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Advance Analytical Technique
The key issues in horoscopic analysis are:
(1) Identifying the functional nature of the planets in a nativity;
(2) The techniques for judging the strength of a planet;
(3) The distinction between the weak and/or afflicted planets;
(4) The impact of weak and/or afflicted planets.
(5) The orb of longitudinal difference for judging the impact of conjunctions and aspects;
(6) The most malefic planet; and
(7) The most effective point (MEP) of various houses in a chart.
For the benefit of the readers, the prominent features of the Systems' Approach are being discussed here. Events and indications in life are ruled by planets, houses, signs and planetary periods. The planets during their operating periods bless the native with the significations ruled by them depending upon their strength and placement in a particular horoscope. Identifying the weakness and affliction of planets is not at all a difficult job and can be learnt by beginners or non-astrologers with the help of the book. "SELF LEARNING COURSE IN ASTROLOGY". The Systems' Approach not only increases the accuracy of analysis but also speeds up the analytical process and helps in identifying the results of analysis in an unambiguous manner, consistently without any confusion.
The functional nature of the planets, as stated above,is the key analytical factor in the horoscopic analysis. Besides Rahu and Ketu, the planets whose mooltrikona signs are in the malefic houses (sixth, eighth and twelfth) with reference to the ascendant, act as functional malefic planets in a nativity. For this purpose the sign Cancer is considered as mooltrikona sign of the Moon. In exceptional cases, when Rahu is well placed in a mooltrikona sign of a planet, without causing any conjunction or close aspect with other houses and planets and the dispositor planet is strong, Rahu gives good results during its sub periods for materialistic prosperity. Rahu-Ketu, when exalted, give materialist benefits, while debilitated Rahu involves the native in exposed scandals and acute physical sufferings.
Under the Systems' Approach, the planets indicated against each ascendant acts as functional malefic planets for the concerned ascendant:
Aries | Mercury, Rahu and Ketu. |
Taurus | Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Rahu and Ketu. |
Gemini | Rahu and Ketu, |
Cancer | Jupiter, Saturn. Rahu and Ketu. |
Leo | The Moon, Rahu and Ketu. |
Virgo | Saturn, Mars, Sun, Rahu and Ketu. |
Libra | Mercury, Rahu and Ketu. |
Scorpio | Mars, Venus, Rahu and Ketu. |
Sagittarius | The Moon, Rahu and Ketu. |
Capricorn | The Sun, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu. |
Aquarius | The Moon, Mercury, Rahu and Ketu |
Pisces | The Sun, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu. |
The functional malefic planets for various ascendants mentioned above may appear to be at variance when seen in the context of the available classical texts and used by the translators of the classical texts, but when you analyse the charts based on the functional malefic planets brought out here in above, you would find that all of your confusions disappear at one stroke.
When two or more planets have same longitudes, the conjunction is known as an exact conjunction. If the longitudinal difference happens to be less than five degrees, the conjunction is known as a close conjunction.
Similarly, when two or more planets mutually aspect each other on the same longitudinal degree or a planet casts its aspect exactly on the most effective point of a house or houses, the aspect is known as exact aspect. If this aspect is within a longitudinal difference of five degrees, then the aspect is known as a close aspect.
The conjunctions or aspects with more than five degrees longitudinal difference are wide conjunctions or aspects. These do not have permanent impact in life except the short lived transit influences on the planets involved in wide conjunctions or aspects separately and severely.
Those planets, which are in their signs of debilitation, are combust, are in the state of old age or infancy and placed in the malefic houses in the rasi chart are considered weak. The Systems' Approach also considers a planet weak if it is placed in the mooltrikona sign of another weak planet and if a planet occupies its sign of debilitation in the navamsa and other varga charts. In all other situations, the planets are considered strong and well placed.
A weak planet is not capable of fully protecting its general and particular significations.
The general significations mean the aspects ruled by the planet. For example, the Sun rules father, status of the native, heart, digestive system, etc., irrespective of the lordship of the Sun in a particular nativity. The particular significations of the planet means the significations of the house where its mooltrikona sign is placed and the house where this planet is placed in the natal chart.
The results of the significations of the weak planet fructify with delay, and suffer whenever the weak planet is afflicted due to close aspect or conjunction with the functional malefic planet. The natal affliction causes damages in the entire sub period of the weak planet and the afflicting planets while the transit influences cause short term damages for the duration of the effective transit influence.
