We analyze entrepreneurship, courage and power of understanding, leadership, authorship and the younger brothers from the third house. The younger brothers provide courage to the native and are signified by Mars which is significator for courage and initiatives. The authorship, which is a process of communication/expression of ideas, is ruled by Mercury. The third lord by its placement in different houses indicates the areas of initiatives and its success. The valor and strength of the native depends on the lord of the third house and the sign in which it is located.
The planets in the third house also give colors to the significations of the third house in the matter of courage and quantum of courage. The lord of the third house also acts as the Sun. The Sun and Mars give enormous courage to the native and if these rule benefic houses in the chart a person rises in life with his self-effort and occupies executive position in the Government, takes active part with distinction in sports, protects down-trodden and weaker members of the society. Jupiter in the third indicates tendency to share knowledge with others while unafflicted Mercury and Venus enable the native for analytical studies and presentation of results of their analysis for the benefit of others. Rahu makes a person very courageous for fulfilling native's never-satisfying pursuits.
The placement of strong Mars and the strong third lord in a male sign, influence of other male planets over these and the third house and rising of an odd decante – the divisional chart for detailed analysis of the significations of the third house, promises birth of younger brothers and happiness from them. Female influences give birth of younger sisters and mixed influences give younger siblings both male and female. When both the third lord and Mars are weak and afflicted one gets sorrow on account of difficulties to younger coborns and do not derive happiness from them. His/her initiative is marred and creative and communicative faculties take a back seat.
The ascendant lord joining third lord/house makes a person enterprising. The lord of the tenth house in the third house indicates an eventful and varied professional career; the seventh lord in the third house indicates self initiatives for marriage and residence abroad. The good and bad results depend on the strength and weakness of the planets involved in their own sub-periods as per their own nature. The lord of the third house in the ascendant blesses the native with initiative and drive. The lord of the third house in the second house blesses the native with status from one’s initiatives. The lord of the third in the third house makes a person an entrepreneur and brings success in the fields of marketing and media. The lord of the third house in the fourth house blesses the native with gains through properties and the business of publication. The lord of the third house in the fifth house makes the person creative and successful in research based studies/professions. The lord of the third house in the sixth house makes the person quarrelsome and the person finds it difficult to maintain cordial relationships. The lord of the third house in the seventh house takes ones to foreign lands or distant places and the person takes initiatives regarding his/her own marriage. The lord of the third house in the eighth house causes obstructions in one’s ventures, losses and frustrations. The lord of the third house in the ninth house or the tenth house brings success in one’s business ventures. One participates in religious and spiritual activities. The lord of the third house in the eleventh house brings financial gains through one’s business ventures. The lord of the third house in the twelfth house takes one to foreign land, brings expenses in connection with help to younger brothers and causes business losses. The lord of the third house brings results as per its strength in the natal chart read in conjunction with the transit influences from time to time.
Illustrations taken up will help in analyzing the different type of planetary combinations.
Male born 12th July, 1983,
1100 Hrs. 21.16N 81.42E
here to see chart)
There is no mooltrikona sign in the third house. In such cases we see the influences on the concerned house and the position of its significator. Mars occupies the tenth house. Jupiter, the lord of the fourth house, ruling happiness in life, occupies the third house close to the most effective point of the third house. Any planet on the most effective point of the house of its placement influences the house(s) aspected by it as per its functional nature. In decante, Mars is with an exalted Saturn. The decante ascendant is Virgo. Mercury is placed in the sixth house and the Moon is in its sign of debilitation. The native has been blessed with a younger brother and is likely to take initiatives in life due to the support of his father as Jupiter, being lord of the fourth, occupies the third house. This is more so as primary factors governing health i.e. the ascendant lord and Mars are weak. Mercury is combust and in old age. Weak Saturn is under the close afflicting aspect of Rahu and Mars is weak due to combustion. From the end of the nineteenth year of life, the main period of Venus started. Venus rules house of accumulated wealth and family and is posited in the sign Leo in the twelfth house, the house of expenses and losses. Use of parental wealth indicates losses on these accounts; firstly the placement of Venus in the twelfth house and secondly the weakness of the eighth lord due to combustion. The combustion of Mars, the significator for courage and initiative, is likely to give less courage to the native for facing challenges in life.
