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Proceedings of the Sixth SA Intl Conf[Mar 12th, 13th , 2011], at Gurgaon, India:
PART II-A:After-Noon Session on the First Day [Cont]:
Prof V K Choudhry’s Second Discourse[Cont]:
In this Second Discourse, Professor Choudhry, addressed the broad question of how an SA astrologer, may offer the best guidance for averting professional setbacks - in all those circumstances, when individuals in a desperate bid to professionally stay afloat, unknowingly step into the swiftly moving waters of ‘Borrowings, Debts, and ill-conceived Businesses’, little knowing that such ‘rapids’, far from adding momentum to their professions, often, serve only to wreck their professional vessels. He was going to educate us through a number of telling examples - how SA Light, very often gives forewarnings, and thereby averts professional disasters.
He began by saying that, we ought to understand, under what conditions, people enter into business ventures. When the Income Lords are weak in a Chart, or when people are not securing jobs, they turn to businesses. Or, he said that, people may enter into businesses, when there are Planets in the IIIH of enterprises. Such an entry into the sphere of business activity will prosper, he said, only if the Income Lords are strong and/or the Professional Lords are strong [IIH Lord and XH Lord, being the Professional Lords].
Professor Choudhry, then added that if either the VIH Lord is weak or when Planets [Asset Lords, Wealth Lords, or Professional Lords] are placed in the VIH, this will create the phenomenon of ‘Borrowings and Debts’. He cited another source of professional setbacks—when Planets are placed in the XIIH and/or are afflicted by the XIIH Lords, for such placements also give losses through expenditures, he said. He did not mention the circumstance when Planets are placed in the VIIIH, may be because, such placements are well-known to create obstacles? Then he took up a number of illustrative examples, which covered the theme of his Second Discourse in a comprehensive way.
CS#1: [29th, May, 1981, 9:55AM, (76ºE46?, 30ºN45?), TZ=-5:30Hrs]
In this very first example [Cancer Asdt Chart], the Professor, drew attention to the inauspicious close Conj between Ju as the VIH Lord & Sa as the VIIIH Lord. He said, such Conjunctions, always give setbacks in life, as both the beneficial significations, coming from a strong VIH, & a strong VIIIH, become weakened and lost. Even Ke is seen to afflict the VIIIH Lord, Sa, exactly. Professor mentioned the fact that in foreign countries, companies first offered him lesser salary [afflicted Ju, is the significator of financial solvency, as well as the significator of the XIH of income], and then his job contract was terminated pre-maturely [was actually cheated, because Ju was afflicted].At the time he approached the Professor, he was not even receiving interview calls, but subsequently, after he commenced the remedial measures, he secured a permanent employment.
As both professional Planets and even Ve, the GS [General Significator] of wealth, were well-placed in the XIH of ambition [and the Su, strong at that], the ambitious urges came to him to import cars and sell them in Australia! Professor’s unmistakable guidance to him was this: Not to go for business ventures [because the IIIH Lord, Me was weak in the XIIH] and not to take loans at all, as his VIH Lord, Ju was afflicted and weak. However, as we may well imagine, as the individual’s ambition was insatiable, he turned round and told the Professor, that he is not feeling fulfilled. Professor, fully aware of the huge XIH aspirations driving him, gave him the inspiration to go on trying for a better job! In this way, though the Professor kept him actively running on his tracks, he wisely, saved him from those ‘rapids’ which eventually spell professional disasters.
CS#2: [30th Sept, 1945, 4:54AM, TZ=6HrsWest, (88ºW38?, 23ºN46?)]
In this Virgo Asdt Chart, the Malefic and loss-giving Su is seen to afflict both the badly combust [but exalted] Asdt Lord Me, as well as the badly combust Ju, and the affliction is occurring in the Asdt house itself. The weakness of Sa, the VIH Lord, shows the inability of the person to clear the loans taken. It was the same pattern, reiterated by the Professor-the individual started a business, after taking a loan, but could not pay back the loans. Significantly, as though to compound the existing weakness of Sa, the VIH Lord; even the only PD [Prime Determinant] of the profession, namely Ve, was very weak in the XIIH.
CS#3: [13th Sept, 1972, 20:20Hrs, TZ=-5:30Hrs,(80ºE48?, 25ºN55?)]
In this Aries Asdt Chart, as the Professor pointed out the PD of the profession, Ma, is closely afflicted by the VIH Lord, indicating that if any loans are taken in the professional sphere, then, there is the attendant likelihood of the loans, not being cleared. In fact, the person suffered from persistent loans-this was also mentioned.
CS#4: [20th June, 1973, 18:05Hrs, TZ=-5:30Hrs, (77ºE50?, 28ºN24?)]
