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Male born 8th June, 2008, 0445 Hrs. 77E04 28N29, India.
Child born on 8th December, 2008.
Male child born in March, 2008.
Male child born in March, 2009.
Male child born in January, 2001.
Child born in January, 2006.
The sign Taurus rises in the ascendant and the planets the Sun, the Moon, Mercury and Saturn are favorable planets. Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Rahu and Ketu are the functional malefic planets. Venus becomes the prime determinant of health. The mooltrikona sign lord of ascendant of shashthamsa, Jupiter, becomes the additional prime determinant of health in this birth chart. Venus is weak in this chart due to combustion and close affliction by Rahu. The additional prime determinant, Jupiter, is placed in its own mooltrikona sign in this chart. The significator of health, the Sun, is weak due to and exact affliction by the functional malefic planet Venus and close affliction by Rahu. Mars is also weak due to debilitation and close affliction by Rahu and Ketu. At birth the child was in the sub period of afflicted prime determinant of health, Venus. He suffered from jaundice at birth due to persistent transit influence on natal Venus and the Sun and it continued up to middle of September, 2008. Astral remedies were sought which were advised and performed by the parents. The astral remedies helped.
The sign Pisces rises in the ascendant of the birth chart. Mars, Moon, Mercury and Jupiter are functional benefic planets. The Sun, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets. The Sun becomes the prime determinant of health. The mooltrikona sign lord of ascendant of shashthamsa, Jupiter, becomes the additional prime determinant of health in this birth chart. The Sun is well placed in this chart. Jupiter is well placed in its own mooltrikona sign but weak as it is in utter infancy. Mercury is weak due to combustion, in utter old age and in its sign of debilitation in navamsa and shashthamsa. Mars is weak due to combustion and exact affliction. Venus and the Moon are strong in the birth chart. The functional malefic planet, the Sun causes an exact affliction to Mars in the birth chart. Such exact afflictions become the cause of congenital defects. Rahu and Ketu were moving slow and exerted close influence on the natal Rahu and Ketu up to March,
2009. The child was diagnosed with congenital inborn error of metabolism, a rare genetic disorder. He was delivered by Caesarian section.
The father of the child, who had read our analysis and articles online, requested for consultation over phone and suggestion by report for the nodal affliction, if any and remedies to improve his health. The father requested guidance on
(1) When the condition of his health is likely to worsen in future due to bad planetary aspects? and remedies to avoid same.
(2) Effect of Rahu-Venus conjunction and Ketu.
Remedies suggestion was asked to improve his health by neutralizing unfavorable planetary impact in horoscope, i.e. weak planets etc. Effect of transiting planets, nodes etc.
(3) When his health will improve and whether he is likely to become normal/suffer less?
(4) More prominent was the question of longevity after considering all planetary influences in his chart.
The health problem developed due to prolonged transit impact of Rahu and Ketu on the natal Rahu and Ketu. The propitiatory astral remedies were advised for Rahu, Ketu, Sun, Venus and Saturn. An appropriate Kavach suggestion was also made. In view of strong and well placed Sun, it was opined that the child may come out of the health problem after the transit impact was over after March,
2009. The period of May, 2009, to September, 2009, was also indicated as difficult due to another prolonged transit impact on his natal Venus. As Venus is well placed and strong no problem for longevity was seen. At the time of the trouble the prolonged stationary transit impact also afflicted the natal Jupiter of the father in his fifth house.
In May, 2009, the father informed that
(1) the propitiatory remedies suggestion was being followed
(2) the child was wearing the amulet provided; and
(3) the gradual improvement was seen in the health of the child and also reduction in his suffering was seen from the time the amulet landed in their home.
The sign Taurus rises in the ascendant and the planets the Sun, the Moon, Mercury and Saturn are favorable planets. Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Rahu and Ketu are the functional malefic (unfavorable) planets. Venus becomes prime determinant of health in this case. The Sun is significator of health. No mooltrikona sign rises in shashthamsa. No planet is in debilitation in shashthamsa. The functional malefic planet Mars causes exact affliction to the second, fifth, eighth and ninth houses. The lord of the fifth house is also under the close affliction of the functional malefic planet, Venus. The Moon is in its sign of debilitation. The Sun is weak due to debilitation in navamsa. A phone consultation was obtained by the mother of the child. On 20th November, 2008, the feedback was that the information given by you is very accurate. She informed that her son underwent different surgeries in past 6 months related to eyes, throat and stomach. It had been very hard for them to see him going through all this at this young age (6 months). On 5th January, 2009, the mother informed as under:
“The baby boy was born with following birth defects 1. 6-8 baby teeth 2. congenital cataract in both eyes 3. choanal stenosis (narrow nasal passages) 4. small chin He underwent eye surgeries(cataract removal) at the age of one month. He wears contact lenses and his vision seems normal with it. His bottle feeding was another challenge. He was not gaining enough weight and to avoid dehydration he underwent another surgery(G-tube). This is a tube fitted in his stomach. The baby boy gets all his feeds through this tube. His weight gain seems to be normal. He had bad cough and cold and had trouble breathing. When he was being monitored in the hospital, his oxygen level dropped to lowest levels. Doctors suggested tracheotomy surgery. A small opening is created in the throat which provides an air passage. This was his third surgery in five months. He may undergo chin surgery in future. Mouth feeding and other developmental activities have slowed down with tracheotomy tube. He is nine months today but development wise he seems to be 2-3 month behind. We are praying to the God every day and night and hoping that things will get better with time.