Male born 30th January, 1978,
1330 Hrs. 30.10N 74.58E
here to see chart)
The third house is occupied by the significator, Mars, in its sign of debilitation. The third house is closely aspected by the Sun and Venus. The weak third lord is placed in the fifth house. Rahu-Ketu axis is on the most effective point of the houses and afflicts all the houses occupied and aspected. The Moon is in its sign of exaltation in decante. Mars remains debilitated in the decante while the lord of the ascendant of decante is placed in the twelfth house of decante. Due to the closest influence of the functional benefic Sun to the most effective point of the third house, the native was blessed with a younger brother in the sub-period of the Sun in the main period of Mars. Whenever Mars is in its sign of debilitation and the third lord has some strength, a brother is born after a gap of a few years. The debilitated Mars gives nature of reserve type and sudden rash outbursts whenever Mars is touching the ascendant, second house, natal Mars, Moon, etc. in transit and especially in the operational sub- periods of Mars. Mars in debilitation gives lack of courage, rashness, use of bitter and abusive language and passiveness. It reduces activeness which is one of the positive traits of Mars. The body tends towards fatness due to weakness of Mars. In the present case, Venus is combust and it poses threat to the health because of serious illness. The native had the habit of bed-wetting up to the age of 10 years which was cured by use of a Kavach.
Male born 24th October, 1977,
0444 Hrs. 28.37N 77.10E
here to see chart)
No mooltrikona sign rises in the third house and in the ascendant of decante. Mars occupies the eleventh house in its sign of debilitation. Mars is in debilitation in the decante, as well. There are no other close influences on the most effective point of the third house. The native was blessed with a younger brother after 7 years of his birth. The younger brother was born in the sub-period of Mercury which occupies the second house of both the rasi chart and decante being lord of the ninth house of decante. Mars when weak gives lack of courage and activeness, which is quite evident. He has a reserved nature and is an introvert personality. Mercury and Venus are also weak leaving no room for his being communicative and creative. Mars rules the eighth house indicating less/limited gains from inheritance. His father is in the Govt. service and has little chance of saving and accumulating wealth. Similar is the indication for the native as both the lord of the ascendant and the lord of the second house are weak and the second house contains a debilitated/afflicted Sun, lord of the twelfth house.
Female born 4th June, 1966,
1235 Hrs. 28.39N 77.13E
here to see chart)
Venus, the lord of the third house, is well placed in the ninth house. Venus is weak as its dispositor Mars is weak due to combustion. Mercury, the lord of the second house is also combust and in extreme old age indicating weak combinations for addition in the family. The native has not been blessed with a younger brother. Aries rises as decante ascendant whose lord Mars is combust and placed in the sixth house in decante. The strong Sun near the most effective point of the tenth house has made up the weakness of Mars to some extent. The native developed courage with delay and used to face difficulty in communicating with others. Venus is well placed and gives artistic inclinations and tastes.
CHART 23: Female born 2nd October, 1973, 1600 Hrs. 76E47 30N43, India.
The sign Aries rises in the third house and its lord, Mars, is strong and placed therein. In decante the lord of the ascendant is exalted and Mars aspects the ascendant. The native is blessed with lot of initiatives and a younger brother. Jupiter is weak due to its being is its sign of debilitation and bad placement. The lord of the seventh house is placed in the eighth house and hence weak. The lord of the eighth house is in the ninth house and is closely afflicted by the aspect of Ketu. Saturn, the lord of the ascendant is strong in the natal chart. Though the native is educated, belongs to a good family and is employed with an airline, her marriage got delayed due to the weak significations pertaining to the marital affairs. For courageous achievements in life strength of the third house, its lord and significator, Mars, is very important. The enterprising nature is provided by Mars in strength and the planets connected with the third house in dignity.