The rising degree in the ascendant is known as the most effective point of all the houses. For example, if 23 degree rises in the Sagittarius ascendant, the most effective point of all the houses will be 23 degree. Any planet conjunct within 5 degrees on either side, that is, within 18 degrees to 28 degrees in that house would be influencing the significations of the house in question, in a pronounced manner depending upon the functional nature of that planet. Suppose, the planet Moon is placed at 24 degrees in the third house in the sign Aquarius ruled by Saturn. The Moon is a functional malefic planet as it rules the eighth house. Since the Moon is conjunct with the most effective point of the third house, not only does it mar the initiatives of the person but during the sub periods of both the Moon and Saturn it will also not allow any ventures or initiatives of the persons to succeed. The aspect of the Moon to the most effective point of the ninth house would also cause obstructions to the significations of the ninth house during the sub periods of both the Sun and the Moon. The Sun is lord of the ninth house while the Moon is aspecting and influencing the ninth house. In such cases if the planet Sun is well placed and strong, the impact of the influence of the Moon would be somewhat milder than if the Sun is badly placed and weak. Suppose Saturn is badly placed in the sixth house and is weak due to its being in the state of infancy, then the impact of the Moon on the third house and during the sub periods of the Moon and Saturn would be quite grave.
If there is a mooltrikona sign in the eighth house from the ascendant, its lord is called the most malefic planet (MMP). In case there is no mooltrikona sign in the eighth house then the role of the MMP is played by the lord of the twelfth house containing the mooltrikona sign. And if there is no mooltrikona sign in the twelfth house, too, then the role of the MMP is played by Ketu. For various ascendants the most malefic planets are as under:
Aries | Ketu |
Taurus | Jupiter |
Gemini | Ketu |
Cancer | Saturn |
Leo | The Moon |
Virgo | Mars |
Libra | Mercury |
Scorpio | Venus |
Sagittarius | The Moon |
Capricorn | The Sun |
Aquarius | Mercury |
Pisces | Venus |
The afflictions to the planets or houses are caused by the close conjunction or aspect of the functional malefic planets in a nativity. The afflictions to strong planets are effective if they are within one degree range. The afflictions to weak planets or houses are fully effective if they are within one degree range, while afflictions are 80%, 60%, 40%, 20% and 0% if the afflicting planet or most effective point of the house is having a 1 deg, 2 deg, 3 deg, 4 deg and 5 deg longitudinal difference, respectively, from the weak planet or the most effective point of the house. It is most severe if the weak and afflicted planets are badly placed. The experience based on the response of the people indicates that these afflictions can be taken care of upto 80%-90% with the help of the astral remedies, that is, kavach and charities. If the lord is strong, the damage is minimum. For non-mooltrikona signs, the impact of the affliction is 100% to 0% depending upon the longitudinal difference between the afflicting planets and the most effective points of the house, as explained above, for the planets. If a planet, being lord of a house, is weak one should see the strength of the significator (karaka) of that house and the supplementary houses.
We hope, now the readers clearly understand that a weak planet and an afflicted planet are not one and the same thing.
The strength of the houses and the signs is gauged through the strength of their lords and the conjunctions or aspects to the most effective point of the houses.
Events fructify in the periods of indicative planets. Therefore, it is very important that we understand the method of analyzing the dasa (main period) and bhukti (sub period) results.
Though various types of conditional planetary periods for specific combinations in a nativity are mentioned in classical texts, Vimshotri dasa system has been mentioned for general applications. Based on the longitude of the Moon in the natal charts, the balance of operational Vimshotri dasa is calculated. Thereafter, the planets have their main periods in a seriatim. The order of the main periods (Dasa) under the Vimshotri dasa system is the dasa of the Sun followed by the Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Ketu and Venus.
During the major period of a planet all other planets share periods proportionate to their period in the Vimshotri dasa. This share of period is known as sub-period (bhukti) and the first sub-period in a planet's own main period is always its own followed by other planets in the seriatim mentioned above.
If the main period lord is a functional malefic, the sub periods of the other functional malefic planets cause lot of suffering while the sub periods of the functional benefic planets bestow good results if they are well placed and strong. In the main periods of the functional malefic planet, the sub periods of the functional benefic planets create only hopes if the functional benefic planets are weak and/or afflicted.
In the main period of the functional benefic planets, the sub periods of the well placed and strong functional benefic planets bestow good results while the sub periods of badly placed and weak planets bestow just average results with mishaps during the unfavorable transit influences. During the main period of the functional benefic planets the sub periods of the functional malefic planets cause mild sufferings. During the main period of the functional benefic planets, the sub period of the functional malefic planets involved in close conjunctions or aspects with other weak planets cause grave concerns and tragic happenings.The results of the general significations of the sub period lord depend upon its functional nature, strength, placement, lordship, conjunction(s) and aspect(s) to the same. The significations of the house of placement are touched when transit planets create benefic or malefic influences on the sub period lord. In the sub period of a planet, the following significations are touched:-
(1) The general significations of the planet. For example, the Sun rules father, social status, position with the government, male child, digestive system, heart, blood pressure, etc.