Do you think special purpose Kavach will help him? If yes, how and is there anything else that we should be doing apart from the Kavach? Your guidance in this matter is greatly appreciated.”
The child was suffering for the body parts indicated by the second house. Her mother was advised that the Special Purpose Kavach and the regular propitiatory remedies for Rahu, Ketu, Venus, Jupiter and Mars are likely to help significantly. She went for the same and then on 10th April, 2012, she gave the feedback as under:
“I got Kavach for my son. We are blessed with this Kavach . He is doing fine.
I have problems with my health. My doctor suggested me some medical treatment and procedures. I am looking for your help as soon as possible. Please guide me.”
This is how the astrology remedies help people in difficult times and if the advice is sought at the right time. She got the special Purpose Kavach for her husband, her own self and her another son. In difficult times she got our monthly remedies services as they were unable to do certain remedies in foreign lands. Even for her own surgery she enquired for a suitable date from astrological point of view.
The sign Pisces rises in the ascendant. The Sun becomes the prime determinant of health as there is no mooltrikona sign in the ascendant. The Sun, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets. Scorpio rises in the ascendant of the shashthamsa.
The Sun is debilitated in shashthamsa.
The Sun is weak in the birth chart due to infancy. The Moon is weak as it is debilitated and under exact affliction of Ketu. Mars and combust Mercury are badly placed and their dispositor is weak due to bad placement. Jupiter is weak due to debilitation. Venus is well placed in its sign of exaltation. At birth the child was in the sub period of Rahu in the main period of Mercury. On 29th March,
2009, we received the e mail saying, “As soon as he was born he started turning pale and the doctor’s suspected Pneumonia. He has been on oxygen ever since in the hospital. “It was found that prolonged transit impact of functional malefic planet, Saturn, on natal Saturn and Mercury from sixth house was persisting up to the end of July, 2009. Then the transit impact of Rahu and Saturn was to continue up to almost till the end of the year 2009. So, it was indicated that the improvement may be there but difficult time continues up to the end of the year. The following propitiatory remedies and the use of a special power Kavach were suggested:
A. 1. Offering a sweet parantha (Indian pancake stuffed with sugar and fried) in small pieces to crows daily in the morning for Rahu.
2. Offering four slices of bread dipped in milk to a street dog daily in the morning after prayers for Ketu.
3. Offering roti (bread) with salt and mustard oil in small pieces to crows daily in the morning for Saturn.
4. Offering sweet food made of wheat and in milk to a cow for the Sun on Sunday mornings.
B. The child will also need a special power Kavach.
C. Keep grey, pink, orange & all shades of blue colors away from the child.
D. Good colors are bright green, yellow, white and red.
With the help of astral remedies, the child is doing fine after that phase.
The sign Aquarius rises in the ascendant. Saturn and the Moon become the prime determinants of health. The Moon, Mercury, Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets. Aries rises in the ascendant of shashthamsa. Mars becomes additional prime determinant of health. Venus and Mercury are in debilitation in shashthamsa.
Saturn is weak as it is in utter infancy. The most malefic planet, Mercury, is weak due to bad placement, in utter old age and debilitation in shashthamsa. The Moon is weak due to bad placement in the twelfth house. Mars suffers from mild affliction due to the aspect of Rahu. Jupiter is well placed and strong. The Sun is weak due to bad placement. Venus is weak due to old age, weak dispositor and debilitation in shashthamsa. At the time of birth the child was in the sub period of weak Saturn in the main period of the Moon. At birth the child suffered from pneumonia on third day when transit eighth lord came to ascending degree and the Moon came under the influence of Rahu. The close impact of Mercury prevailed for about 3 weeks. The transit Sun also came under the affliction of natal Moon and Mercury. It was almost a rebirth for the child. Besides, medical treatment, astral remedies were also performed by the family. The weakness of the significators of health and longevity impact the longevity, as well. The health of the child is sensitive and he wear spectacles.
The sign Taurus rises in the ascendant and the planets the Sun, the Moon, Mercury and Saturn are favorable planets. Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Rahu and Ketu are the functional malefic planets. Venus becomes the prime determinant of health. No mooltrikona sign rises in the ascendant of shashthamsa. Venus is weak in this chart due to bad placement and affliction of its dispositor. The weak Jupiter, ruling the eighth house, is badly placed in the sixth house of diseases and is closely afflicted by Mars. The weak and afflicted Venus and Jupiter show that the child is vulnerable to persistent and serious health concerns. Such afflictions give life threatening experiences and even threaten longevity. Transit Jupiter caused prolonged close affliction to the ascendant and fifth house in August, 2009, and the child suffered from multiple infections viz. blood infection, stomach infection, etc. The child was in the sub period of Saturn in the main period of the Sun. The transit Mars was also forming close aspect with transit Saturn and then with the ascendant.