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The second house rules status of the person in the society or with the Government. The third house rules the communication power of the person which is an important aspect for leadership. The ninth house is the house of fortune and rules happiness from father and preceptor. The Sun like planets do not cause combustion to other planets. The lords of the second, third and ninth houses, wherever other than the Sun, act like the Sun for the various ascendants:
1. Aries........... Jupiter
2. Taurus......... The Moon
3. Gemini......... The Moon and Saturn
4. Cancer......... The Sun and Mercury
5. Leo............... Mercury, Venus and Mars
6. Virgo............ Venus
7. Libra............ Jupiter
8. Scorpio........ Jupiter and the Moon
9. Sagittarius... Saturn
10. Capricorn... Saturn and Mercury
11. Aquarius..... Mars and Venus
12. Pisces......... Mars
Any planet placed in the sign Leo has comparatively more power and certainly up by 25% than the actual power of the said planet(s).
When being the lord of the second house a Sun-like planet is placed in Leo sign it gains additional strength.
When the Sun itself is placed in a Sun-like house, it also gains 25% additional strength. In case the Sun is a functional malefic planet when placed in a Sun like house, it should not afflict the house to gain the additional strength.
If the Leo sign is in a malefic house and the Sun is placed in this house, the bad placement of the Sun would not be applicable and the planet would be strong if not in infancy, old age or debilitated in navamsa.
Let us take an example for understanding the calculation of the strength of the Sun-like planets. Suppose Libra is rising with 22.4 deg. The Sun is placed in the fourth House, close to the MEP and unafflicted. It is not in old age. The MEP of the eleventh house is also unafflicted. This Sun would be strong but not having any additional strength.
Now, if Jupiter is in 9th House (Sun like) in its own mooltrikona sign but in infancy
(2.5 deg) and Jupiter is unafflicted, then its strength would be 50% + 25 increase for its being a Sun like planet which is equal to 62.5%. If this Jupiter is placed in another Sun Like house its strength will have a further rise of 25%. A planet by being lord of a Sun like house and by being placed in another Sun Like house can achieve the strength up to 100% in commensuration to its weakness due to infancy or old age.
When planets are placed in the malefic houses, they generally lose strength by 50% besides suffering through the significations of the malefic house. The placement in the sixth house can involve the person in disputes, debts and can cause ill health. The placement in the eighth house can cause serious obstructions for the significations ruled by the planet. The placement in the twelfth house can cause expenses and losses for the significations of the planet.
In the case of Sun-like planets, the lord of the second house gets the first place, the lord of the third house gets the second place and the lord of the ninth house gets third place in importance.