2)The significations of the house where the mooltrikona sign of the planet is placed. In case if in the mooltrikona sign house some malefic planet is conjunct with the most effective point of the house or some malefic planet is aspecting the most effective point of the said house, during the sub period of the ruling planet the significations of the mooltrikona sign house shall not prosper and face problems indicated by the afflicting planet depending upon the lordship.
3) The significations of the house where the planet is placed.
You will find in your experience that until and unless there is a close malefic influence on the most effective point of a house, the significations of the house containing a non-mooltrikona sign will not bother the person, at all. That is to say that the person will not seek astral consultation or remedies for the significations of the houses containing a non-mooltrikona sign.
The situation in which a planet 'A' is placed in a sign or nakshatra ruled by the planet 'B' and the planet 'B' is placed in a sign or nakshatra ruled by the planet 'A', is considered as exchange of houses or nakshatra (asterisms). For example, if the Sun is placed in the sign Scorpio and the planet Mars is placed in the sign, Leo, then the classical works considers this as exchange of houses by the Sun and Mars.
Both the positions - natal and transit - of the planet under consideration are to be studied. The planets would be able to bless the native with their significations, both general and particular, if they are strong both in the natal chart and the transit.
The result of a particular house will be influenced by a transiting planet when it is near to its most effective point depending upon its functional nature, whether benefic or malefic. The impact of transit functional malefics is on both functional malefics and benefics. The things governed by the planets would be their general and particular significations. Similarly, when the impact is on the MEP of a house, the significations of the house occupied and house aspected would be influenced by a transit planet.
Transit of functional benefics over the natal position of functional malefics or close aspect of natal functional malefics on transit functional benefics also spoils the significations of the functional benefics.
During the sub period of a planet the significations of the house ruled by the sub period lord, the general significations of the planet and the significations of the house where the planet is placed would be touched.
The transit means when the planetary position on any given date, subsequent to the date of birth, is studied with reference to the ascendant and the position of the planets in the natal chart.
For example, let us take a chart with the sign Sagittarius rising in the ascendant. Suppose, in this chart the lord of the eleventh house, Venus, is placed in the twelfth house ruling losses. During the sub period of the Venus, loss of elder brother, income and trouble to friends is indicated. Now in the transit the functional malefics Rahu/Ketu may form close conjunction or aspect with any of the three positions to cause the event of the death of the elder brother:
i) most effective point of the eleventh house.
ii) the natal position of Venus.
iii) the transit position of the sub period lord, Venus.
The sub period lord sets the trend according to the lordship and the placement of the planet besides the other influences on the planet for the entire sub-period, while the transit planets cause influence whenever they come into contact with the natal position or the transit position of the sub period lord. The transit influence ceases to exit as soon as the transit conjunction/aspect attains a longitudinal difference of five degrees.
Infancy or old age
The results of the planets in the state of infancy or old age vary in degree of strength according to their longitudes. When the planets are in the state of infancy their power is 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, and 100% when their longitude is 1 degree, 2degrees, 3degrees, 4degrees and 5degrees, respectively. When the planets are in the old age their power is 80%, 60%, 40%, 20% and zero when their longitude is 26 degrees, 27degrees, 28degrees, 29degrees and 30degrees, respectively. As a new born or a very old person is incapable of doing anything on their own, similar is the condition of the planets when they are in the state of infancy and old age, respectively.
Exalted Planets
The placement of the planets in their signs of exaltation adds to their strength. The peak points of exaltation or debilitation has very little relevance.
Combust planets
When the Sun is a functional benefic planet, its conjunction with other well placed functional benefic planets is good and gives exponential growth for the significations of planets which are in close conjunction with the Sun. The combust planets suffer under the transit malefic influences.
When the Sun is a functional malefic and is closely conjunct with other planets, all the planets involved suffer, as they become afflicted by the conjunction of a functional malefic planet permanently because of the natal affliction. The combust planets in such cases suffer in transit afflictions.
The principle of badhaka house is redundant. For various ascendants from Aries to Pisces, the planets Saturn, Saturn, Jupiter, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Mars, Venus and Mercury are treated as Badhaka planets. Under no circumstance do these planets act malefically for the various ascendants. If the so called badhaka planet is not closely associated with other functional malefic planet or the most malefic planet, its influence on any planet or the most effective point of a house, would never be bad.
Similarly, the Kendradhipati Dosha is also a redundant concept. It is said that when a natural benefic planet owns a kendra house its functional nature for the nativity becomes malefic. The readers can find out for themselves that if the mooltrikona sign of a natural benefic planet falls in a kendra house, its influence on other functional benefic planets or the most effective point of a house would always be beneficial. However, when this planet forms mutual close conjunction or aspect with other functional malefic planets, its own general and particular significations would suffer.
