BY: Professor V K Choudhry
There is a wide application of the divine science of astrology in each and every aspect of life, be it the maintenance of good health, acquisition of good academic and professional qualifications, handling emotional stability, planning and management of business enterprises, timing of investments for greater returns, implementation of advertisement campaigns, relocation, change of residence, etc.
Let us see the astrological factors for urge and movement of people with the intention of changing homes, cities, states, continents, etc. These urges are necessitated by good quality of life, acquisition of good professional and academic qualifications, participating in researchs, scientific and technical advancements, participating in managing the governmental and international affairs, joining special industries like entertainment, hotel, finances and international or regional commercial centers. Sometimes people just want a change for their fortunes or a greater mental peace. Some people follow relocational astrology through living near the planetary lines running the geographical areas. The need for decision to move or relocate may arise on account of the any of the forementioned reasons. The need may also arise out of compulsions of profession, business, following one's interests, acquisition of competencies, enjoying a luxurious life, participating in adventurous and high risk and high reward games, etc.
The decision of relocation is very important and needs a proper and systematic analysis of the planetary influences in one's natal chart to ensure success.
The elements involved are opportunities and compulsions. Both the opportunities and compulsions are indicated through placement of planets and their strengths in the natal chart.
The planets ruling self, native place, enterprises and status placed in the houses ruling foreign residences and journeys offer opportunities and urges for relocation to follow acquisition of competencies and capabilities, tastes, learning, growing and harnessing talent.
While the strong and well placed planets in the chart in their own periods induce tastes, pursuits and movements as per their own charachteristics or direction the weak planets precipitate compulsive moves based on their placement in the natal chart.
The inter-relationship of first, second,third, fourth, fifth, seventh and tenth houses with seventh, ninth, twelfth and eighth houses entail relocation.
The Sun rules the east direction. The Sun rules the seat of governmental power and spiritual knowledge.
The Moon rules the northwest direction. The Moon rules blessings through the seat of power and comforts.
Mars rules the south direction. Mars rules armed forces, project erection and law enforcing agencies.
Mercury rules the north direction. Mercury rules the communications, research and commercial centres.
Jupiter rules the north-east direction.Jupiter rules legal and financial hubs of administation besides the spiritual advancement centres.
Venus rules the south-east direction. Venus rules places famous for art, talent, creativity, finances, luxury, pleasure centres and films.
Saturn rules the west direction. Saturn rules Mines, big projects, distant places and labour intensive projects.
Rahu rules the South-West direction.Rahu rules places known for fast and risky trading, gambling, manipulations, etc.
Ketu rules the North-east direction and places famous for mystical knowledge and spirituality.
The combined influence of strong Sun, Venus and Jupiter may offer opportunities in managing international affairs. The combined influence of strong Mercury, Mars and Saturn may bring opportunities and achievements in the field of scientific and technical innovations.
An astrological advice in matters of relocational astrology is the function of planetary placements, strengths, forthcoming planetary periods and transit influences. A proper analysis with the astrological remedial advice can certainly be a much better relocation decision. Needless to add that those who are impelled by gods are blessed and they make use of the divine science of astrology for a better life, new energy, spiritual growth and self-realisation.