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During the course of the
sub-period of a planet the significations of the house ruled by the sub-period
lord, the general significations of the planet and the significations of the
house where the planet is placed would be touched. The transit means when the
planetary position on any given date subsequent to the date of the birth is
studied with reference to the ascendant and the position of the planets in the
natal chart. For example, let us take a chart
with the sign Sagittarius rising in the ascendant. In this chart the lord
of the eleventh house, Venus, is placed in the twelfth house, ruling losses.
During the sub-period of Venus the loss of elder brother, income and
trouble to friends is indicated. Now, in the transit the functional
malefics Rahu/Ketu may form close conjunction/aspect with any of the three: i) most
effective point of the eleventh house. The example chart pertains to a
lady born The sub-period lord sets the
trends as per the lordship and the placement of the planet, besides the other
influences on the planet. The transit planets cause influence whenever
they come into contact with the natal position or the transit position of the
sub-period lord. We hope this study gives a better
understanding into the interaction between the transit results and the
sub-period lord results with the help of the above example.
ii) the natal position of Venus
iii) the transit position of the sub-period lord, Venus.