These two concepts, that is the Badhaka Planets and Kendradhipati Dosha, have been stretched by those who never did empirical studies and failed to interpret charts with one single approach.
The particular conjunctions, mutual aspects and placements in a natal chart are known as yoga. It may be a Rajyoga, Dhanayoga, Duryoga, Mahapurush yoga, Mahabhagya yoga or even Kalsarpa yoga. The impact of Rajyogas and Dhanayogas accrues only if the planet(s) is/are placed in a good house, unafflicted and are strong. Whenever, the planets ruling the benefic houses conjoin or mutually aspect closely, they form good yoga (say Rajyogas) connected with the indications of both the houses involved provided they are strong and unafflicted. The involvement of a planet ruling the house of income and/or wealth produces a Dhanayoga. In other words, mere location of a planet or a set of planets in a particular sign or house without creating a close relationship through a close conjunction or aspect does not result in yoga.
Similarly, until and unless the most malefic planet, the functional malefic planet, Rahu and Ketu form a close conjunction with other planet(s) they do not produce any Duryoga or even Kalsarpa yoga. The misnomer Kalsarpa yoga is being propagated by those persons who have failed to correctly identify the functional nature of planets in various nativities and have not been able to pin point the reasons for miseries.
Any chart containing the so called Kalsarpa yoga will not give bad results until and unless Rahu-Ketu or other functional malefic planets cause severe conjunctions or aspects with weak and/or badly placed planets in that particular nativity. Under the Systems' Approach the analysis is always done with reference to the placement of planets, their strength and weaknesses and their mutual relationships with reference to the ascendant.
The divisional charts are used for judging the true strength of a planet while studying its impact in a particular field. Any planet occupying its sign of debilitation in a particular divisional chart will fail to protect its significations in its sub periods. We consider the lord of the ascendant of the concerned divisional chart. For example, if there is no mooltrikona sign in the ascendant of the dasamsa, we consider the position of the prime and secondary determinants of the professional affairs of the natal chart in dasamsa. If the ascending sign of dasamsa is a mooltrikona sign of a particular planet, the same planet is also considered as an additional prime determinant of the profession. For judging the strength of the primary and secondary significators of the natal chart in dasamsa, we have to see if these planets have gone to their signs of debilitation in dasamsa.
Whenever the lord of any house containing a mooltrikona sign goes to the sixth, eighth and twelfth houses ruling diseases, accidents and losses respectively, the native has to suffer on account of bad health for the aspects of the health governed by the planet and the house concerned. When planets are indicating tragic happenings, then people usually do not perform astral remedies to protect themselves against the expected losses and the weakness of Jupiter and the lord of the ninth house is always a contributing factor in this regard.
The strengthening astrological remedial measures are suggested for all the functional benefic planets even if they are not weak and afflicted in the natal chart. The strengthening measures provide a preventive cover to the planets against their transit weakness. Similarly, propitiating remedial measures are advised for all the functional malefic planets even if they are not forming close afflictions in the natal chart. The propitiatory remedial measures provide a preventive cover for transit and natal afflictions.
Rahu's influence on the most effective point of the ascendant, third house, fifth house or the tenth house and the planets the Sun, the Moon and Venus gives gambling or speculative tendencies, and if Mercury ruling analytical power is badly placed, and is under the severe affliction of the most malefic planet, the native suffers on account of umnanageable anxiety leading to depression, nervous breakdown, hypertension, insomnia, coronary diseases. Indications of time can only be modified with the help of the astral remedies.
The planetary relationships give results, according to the indications, in case no preventive remedies are performed.
The close influence of the lord of the eighth house during its own sub period results in obstructions, setbacks and denial of the significations of the houses and planets that are under its affliction.
The third house and the planet Mercury rule mental and physical growth. The fifth house governs intelligence and the fourth house rules grasping power and ability of acquiring education. Weakness and/or affliction of the planets connected with the third, fourth and fifth houses and the Moon and Mercury results in mental retardation.
For starting analysis of a chart, first of all underline the functional malefic planets and identify the conjunctions or aspects with 5 degrees orb. Put a circle around the planets and houses that are afflicted due to the close influence of the functional malefic planets. Now you can start the analysis.
The problem is always concerning the weak, badly placed and afflicted planets or the sub periods of the functional malefics for trend results related to the sub periods. The short term problem is indicated by the malefic transit over the weak natal planets. The close influence of the most malefic planet on the weak and badly placed planets results in denial of the significations of the afflicted planets. The good results should be indicated for the significations of the well placed strong planets having close conjunctions or aspects.
A functional benefic's position in any of the dusthana houses makes it weak, but if it is in the eighth house near the most effective point of the house, then despite weakness it is good as it aspects the most effective point of the second.
The best thing is in the shortest possible time indicate the strong and weak areas in chart and prescribe appropriate remedies.