This was a Scorpio Asdt Chart, with the MEP=20º09?.The Income Lord Me, in spite of being placed in the IXH of fortune, and with a Dispositor, which is not so weak; is nevertheless ‘weak’ in an ultimate SA analysis, simply because of its weakness due to ‘nascent infancy’. There were several cumulative factors due to past karma: The Professional Lord, the Su was not only badly placed in the house of obstructions, it was also nearly ‘exactly’ afflicted by ‘debt and controversy’ causing Planet, Ma. After mentioning these many factors, the Professor also added the bad placement of Ve, as another important reason, which had contributed to the professional collapse. Sa, ruling assets was also placed in the VIIIH of obstructions. The individual in question, was obliged to eventually sell off his assets, bit by bit, so that rather than a happy professional ascent, at the end of a life time, one had the sad story of a professional descent.
CS#5: [22nd, July, 1953, 18:40Hrs, TZ=-5:30Hrs, (74ºE52?, 31ºN38?)]
The Professor in this CS was looking at a Sagittarius Asdt Chart, with a MEP at 23º.His first important observation revolved around the placement of the Asdt Lord Ju in the VIH. Everyone knows in the SA that such a placement, “makes an individual stick to his views, this takes him to distant lands” [SA Sutra]. I am trying here to quote the Professor almost ‘verbatim’, from his numerous works. In the present context, applying a Sutra, already laid down, in his First Discourse, he reiterated the fact that such a placement in the VIH, will not give him the grace for a good relationship with friends, especially so, in the present context, as even the Lord ruling the house of friends, Ve was placed in the VIH. In Professor’s view, the close benefic Conj between the Asdt Lord Ju and the Friends Lord Ve, did not hold much promise for getting out of the VIH difficulties, which were bound to come to pass, as the individual’s professional life progressed.
He asked us to remember an old SA Sutra, which said that if planets are placed in the VIH, then the individual will get involved in disputes. “The mere placement in such cases, throws quite some light”, said the Professor.
It was mentioned by the Professor that in the life of the individual, ‘debts were mounting with time’, and the placement of both the professional PD, Me in the VIIIH [and that too, with an exact affliction] and even the Su, the professional significator, in the VIIIH, just made things so much harder. The utter weakness of the VIIIH Lord also seems to have denied, all possibility of ‘easy gains’.
CS#6: [28th July, 1966, 20:25Hrs, (81ºE13?, 26ºN13?), TZ=-5:30Hrs]
In this Aquarius Asdt Chart, the Su as the VIIH Lord, is seen to be exactly afflicted in the VIH, and even the VIH and XIIH are afflicted, by the MMP, Me. The Asdt Lord Sa, was strong in the IIH, and there were 3 strong FB Planets in the VH. The Mo was also weak and deb in the XH, as the VIH Lord. The main pattern of trouble with this Chart, the Professor pointed out, consisted in the losing of a job, not too long after he secures one, and then, landing in another job, which is also subsequently lost.,,, etc.[Pattern of recurrent loss is due to the very weak and afflicted VIH, while gain in jobs, due to strong Sa, and strong FBs]
CS#7:[4th Jan, 1985, 8:58AM, (77ºE35?, 12ºN59?), TZ=-5:30Hrs]
This was a Capricorn Asdt Chart, with its MEP at 23º27?.Professor Choudhry made the significant point, in the case of this CS, that continuous propitiation through the Remedial Measures, brought significant amounts of relief, and the individual was able to make an ascent in the professional sphere, in spite of the ‘exact’ affliction to Sa, one of the PDs of the profession, and in spite of the other PD of the profession, Ve, suffering from the profound weakness of the ‘Dispositor’s Affliction’.
CS#8: [13th Dec, 1980, 9:00Hrs, TZ=8:00Hrs, PST; Long Beach, CA, (118ºW12?, 33ºN46?)]
In this Sagittarius Asdt Chart, it was pointed out by the Professor that the Asdt Lord, though placed in the ‘respectable XH’, suffers from the profound weakness, arising from the ‘Dispositor’s Affliction’. The XH Lord, Me was badly placed in the XIIH, ‘exactly’ afflicted by the highly malefic Ra, from the Most Malefic VIIIH.
In offering remedial measures to the lady in this CS#8, in her extremely helpful condition, the Professor was somehow reminded of an ‘attack on astrologers’ by a modern doctor, and so hastened to add that it will be foolish on the part of doctors to criticize astrologers, because astrologers can even forewarn of a coming critical disease including cancer, and suggest reliable remedies, for warding off so serious an affliction in life, whereas it is the fraternity of modern doctors, who are, many a times, unable to even diagnose diseases correctly. He cited the example of the illustrious Saint, Sri Tulasi Das, speaking about Ayurvedic remedies for a variety of ailments, in the spiritual literature of India, etc….
