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The book, "Self Learning
Course in Astrology" gives clear-cut guidance that any planet placed in
the sixth, eighth or twelfth house from the ascendant would be treated as a bad
placement. The planets are not called badly placed due to their position
in a particular sign. In other words bad placement is referred to a
malefic house and not to any particular sign. Any planet, even if exalted, becomes weak due to bad placement.
The placement of planets is an important factor in a horoscope reading. The placement of a planet indicates results connected with the significations of the house ruled by the planet along with the significations of the house of placement despite the planet’s weakness or its being away from the most effective point of the house.
For example, if the lord of the second is placed in the twelfth house, the person may move to a distant place or a foreign land in connection with professional status. If the second lord is placed in the tenth house one may acquire status in life due to his/her professional achievements. If the second lord is placed in the fifth house, one may acquire professional qualifications and status through the same. If the second lord is placed in the seventh house one may attain status in a foreign land. If the second lord is placed in the fourth house one may attain status by being born into a resourceful family. If the second lord is placed in the eighth house one may attain status in life with some delay. If the second lord is placed in the ninth house one may be lucky to attain status in life without much effort due to the help of parents and preceptor. If the second lord is placed in the eleventh house, one may acquire status in life because of good earnings and friendship with highly placed persons. If the second lord is placed in the second house, one may enjoy good status in life due to an appointment with the State or because of the family status. If the second lord is placed in the ascendant one may enjoy authoritative status. The placement of the Sun and Mars in the third house, when functional benefics, brings courage. The close influence of the fifth lord on the tenth house brings the element of intellect.
The placement of the planets in the second house, which rules status, brings status as per significations ruled by these particular planets. The good placement of the eighth lord in the house of status brings easy gains with minor effort. The planets in the first house influence the personality traits. Planets in the second house contribute to professional ventures. Planets in the third house bring entrepreneurial ventures and opportunities. Planets in the fourth house contribute to assets. Planets in the fifth house contribute to learning and gains through investments. Planets in the sixth house involve the person in debts, health problems and conflicts. Planets placed in the seventh house give rise to living in foreign lands, long journeys and associations. Planets placed in the eighth house cause easy gains, obstructions and delays. Planets placed in the ninth house involve the person in family or religious traditions or spiritual pursuits. Planets placed in the tenth house involve one in professions connected with the planet. Planets placed in the eleventh house contribute to earnings through the significations ruled by the concerned planets. Planets placed in the twelfth house take one to distant places, foreign lands and can cause losses and expenses. When a functional malefic planet is on the most effective point of a house it causes problems for the house of its placement and the houses aspected by it. The problems may be connected with the significations ruled by the said planet.
During the sub period of Mercury one’s life works with stresses and strains even when Mercury is strong and or well placed in the natal chart. This is due to the volatile strength of Mercury in transit. When Mercury is weak in the natal chart the results in its sub period do create stresses and strains. The situation becomes further difficult when either the Sun or Mercury is a functional malefic planet.
Whenever the lord of the twelfth house is placed in the sixth house or it afflicts some planet from the sixth house closely, there are chances of problems with government which may result in arrest, legal penalties, imprisonment, etc.