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Identifying Health Problems
The prime determinants of health are the lord of the ascendant and the sixth house containing a mooltrikona sign. If the ascendant does not contain a mooltrikona sign, then the lord of the sixth house is primary determinant and if the sixth house does not contain a mooltrikona sign, then the lord of the ascendant is the primary determinant of health in general. In case both the ascendant and the sixth house do not contain a mooltrikona sign then the planet Sun, the significator for vitality, would be considered as the prime determinant of health.
The Sun is the significator of health and vitality and Mars is the secondary significator of health and vitality. If both the prime determinant(s) and the primary and secondary significators are weak, badly placed and/or afflicted, then the native is vulnerable to serious health problems. In case the planets mentioned herein above are strong well placed and unafflicted, then the native enjoys good health except short term sufferings due to transit weakness and afflictions. The functional malefic planets act as afflictors.
For spotting health problems, proceed as under
1. Identify the concentrated malefic influence on the most effective points of various houses and the weak planets.
2. Identify the sub periods of the afflicting and afflicted planets and the significators of the health problems.
The following are the significators of the health problems:
Afflicted Planets: Those planets which have close influence of the functional malefic planets (afflictors as mentioned above) either by conjunction or aspect are treated as afflicted planets. The close influence of the lord of the sixth house and Rahu causes diseases which may respond to symptomatic treatment. The close influence of the functional malefic planets ruling the eighth and twelfth houses and the planet Ketu gives chronic diseases and if the afflicted planet is weak and badly placed, the native suffers from fatal diseases and may have to undergo surgery, etc.
Planetary Periods: The sub periods of the afflictor planets as mentioned above and the sub periods of the planets placed in the malefic houses. These sub periods give rise to trends which continue throughout the sub periods and the trends can be reversed if the prime determinants are strong and the following sub periods are of strong, well placed and unafflicted planets.
Weak Planets: The weak planets are not in a position to protect their general significations and the significations of the houses containing their mooltrikona sign, and therefore the native suffers on account of mal-functioning of health ruled by the weak planets. Needless to add,the badly placed planets are included in the weak planets.
The problems of ill health start surfacing during the sub periods of the lord of the ascendant, lord of the sixth house, or the planet placed in the sixth house or the planet causing affliction or the planet afflicted.
4th April 1997, 2013 Hrs. (Click here to see chart)
The sign Libra rises in the ascendant and the planets Mercury, Rahu and Ketu are the
functional malefic planets. The planets the
Sun, Ketu, Saturn and Venus are badly placed in the sixth house while Rahu is badly placed
in the twelfth house. Rahu and Ketu do not
form close afflictions in the chart. The
functional malefic planet, Mercury, closely afflicts the most effective point of the
seventh and first houses. Jupiter is weak as
it is in the state of debilitation. The close
affliction of the functional malefic planet Mercury, to the most effective point of the
ascendant and the placement of the weak lord of the ascendant in the sixth house together
with the lords of the fifth and eleventh houses caused numerous health problem to the
As per prasna, the sub period of Saturn in the main period of Rahu was in operation. During the sub period of Saturn, the native suffered from ulcers in stomach area, tumour, bleeding due to abortion, etc., when the native sought astral help. The native was advised both propitiatory astral remedies for the functional malefic planets and wearing of a Kavach for strengthening the weak functional benefic planets in an auspiciously elected time.
15th Nov. 1996, 1220 Hrs. (Click
here to see chart)
The sign Capricorn rises in the ascendant and the planets Jupiter, the Sun, Rahu and Ketu
are the functional malefic planets. The functional malefic planet, Jupiter, closely
afflict the Moon, ruling the seventh house. Rahu-Ketu
axis is near the most effective points of the houses and afflicts all the houses occupied
and aspected. The Sun is weak as it is in the
state of old age and debilitation. Venus is
weak as it is in its sign of debilitation. The
lord of the fourth house, Mars, is badly placed. As
per prasna, the sub period of Saturn in the main period of weak Venus was running.
Ever since the sub period of Jupiter had started, the native was suffering from persistent health problems related to heart and hypertension. When the stationary transit malefic influences of Rahu and Ketu was exerted on their own position and the most effective point of various houses, the health problems of the native turned grave and impelled him to seek astral remedies. The native was advised both propitiatory astral remedies for the functional malefic planets and wearing of a Kavach for strengthening the weak functional benefic planets in an auspiciously elected time.
1st July, 1996, 0740 Hrs (Click
here to see chart)
The sign Cancer rises in the ascendant and the planets Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu
are the functional malefic planets. The
planets, the Sun, Mercury, the Moon and Jupiter are badly placed in the chart. Jupiter as one of the primary determinants of the
health is strong as it is placed in its own mooltrikona sign. The primary determinant, Moon, is badly placed,
afflicted and weak. The functional malefic
planet, Saturn is on the most effective point of the ninth house and afflicts all the
houses aspected and afflicted. Venus is
closely afflicted in this chart due to the close aspect of the functional malefic, Rahu. As per prasna the sub period of Venus was running
in its own main period.
The severe affliction of Rahu to Venus caused rheumatic pains to the native which had spread to all the joints. The bad placement of the Moon and the significator for vitality, the Sun, and the close affliction of Saturn also played very important part in the health problems which impelled the native to seek astral remedies, when the medical treatment could not cure the root cause. The native was advised both propitiatory astral remedies for the functional malefic planets and wearing of a Kavach for strengthening the weak functional benefic planets in an auspiciously elected time. The performance of suggested astrological remedies did show encouraging improvement.
