"Impact of Remedial Measures" in Astrology, "Kavach Astrology", Visit www.Jyotishremedies121.Com
Astral Remedies,"Kavach Information", Free
A number of incidents have prompted me to take up the subject issue for the deeply interested students of the divine science. Apart from the reference in the Preface, there had been a letter in one of the astrological journals, in October 1992, saying, "No astrologer under the Sun could have predicted this event." The writer of the letter to the editor further stated that this event creates a baffling situation and should encourage a probe not only for self-satisfaction, but also for learning.
There had been following remarks in one of the astrological journals in July, 1992. The word 'affliction" in the Astrology books lays a lot of burden on the astrologer. If he fails to make a proper use of the term, he will be a great loser. An astrological journal in May 1992, while reporting the case of Intestinal Surgery stated "where lies the clue to the disaster on the cards." In my contributions through books or articles to various astrological journals, I have always been stressing the need for a systematic approach for interpreting the horoscopes.
There are two types of indications in life, namely general trend and significant events. The general trend is generated by the planetary periods while the significant events are triggered by the transit. The significant events can be in line with the general trend, or against the prevalent general trend. For example, during the currency of the period of a planet whose mooltrikona sign is in the eighth house the general trend may be inauspicious, indicating obstructions, death in relations, injuries, delays, disputes, etc., while the transit may generate a very happy and auspicious event.
The general trend, too, is dependent upon the specific close conjunction/aspect of functional benefic planets or malefic planets with various natal positions. The lack of close connections of both benefic planets and/or malefic planets does not generate extremely good or bad results.
Based on the natal chart, only general trend predictions can be made while for identifying the significant events periodical contacts with learned astrologers are a must.
The close conjunction/aspect of the lord of the sixth house to other planets and/or most effective points of other houses generates ill health, disputes, theft, fire and debts pertaining to the significations of the planets/houses involved. This is true both for natal and transit influences.
The close conjunction/aspect of the lord of the eighth house to other planets and/or most effective points of other houses generates accidents, injuries, obstructions, delays, death of relations, trouble to father, etc., pertaining to the significations of the planets/houses involved. This is true both for natal and transit influences.
The close conjunction/aspect of the lord of the twelfth house to other planets and/or most effective points of other houses generates losses, expenses, hospitalization, visits to far-off places, etc., pertaining to the significations of the planets/houses involved. This is true both for natal and transit influences.
The significant events are triggered by the interplay of the relationship between transit planets and natal planets/MEPs.
The results generated depend upon the significations ruled by the planets involved, the significations ruled by their mooltrikona houses, the significations ruled by their houses of placement, either natally or in transit, and/or the significations ruled by the natal house(s) whose MEPs are under transit impact. This is called the triple transit triggering influence (TTT) as it is true for the three possible combinations of transit influence i.e. transit over natal, transit over transit, and natal over transit.
In other words:
(1) Whenever any weak natal planet/MEP is transited by FM(s), it triggers a significant undesirable incident concerning that weak natal planet or that weak house, whichever is the case. This is more so when the weak natal planet or the lord/significator of the weak house is weak in transit too.
(2) Whenever any strong natal planet/MEP is transited by FM(s), it triggers a mild unfavorable incident concerning that strong natal planet or that strong house, whichever is the case.
(3) Whenever any strong natal FB/MEP is transited by FB(s), it triggers significant happy incidents pertaining to that strong natal planet or that strong house, whichever is the case.
(4) Whenever any weak natal FB/MEP is transited by FB(s), it triggers hopes or non-significant happy incidents pertaining to that weak natal planet or that weak house, whichever is the case.
(5) Whenever planets in transit form close conjunctions amongst themselves, the happenings occur depending upon their functional nature in connection with the houses with reference to a particular ascendant.
(6) If the close conjunction or aspect(s) of planets in transit involve two or more FBs with reference to a particular ascendant, it triggers happy events pertaining to all the planets.
(7) If one of the planets involved in close conjunction or aspect in a transit planetary movement is a FM, it harms the significations of the other FB(s) involved with reference to a particular ascendant.
(8) If both or all the planets forming close conjunction in transit with reference to a particular ascendant are FMs, it harms the significations of all the planets involved.
(9) Whenever any weak transit planet forms close conjunction with or become closely aspected by natal FM(s), it triggers a significant undesirable incident concerning that weak transit planet.
(10) Whenever any strong transit planet forms close conjunction with or become closely aspected by natal FM(s), it triggers a mild unfavorable incident concerning that strong transit planet.
(11) Whenever any strong transit FB forms close conjunction with or become closely aspected by natal FB(s), it triggers significant happy incidents pertaining to that strong transit planet.
(12) Whenever any weak transit FB forms close conjunction with or become closely aspected by natal FB(s), it triggers hopes or non-significant happy incidents pertaining to that weak transit planet.
(13) The transit effects are always seen with reference to the natal ascendant.
(14) In setting the trends, the sub-period lord has maximum say. However, the transit impacts mentioned above supercede the trend results of the sub-period lord.
(15) The malefic transit impact of slow moving planets like Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are more pronounced when, during the course of their close conjunctions/aspects, they move more slowly as compared to their normal speed or become stationary. This is true both for natal and transit influences.