Regarding the above CS#8, I think it best for me to reproduce the state of mental anguish of the lady [from the archives], when she approached Professor Choudhry, for help in that hour of distress [11th Sept, 2008]:
“Over the past 2 years, I have completely lost my motivation and ambition to achieve something in life. Physically, I have let myself go and am at my highest weight ever. I am depressed. For 6 years, I worked towards obtaining a PhD but circumstances resulted in me having to face a lot of injustice and I had to leave graduate school without a degree. I am depressed, sad and have lost faith in myself. I am scared to work in a lab or even try doing the process all over again. I am heavily in debt financially and am looking for work. I am almost 30 years old and I imagined myself successful, happy and financially well off and I am nothing. Can anyone provide me any guidance or insight towards my future? Will I be able to get out of debt? Will I find a job in the new place that I am moving to, this month? Should I pursue further education in another field? I would greatly appreciate your help.”
It will be while for us to bear in mind that in the SA, Me is considered as the Significator of the VIH, especially, when the VIH has no MTS. In the CS, as the VIH has no MTS, the existing exact grievous affliction to Me (being lord of the tenth house in this case), was instrumental in landing the young lady in a grievous debt trap.
CS#9:[23rd April, 1965, 11:35AM, (77ºE13?, 28ºN37?), TZ=-5:30Hrs]
In this Cancer Asdt Chart, the two professional Lords Su and Ma were no doubt fully strong, but the IIIH was very weak due to close affliction of functional malefic Jupiter, and Me, the IIIH Lord was even closely afflicted by Ke. In view of this weakness of the IIIH, the Professor had advised the individual, to confine himself to a job, and not venture into businesses. The individual had reported to the Professor that that in the Ju-Me sub-period, that his businesses were not doing well. In reply to a Q from Sri Rakesh Sharma [probably], the Professor was more specific: “Such people as this individual, can do consultancy, but must not make the mistake of getting into business ventures through investments, made possible by loans.” Finally, we learnt that this individual, understanding the odds in his professional fate, settled down to a practice [consultancy] at home itself.”
CS#10: [9th March, 1974, 11:00AM, (88ºE25?, 22ºN52?), TZ=-5:30Hrs]
Gemini Asdt Chart with a MEP at 4º30?, and with Sa as the IXH Lord conj with the Asdt MEP. Professor presented the CS, saying that as the IIH Lord, the Mo and the VH Lord, Ve are badly placed in the Rahu-like VIIIH of obstacles, the individual could not complete the course in Chartered Accountancy [CA].Professor, alluding to his ‘overconfidence’ in the past, mentioned that ‘an expert in the share market at one time, was now bankrupt! The planets placed in the VIIIH cause delays and incite the person for venturing into speculative or highly risky activities.
He said, whenever there will be a ‘delay’ in the arrival of some expected gain, rather than wait patiently and prudently, such people are given to speculative ‘gambling’ really, will rush in a hurry and enter into some other spheres. Reproduced below from the Professor’s archives is the mail received from the individual. The fact of the individual not having learnt any lessons is patent enough. The VH Lord, Ve in the VIIIH of easy gains, and the income Lord, Ma, in the XIIH of expenditures, seems to have landed him in this mess:
“Thank you for replying to my mail. I am really grateful to you. I am sure you will be able to help me out. Sir, I have been studying C.A, but I am unable to pass due to problems arising out of different issues. I know that I can pass out but, somehow circumstances are evolving to such levels that is preventing me to study. I am getting aged and not able to pass, thereby incurring huge financial loss. Further, I am interested to work in the stock markets but, I have lost a lot of money in the markets, although at that time I did not have knowledge about the markets. But, as a result, I have become more or less bankrupt now. But, Sir, Please advise me as to whether I should work in the stock markets or I should work in some other places. Please see whether I shall be able to rebuild my life and finances. Please help me. I am now so tied up in loans that I am literally come down to the streets.”
In an aside, permit me to share the following: In the SA, the D6 DC, is used for probing more deeply, both health matters, as well as matters of debts, disputes, consequences thereof, etc.[See Professor’s book on the Div Charts[2003, Ed], Pg 98].In this DC, we see the Asdt afflicted. Also Ju was afflicted by the malefic Me, which was ruling the VIH in this DC, so there was trouble, exactly during the time frame, when this loss was reported by the individual. So, the cause of his insolvency is apparent in the D6 DC.
Talking of such ‘inveterate speculators’ who do not seem to have the grace for learning any sobering lessons, from their persistent failures, the Professor mentioned about another even more stunning example of an individual, who surpassed the present individual by a clean sweep-1 million $ was lost in a single day, through uncontrollable speculative spending. In this case the XIIL was placed in the Rahu like VIIIH and was casting an exact aspect to the VL placed in the second house.
With these ten telling examples, the Professor brought his Second Discourse to a close. He has thereby brought home the lesson to us, how best we may place abundant caution before the eyes of those who look to us for astrological guidance, whenever, certain already mentioned unfortunate conditions are fulfilled in their Charts.
In the following Part II-B, I’ll cover the talk of Cmdr Ashutosh Pandey, ‘On Marriages, which fructified through the Power of the SA Remedial Measures’.