6th Jan. 1994, 1550 Hrs (Click
here to see chart)
The sign Taurus, rises in the ascendant and the planets Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Rahu and
Ketu are the functional malefic planets. The
planets, the Moon, the Sun, Jupiter, Venus, Mars and Mercury are badly placed in the chart
and are hence, weak. Rahu-Ketu axis is near
the most effective points of the houses and afflicts all the houses occupied and aspected. The functional malefic planets, Mars and Venus,
are conjunct with each other in the eighth house and in addition to afflicting each other,
are closely afflicting the Sun and Mercury. The
combustion of Venus, Mars and Mercury wrecks their position through the transit malefic
influences. As per prasna, the sub period of
Saturn in the main period of Rahu was in operation. The
lord of the tenth house is well placed in the tenth house, though slightly weak, due to
its being in the state of infancy. The native
was working as an officer with a bank. He was
having multiple health problems of hypertension, weak liver, persistent stomach disorders,
malfunctioning of kidney, diabetes and respiratory canal and was under great mental
depression at a very young age. The native
was advised both propitiatory astral refnedies for the functional malefic planets and
wearing of a Kavach for strengthening the weak functional benefic planets in an
auspiciously elected time. The performance of
suggested astrological remedies did show encouraging improvement.
14th June, 1995, 0630Hrs (Click
here to see chart)
The sign Gemini rises in the ascendant and the planets Rahu and Ketu are the
functional malefic planets. The planets, the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter are badly
placed in the chart and are hence weak. Saturn
is weak as it is in the state of infancy. Rahu-Ketu
axis is near the most effective points of the houses and afflicts all the houses occupied
and aspected. The Moon is closely afflicted
in this chart due to the close aspect of the functional malefic, Ketu. As per prasna, the sub period of the weak Saturn in
the main period of the functional malefic planet, Ketu, was in operation. Due to the close affliction of the Moon the native
had received a severe injury in his right eye. The
native was advised both propitiatory astral remedies for the functional malefic planets
and wearing of a Kavach for strengthening the weak functional benefic planets in an
auspiciously elected time.
17th Sep. 1996, 2130 Hrs (Click
here to see chart)
The sign Taurus rises in the ascendant and the planets Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Rahu
and Ketu are the functional malefic planets. The
planets, the Moon and Jupiter, are badly placed. The
Moon is weak while Jupiter is placed in its own mooltrikona sign. The Sun and Mercury are weak as they are in the
state of infancy. The functional malefic
planet, Ketu, severely afflicts Saturn, Mars and Venus.
The Venus is the prime determinant of health
in this case. Mars is weak as it is in its
sign of debilitation. As per prasna, the sub
period of Ketu in the main period of Jupiter was in operation. The native was admitted in the intensive care unit
of a hospital and the query was regarding time of recovery. Considering the afflictions of Ketu in the chart
and the stationary position of Ketu at the same degree for over a month, no real hope was
given. The native died on the morning of 19th
September, 1996, when the Moon came under the
exact influence of the sub period lord, Ketu.
14th Nov. 1996, 2016 Hrs (Click
here to see chart)
The sign Gemini rises in the ascendant and the planets Rahu and Ketu are the
functional malefic planets. Mercury is badly
placed in the chart and is, hence, weak. Rahu-Ketu
axis is near the most effective points of the houses and afflicts all the houses occupied
and aspected. The planets the Sun and Venus
are weak as they are in their signs of debilitation.
The Sun is further weak as it is in the state of old age and its dispositor is in
its sign of debilitation. Venus is further
weak as it is in the state of old age. The
weakness of the third, fourth and fifth houses resulted in lack of good performance in
studies, lack of courage and lack of intelligence. During
the sub period of Mercury and the main period of Ketu, when Ketu exerting influence on the
most effective point of the fourth house became stationary in September,1996, for about a
period of two months, the native could not bear the burden and went under depression. The native was advised both propitiatory astral
remedies for the functional malefic planets and wearing of a Kavach for strengthening the
weak functional benefic planets in an auspiciously elected time. The performance of suggested astrological remedies
did show encouraging improvement.
2nd May, 1997, 1657 Hrs (Click
here to see chart)
The sign Virgo rises in the ascendant. The
Sun, Saturn, Mars, Rahu and Ketu are functional malefic planets in this Prasna. The planets Venus, the Sun, the Moon, Mars and
Mercury are badly placed in the chart and are hence weak.
The most malefic planet, Mars, closely afflicts the most effective points of
the twelfth, third, sixth and seventh houses as also the planets, the Moon and Saturn. The functional malefic planet, Saturn, closely
afflicts the most effective points of the houses occupied and aspected.
In this chart, the functional malefic planets occupy the angular (kendra) houses and the most effective points of the ascendant and the sixth houses are afflicted amongst others. In addition to this, the lord of the sixth house also afflicts the most effective point of the ascendant. As stated above, the lord of the ascendant is badly placed and weak.
The severe affliction of the most malefic planet, Mars. to the most effective point of the third house and the affliction of the lord of the sixth house to the most effective point of the fourth house resulted in the serious malfunctioning of the lungs. During the sub period of the Moon in the main period of Rahu, the native was put on anti TB treatment with no significant improvement. The medical diagnosis is that the native is suffering from lung cancer. It is at this stage that astral help was sought. In such cases, significant help can only be given if the preventive astral remedies are sought. However, the native was advised both propitiatory astral remedies for the functional rnalefic planets and wearing of a Kavach for strengthening the weak functional benefic planets in an auspiciously elected time.