(16) During the sub-periods of the FBs, the benefic transit impacts are stronger while malefic transit impacts are mild. If the sub-period lord is strong, then the transit benefic influences cause significant happy events.
(17) During the sub-periods of FMs, the benefic transit impacts are mild while the malefic transit impacts are more severe. If the transit benefic influences are strong, then the benefic results may be comparatively better but with some delay.
(18) The duration of the transit results ceases to exist as soon as the transit close conjunction or aspect separates. The orb of separation as explained earlier would depend upon the natal strength of the planets on which the transit influences have been created.
(19) Whenever a transiting FM transits the MEP of any house, it afflicts that house as well as the aspected house(s). A transit FM never afflicts its own mooltrikona house.
(20) A transit FM will afflict always its natal position by conjunction
or aspect, except when natally placed in its own mooltrikona house.
(21) A natal FM will afflict always its transit position by aspect even
when transiting its own mooltrikona house.
(22) A natal FM will afflict always its transit position by conjunction,
except when placed in its own mooltrikona house.
For further detailed study the interested readers may study my book, HOW TO IDENTIFY SIGNIFICANT EVENTS.
Both the positions - natal and transit - of the planet under impact are to be studied for identifying their strengths. The planets would be able to bless the native with their significations, both general and particular, if they are strong both in the natal chart and in transit.
Any planet has capacity to bless the native with its results if its natal strength is at least 60% and it is unafflicted. In such a situation the results may come with some delay and of slightly lower order. With the help of the strengthening measures it can be brought to the level of 60% so that it blesses the native with the significations ruled by it.
One can (i) strengthen the weak planets by way of a Kavach if the planetary strength is between 50% to 60%; (ii) strengthen the weak planets by way of a special power kavach if the planetary strength is between 35% to 50%; and (iii) strengthen the weak planets by way of a special power kavach cum gemstone pendant if the planetary strength is lower than 35%.
The result of a particular house will be influenced by a transiting planet when it is near to its most effective point depending upon its functional nature whether benefic or malefic. Considering the triple transit triggering influence, the benefic or malefic impact of transit planets is to be seen on all natal and transit planets, including functional malefics and functional benefics, and the benefic or malefic impact of natal planets is also to be seen on both transit functional malefics and transit functional benefics. The things governed by the planets would be their general and particular significations. Similarly, when the impact is on the most effective point of any house, the significations of the house occupied and house(s) aspected would be influenced by the transiting planet.
During the sub-period of a planet, it would be touched the general significations of the sub-period lord, the significations of the mooltrikona house ruled by the sub-period lord, the significations of the natal house of the sub-period lord and the significations of the house transited by the sub-period lord.
The transit means when the planetary position on any given date, subsequent to the date of birth, is studied with reference to the ascendant and the position of the planets in the natal chart.
For example, let us consider a native with the sign Sagittarius rising in the ascendant. Suppose, in this chart the lord of the eleventh house, Venus, is placed in the twelfth house ruling losses. During the sub-period of Venus loss of elder brother, income and trouble to friends is indicated. The transit functional malefics Rahu/Ketu may form close conjunction or aspect with any of the three positions to cause the event of death of the elder brother:
i) Most effective point of the eleventh house.
ii) Natal position of the sub-period lord, Venus.
iii) Transit position of the sub-period lord, Venus.
The conjunction or aspect of natal Moon, Rahu or Ketu with transit Venus may also cause the same fatality.
The sub-period lord sets the trend according to the lordship and the placement of the planet besides the other influences on the planet while the transit and natal planets cause influence whenever they come into contact with the natal position or the transit position of the sub-period lord. We hope this gives better understanding into the interaction between the transit results and the sub-period lord results with the help of the above example.
In the case of weak natal positions, the transit results of functional malefic planets start generating when their aspect/conjunction is applying and has a longitudinal difference of five degrees and remain effective up to the period when the aspect/conjunction is separating with the same longitudinal difference.
In the case of strong natal positions, the transit results of normal afflictions start generating when the aspect/conjunction of the functional malefic planet is applying and has a longitudinal difference of one degree and remain effective up to the period when the aspect/conjunction is separating with the same longitudinal difference, while the transit results of special/multiple afflictions start generating when the aspect/conjunction of the functional malefic planet(s) is applying and has a longitudinal difference of two degrees and remain effective up to the period when the aspect/conjunction is separating with the same longitudinal difference of two degrees.
The close conjunctions/aspects of Rahu stimulate excessive stress resulting in suffering in the end while Ketu in similar position generates miseries straightaway as soon as it comes into close conjunction/aspect.
For deriving benefit from the divine science of Astrology and identifying the significant events in advance one has to get his chart analyzed from this point of view at least once a year so that astrological remedial measures can be suggested and performed to ward off the evils or reduce the mal-effects of the inauspicious conjunctions/aspects. Identification of planets requiring astral remedial measures and methodology for initiation of strengthening measures for weak functional benefic planets has been fully explained in my book "Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes"
The identification of the correct significator planets requiring remedial measures by way of strengthening or propitiation is the key for successful result of the remedial measures as well as the true benefit of the divine science of Astrology.