transit the sign Capricorn the native becomes vulnerable to health problems, disputes and financial constraints. Similarly, the transit planets in Pisces cause obstructions while the transit planets in the sign Cancer cause additional expenses and problems in journeys/distant places.
When the slow moving planets Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu transit in the sign Capricorn, they make the persons born in Leo ascendant vulnerable to health problems, disputes and setbacks. When these slow moving planets transit in the sign Pisces they cause setbacks, obstructions and difficulties to father and the sources of income. When these slow moving planets transit in the sign Cancer they may cause loss of income, additional expenses, problems with law and setbacks. In such situations one should strengthen Jupiter and Saturn and continuously propitiate Rahu and Ketu. The slow moving planets Rahu and Ketu near the most effective point of any house cause serious stress.
Every year during the months of February and March when transit Mercury, Venus and the Sun generally transit the sign Aquarius the native becomes vulnerable to health problems, disputes and financial constraints. Similarly, the transit planets in Aries cause obstructions while the transit planets in the sign Leo cause additional expenses and problems in journeys/distant places.
When the slow moving planets Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu transit in the sign Aquarius, they make the persons born in Virgo ascendant vulnerable to health problems, disputes and setbacks. When these slow moving planets transit in the sign Aries they cause setbacks, obstructions and difficulties to father and the sources of income. When these slow moving planets transit in the sign Leo they may cause loss of income, additional expenses, problems with law and setbacks. In such situations one should strengthen Jupiter and continuously propitiate Saturn, Rahu and Ketu. The slow moving planets Saturn, Rahu and Ketu near the most effective point of any house cause serious stress. The slow moving planet Jupiter near the most effective point of any benefic house brings happy events concerning the house transited and the houses aspected.
Every year during the months of March and April when transit Mercury, Venus and the Sun generally transit the sign Pisces the native becomes vulnerable to health problems, disputes and financial constraints. Similarly, the transit planets in Taurus cause obstructions while the transit planets in the sign Virgo cause additional expenses and problems in journeys/distant places.
When the slow moving planets Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu transit in the sign Pisces, they make the persons born in Libra ascendant vulnerable to health problems, disputes and setbacks. When these slow moving planets transit in the sign Taurus they cause setbacks, obstructions and difficulties to father and the sources of income. When these slow moving planets transit in the sign Virgo they may cause loss of income, additional expenses, problems with law and setbacks. In such situations one should strengthen Jupiter and Saturn and continuously propitiate Rahu and Ketu.
The slow moving planets Rahu and Ketu near the most effective point of any house cause serious stress. The slow moving planets Jupiter and Saturn near the most effective point of any benefic house brings happy events concerning the house transited and the houses aspected.
Every year during the months of April and May when transit Mercury, Venus and the Sun generally transit the sign Aries the native becomes vulnerable to health problems, disputes and financial constraints. Similarly, the transit planets in Gemini cause obstructions while the transit planets in the sign Libra cause additional expenses and problems in journeys/distant places.
When the slow moving planets Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu transit in the sign Aries, they make the persons born in Scorpio ascendant vulnerable to health problems, disputes and setbacks. When these slow moving planets transit in the sign Gemini they cause setbacks, obstructions and difficulties to father and the sources of income. When these slow moving planets transit in the sign Libra they may cause loss of income, additional expenses, problems with law and setbacks. In such situations one should strengthen Jupiter and Saturn and continuously propitiate Mars, Venus, Rahu and Ketu.
The slow moving planets Rahu and Ketu near the most effective point of any house cause serious stress. The slow moving planets Jupiter and Saturn near the most effective point of any benefic house bring happy events concerning the house transited and the houses aspected.
Every year during the months of May and June when transit Mercury, Venus and the Sun generally transit the sign Taurus the native becomes vulnerable to health problems, disputes and financial constraints. Similarly, the transit planets in Cancer cause obstructions while the transit planets in the sign Scorpio cause additional expenses and problems in journeys or in distant places.
When the slow moving planets Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu transit in the sign Taurus, they make the persons born in Sagittarius ascendant vulnerable to health problems, disputes and setbacks. When these slow moving planets transit in the sign Cancer they cause setbacks, obstructions and difficulties to father and the sources of income. When these slow moving planets transit in the sign Scorpio they may cause loss of income, additional expenses, problems with law and setbacks. In such situations one should strengthen Jupiter and Saturn and continuously propitiate Rahu and Ketu.
The slow moving planets Rahu and Ketu near the most effective point of any house cause serious stress. The slow moving planets Saturn and Jupiter near the most effective point of any benefic house bring happy events concerning the house transited and the houses aspected.
Every year during the months of June and July when transit Mercury, Venus and the Sun generally transit the sign Gemini the native becomes vulnerable to health problems, disputes and financial constraints. Similarly, the transit planets in Leo cause obstructions while the transit planets in the sign Sagittarius cause additional expenses and problems in journeys/distant places.
When the slow moving planets Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu transit in the sign Gemini, they make the persons born in Capricorn ascendant vulnerable to health problems, disputes and setbacks. When these slow moving planets transit in the sign Leo they cause setbacks, obstructions and difficulties to father and the sources of income. When these slow moving planets transit in the sign Sagittarius they may cause loss of income, additional expenses, problems with law and setbacks. In such situations one should strengthen Saturn and continuously propitiate Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu.
The slow moving planets Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu near the most effective point of any house cause serious stress. The slow moving planet Saturn near the most effective point of any benefic house brings happy events concerning the house transited and the houses aspected.
Every year during the months of July and August when transit Mercury, Venus and the Sun generally transit the sign Cancer the native becomes vulnerable to health problems, disputes and financial constraints. Similarly, the transit planets in Virgo cause obstructions while the transit planets in the sign Capricorn cause additional expenses and problems in journeys/distant places.
When the slow moving planets Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu transit in the sign Cancer, they make the persons born in Aquarius ascendant vulnerable to health problems, disputes and setbacks. When these slow moving planets transit in the sign Virgo they cause setbacks, obstructions and difficulties to father and the sources of income. When these slow moving planets transit in the sign Capricorn they may cause loss of income, additional expenses, problems with law and setbacks. In such situations one should strengthen Jupiter and Saturn and continuously propitiate Moon, Mercury, Rahu and Ketu.
The slow moving planets Rahu and Ketu near the most effective point of any house cause serious stress. The slow moving planet Saturn and Jupiter near the most effective point of any benefic house brings happy events concerning the house transited and the houses aspected.
Every year during the months of August and September when transit Mercury, Venus and the Sun generally transit the sign Leo the native becomes vulnerable to health problems, disputes and financial constraints. Similarly, the transit planets in Libra cause obstructions while the transit planets in the sign Aquarius cause additional expenses and problems in journeys/distant places.
When the slow moving planets Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu transit in the sign Leo, they make the persons born in Pisces ascendant vulnerable to health problems, disputes and setbacks. When these slow moving planets transit in the sign Libra they cause setbacks, obstructions and difficulties to father and the sources of income. When these slow moving planets transit in the sign Aquarius they may cause loss of income, additional expenses, problems with law and setbacks. In such situations one should strengthen Jupiter and continuously propitiate Sun, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu.
The slow moving planets Saturn, Rahu and Ketu near the most effective point of any house cause serious stress. The slow moving planet Jupiter near the most effective point of any benefic house brings happy events concerning the house transited and the houses aspected.